View Full Version : anxiety all the time

06-21-2008, 01:58 PM
does anyone just wake up with horrible anxiety and it just stays with you all day almost to the point of feeling crazy or paralyzed??

06-22-2008, 08:29 AM
Hi THere,
I'm new to this forum and it took me a few days to even sign up because I was anxious about even joining. I thought it would make me dwell on it more.... Honestly I don't even know how much I will be able to post because of that reason. When I read your post I decided to join because for the first time I see someone who is going through the same thing that I do. I was doing well for over a year without any sign of an upcoming attack. Then the last few weeks I started having them again. I wake up with the overwhelming anxiety. I can't lay still in my bed. I get up start moving and try to breathe deeply. All day I feel like things just are not right and I feel so tense and question everything going on around me. It is so miserable and hard to explain! I keep telling myself over and over that it will pass. I have gotten through these before. But then there is always the fear of the fear. That the anxiety will return and take over my life once again...... As far as advice- the only thing that I have found that helps is the phrase "Do it afraid". I used this as my signature for my posts. You have to keep forcing yourself to resume your normal activities until it feels natural again. I don't know if this helps any or not, but hopefully it will comfort you that you are not alone! I will be praying for you... for all of us!

06-25-2008, 05:09 AM
Your not alone m8, I know exactly how you feel.

Mine does come and go.... I know how hard it can be when its bad :(

06-26-2008, 08:20 AM
I'm in the same sort of boat and have been for a stinking 14 years. It's as though I'm always wired in an adrenalin rush sort of way. I've tried herbal remedies, acupuncture, meditation, anti-Ds, dietary changes, all manner of things and whilst I've become a lot wiser in the process the core problem remains. I chew my face off on a daily basis as some sort of stress relief.

I'm fairly sure at this stage that there's something physically wrong but I've not found doctors very useful. Thyroid related perhaps. . . something to do with adrenal glands. Quite frankly having to research this stuff is stressful. :roll:

06-26-2008, 05:02 PM
ya i get that and i try to fall asleep or else i will just stay in bed for a few hours and eventually get up