View Full Version : Official Emetophobia Thread

Two One
09-07-2014, 01:31 PM
I'm not sure if there's already a thread addressing this issue, if there is then go ahead and merge it. If there's not, then I hope at least a few people join in on this thread. I've been an emetophobic since the age of 3 or 4. It's a tough phobia to live with, and a rather shameful one I must admit. Due to my anxiety flare up, my emetophobia has come back with a vengeance. It's severely debilitating. I have little to no appetite, and suffer from a persistent upset stomach. About the only thing that helps is Klonopin, but I try to avoid taking it due to the dependence risk and I don't have any refills for my prescription. So most of the time I end up suffering.

If there are any other people like me on here, what are some of your coping mechanisms?