View Full Version : Anyone ever successfully treated anxiety with medical marijuana?

09-08-2014, 09:56 PM
Hi, all. For a while, I was taking 50 mg of Zoloft to treat both anxiety and depression for about three - four months. While I was taking it I got very suicidal and it was making my depression worse, so I stopped (my doctor weened me off) and we decided that I was going to start with another med (can't remember the name at the moment, another SSRI). However, right after I got the script, I lost my healthcare and also had another financial emergency and wasn't going to be able to afford the prescription.
A friend of mine suggested that I get a medical marijuana card, and after researching I found out it was going to be a lot cheaper than keeping up with the other med. I was skeptical because I've heard that marijuana can exacerbate anxiety, but the doctor who prescribed me the card told me that other patients of his have used it for anxiety, and that I should use the edibles on an as-needed basis (only if I was starting to feel panic symptoms, which I've heard some people do with other meds).
So I used it that way for about 3 months. I don't know how many grams were in the cookies that I'd buy, but I tasted a little bit each day for the first few days, and figured out what amount would work best pretty quickly. I felt like it was starting to work, to a certain extent, and it certainly helped a lot more than the Zoloft did. I was able to get back on the bus for the first time in over a year, and I took the train for the first time by myself, ever (and I can still do these things even now). On the downside, I'd start to feel like I was craving the effects when I wasn't using it. (But does this happen to others who use their medication on an as-needed basis? I don't know, since I never felt any withdrawal symptoms with the Zoloft. I was taking it at the same time everyday.)
I had to ween myself a couple of weeks ago because I need a new job and will most likely have to be drug tested. But I'm wondering if I should ever try it again, or if it's actually bad for me and I have no idea what I'm talking about. (And if it's even worth it to go the pharmaceutical route again...the Zoloft was pretty bad, and I don't want to go through an experience like it again.)
But anyway, does anybody else have any success stories, or failure stories, using medical marijuana for anxiety treatment, or with self medicating in general?

09-09-2014, 06:21 AM
Weed always gave me anxiety that I can recall, of course that was also 30 years ago too.
I have not heard that it is helpful for anxiety but since you live in California then things are obviously different around there.
Marijuana is still illegal around here but of course that may change at some point too...it has proven to be safer than many other substances and quite useful in treating certain conditions too.

Enduronman :)

09-09-2014, 08:23 AM
It is quiet relaxing when you smoke but it does not last long two to 4 hours only. Later one is even worse. I do not think it is the answer for us:)

09-14-2014, 11:16 AM
Well of course there are those who swear by it, but if you want my two cents, I don't think it's a good idea when you're going to be driving, I don't care what people say (especially the ones who say, "I'm more focused on the road when I'm high"), you should not drive while under the influence, so that's gonna narrow your timeframe of when you can use it! :(

09-15-2014, 01:05 PM
Marijuana was sort of the catalyst for my panic disorder. The first big panic attack happened while smoking, and every day after it was off to the races...

09-15-2014, 02:01 PM
certain strains of pot will most definitely make or even give you anxiety/panic attacks. The pot these days has been hybridized to a point of very high THC and you must do your research well if you want to go down the medical marijuana road. Unless you're out looking to get stoned then by all means go ahead and get whatever but i would not recommend it. You need a strain that is very low in THC and high in Cannabinoids (CBN). I am no expert but if it was legal here i would be looking for a certain strain that calms the nerves and " settles " the mind. Ask a reputable medical dispenserie for what you're looking for or do the research.