View Full Version : Lymes disease and Anxiety?

09-08-2014, 03:08 PM
Was told by a nurse while she was taking my BP today, that since I had Lymes Disease a year ago, it is very possible that I didn't take my antibiotics long enough ( I took them for 2-3 weeks ). She said that some people take them up to months length of time. Apparently Lymes has symptoms like Anxiety (big surprise, since everything else does too) and can make it worse.

First off, I know, being an anxiety sufferer myself, that discrediting a lot of stuff like that is necessary. I'm pretty leery that I still just have anxiety. I'm just curious to see if anyone else has heard this? I finally get insurance and can see my doctor at the end of the month, so I'll bring it up then.

Thanks! - Matt

09-08-2014, 04:12 PM
I have no knowledge of Lyme disease or the connection between that and anxiety but I do hope that you can get this problem addressed when you get insurance soon.
Did the nurse suggest that you may still have this and what did the doctor have to say about it if anything?
Best wishes Matt!

Enduronman :)

09-08-2014, 05:13 PM
I have no knowledge of Lyme disease or the connection between that and anxiety but I do hope that you can get this problem addressed when you get insurance soon.
Did the nurse suggest that you may still have this and what did the doctor have to say about it if anything?
Best wishes Matt!

Enduronman :)

Hey there,

No she did not specifically say I had it. More or so inferred the possibility of it. I did some research online and found some interesting sites. Not going crazy about it though. Wish I could be more absolute like that with my other symptoms. Thanks! Fingers crossed...

09-08-2014, 07:13 PM
Only answer is get tested for Lyme disease once again. No sense in worrying about it any more than you already have. Stupid of the nurse to suggest that unless you told her about your anxiety symptoms.