View Full Version : I'm so anxious

06-20-2008, 01:50 PM
I feel horrible today. I have been having financial troubles which has led to great anxiety. I even got a second job to help me get a grip on this.

I have been trying to better manage my finances to help and I have been going to see a therapist and working out seems to help.

Today I looked at my checking account and saw that I was overdraft AGAIN! and then my cable got shut off today.

I really have no idea how the hell this happened because I have been keeping track down to the last penny. this happens every month. I really have no idea how I can be off by so much, like $60.

It just makes me worry. I don't get paid until next Friday, I'm $60 in the hole, my daughter needs medication for an infection and I have no one to borrow money from. I just want to cry.

06-21-2008, 12:27 AM
I'm sorry you are having such a difficult time. I hope your daughere is well very soon!

Have you ever thought of doing your banking online? That way you can instantly see your account balance and what purchases you'e made immediately. I love it and it really helps me to keep track of what I'm spending. It should be free.

Good luck to you!

06-21-2008, 02:02 AM
I'm sorry you are having such a difficult time. I hope your daughere is well very soon!

Have you ever thought of doing your banking online? That way you can instantly see your account balance and what purchases you'e made immediately. I love it and it really helps me to keep track of what I'm spending. It should be free.

Good luck to you!

Thank you! i do bank online but for some reason we get hit with fees for things I didn't even know we had! Anyhow, posting this actually made me feel better. I also had a Red Bull which amps it all up and I was cooped up in the house all day with my sick daughter. She is better and I worked out when my husband got home. I feel a ton better!

06-23-2008, 02:23 PM
think like that, money doesn't matter, money is all bad...
All you need to do is get rid of your debt? I wish my anxiety was so simple
to get rid of...

06-23-2008, 04:22 PM
I know how u must be feeling pal.. i have kids too .. at one point in time my son was sick too ... i was aat my wits end... i managed to keep my woes and find some important things to do by setting up my online business.. i would like to share it with you if uare keen.. it takes to effort to make it work .. by committing urself in the online business, it will take away all the anxiety that you may have