View Full Version : My Anxiety

09-08-2014, 02:55 AM
Good day all,

I'm new to this forum, and I would like to describe my anxiety as well as the symptoms that go with it. I'm trying to find out if there is someone out there experiencing the same and would like to connect and just speak to those who have similar experiences. I am now 25 years old, and I've had anxiety attacks since primary school (Grade 7). I've had numerous attacks which interfered with school and my personal life. I dealt with it at the time went for blood tests and exhausted the medical aid every year as I thought there is something wrong with me health wise. And that is my constant fear, afraid that there is something major wrong with me. I Went to talk to someone about this and after that I was pretty much fine, I lived my life only got an attack now and then but not as often. And now its back again, I noticed that I have this weird vision like I'm in a bubble and cant get out I've had this before as well as I went for eye tests however they couldn't find anything wrong. i getanxiety because I think there is something wrong with my brain or something, I know It sound stupid but that's exactly how it is. I don't feel dizzy or anything, however my eyes feel so weak and like this pressure feeling in my head every day. I recently went for blood tests and they found that my thyroid is under active and the rest of the results were absolutely fine. So this is my main irritating symptom, feeling drowsy as if in a dream with my eyes feeling sensitive, this weird vision like I'm not there at that moment not really sure how to describe it its difficult. So please, if someone out there has this feeling too please share? I think it would make me feel so much better and I can learn to relax a bit. I've also been to the doctor about two , three weeks ago for sinus he gave me antibiotics to clear it up. I had a negative reaction to some of the sinus tablets, I got mad heart palpitations had pins and needles in my hands so I went to the hospital. The doctor told me it was one of the sinus tablets cause it's got ephedrine in it. So, after that whole experience the anxiety is back as I'm afraid it'll happen again, it's just kind of stuck in my mind cant seem to get it out. it was the worst feeling ever.

Thank you all your replies will mean the world to me! ill also help where I can i'd love to help others as well.

09-08-2014, 08:52 AM
Welcome Lisa.

You exhausted your health aid because you believe that it was something more then what it really is?
Can you get some more assistance to help deal with what it really is, and also what did the doctor do about your low thyroid function?
Do they think that it may be an iodide deficiency and yes, it can make you feel tired all the time too because that's where the hormone signaling generally begins.
I think we can help to guide you through this but you have to have access to a doctor or clinic to get the recovery process started friend...

Enduronman :)

09-09-2014, 12:56 AM
Thanks Enduronman.

The doctor has given me some hormone tablets to stabilize the shortage of hormone levels after 6 weeks (which is almost due now) , I need to go for another blood test.
And yes I do feel extremely tired all the time, thank you so much for the reply I already feel better.

09-09-2014, 01:09 AM
And hopefully I can speak to someone out there experiencing the same symptoms, itll help a lot to talk about it! thanks :D

09-09-2014, 05:38 AM
Thanks Enduronman.

The doctor has given me some hormone tablets to stabilize the shortage of hormone levels after 6 weeks (which is almost due now) , I need to go for another blood test.
And yes I do feel extremely tired all the time, thank you so much for the reply I already feel better.

Take the hormone tablets as prescribed, and also follow through with refilling and such too.
If you need another blood test then please do that to see how the thyroid is reacting.
It's all about continuing care, taking the medications as given, and also you should ask the doctor for a referral to see a therapist too if they can get you in.
You're doing everything that you can at this point, and we're proud of you for your efforts too.
It may be hard to find someone else here with low thyroid function (except me) as I suffered with that as well back in 2010 but take hormones to stabilize it.
I too was tired, fatigued, lethargic, all the time but also take all the medications that are designed to treat this issue and they work also.
Low hormone levels play into all these other symptoms too friend...get them in line and you yourself will begin to get back in line as well.
Wishing you better health and a better day Lisa!

Enduronman :)

09-09-2014, 06:46 AM
I will definitely do so ! thank you so much for all the advice it really helps a lot! Yeah I mean hopefully there is someone that has the similar vision changes or whatever you call it lol! its been there for a long time and the sinus makes it worse.
thanks Enduronman

09-09-2014, 07:22 AM
I will definitely do so ! thank you so much for all the advice it really helps a lot! Yeah I mean hopefully there is someone that has the similar vision changes or whatever you call it lol! its been there for a long time and the sinus makes it worse.
thanks Enduronman

You have asked, and thus the truth is given:

You've always been intuitive, pre grade 7 as you remember, sometimes seeing things, hearing things you couldn't explain. As a child it was seen as issues so you quickly learned to dismiss what you felt, rather than rushed off to the doctors. You repressed the psychic phenomena, or experiences for fear of being 'different'. Plus you were told they were nonsense. You started to give self suggestions that you were crazy, and felt if you were you would be unlovable, and so for a time you kept silent. The ringing of the ears started as a young child, and so did the derealization or as you term it 'bubble experience'. The bubble is a sensitivity in psychic terms.

Now the ringing more recently, and especially at bed time -- just prior to sleep, as you lie quietly, you have a psychological split, where the conscious feels safe enough to explore outside the body, people call that dreaming. Half in the bed, half out. But in those moments drifting off, the connection is made, and often people hear voices, static, words, talking, and in your case distorted ringing because of the suppression as a child. You were told voices in your head were crazy, although everyone could hear them, if they choose. There is no intrusion, against the will, then.

So the ringing is the distortion, like a castle wall, to protect you as you have created it. Now the sinuses can cause ringing and thus the issue is justified by a doctor, and in that case you think you are ill, and this includes your bubble vision. So indeed you thought you were crazy, and now you could be proven right.

The message is, you must learn to accept who you are, and allow that process to unfold. Trusting in your inner abilities and not fearing them. You could start by expecting the voices instead of ringing, and by opening to visions otherwise shut out.

That is all.

09-09-2014, 07:36 AM
Thank you im suffering! i really appreciate your help and advice as every little bit helps a lot