View Full Version : Indistinct nonsense in head

09-09-2014, 05:17 PM
Does anybody else get this? They're not actually cohesive thoughts or words but usually elusive snatches of nonsense/chatter, sometimes in a familiar tone of voice (sometimes from a show or film I like) that worsen greatly when I worry about them. I can go all day happily occupied until I notice one snatch of it and spiral into worry. I can't tell if it's simply an overanxious mind, racing thoughts or the onset of something more sinister.

09-09-2014, 10:26 PM
I don't remember having that. But ya know, there are thoughts going through your head constantly, all the time, you just have to tune in to hear them. You encounter this a lot if you meditate. Anxiety is usually a result a too much stress, and it only causes more, so when you're focused on being anxious your brain might not get enough time to think about stuff. So when you actually tune in you hear all this garbled nonsense that your mind is spewing out because now that it finally has your attention, it wants to say everything at once maybe?

I'm clearly no expert, but I'm sure it's just another effect of normal anxiety. You're fine :]