View Full Version : New here. Anxiety and depression are getting the best of me. Advice?

09-06-2014, 03:20 PM
Within the past year or so I've fallen into depression and very bad anxiety, I don't want to do anything. I don't want to go out. I have an extreme fear of going out to bars and being social. It's beginning to really affect my relationship as I am forming really bad separation anxiety from my boyfriend. The idea of him being out with his friends and drinking without me drives me crazy and I end up making dumb decisions like calling him in the middle of the night and demanding he come home because I can't sleep. I just have a huge fear that something will happen to him. I am currently taking Welbutrin XL 150. For the first few days I felt great, now I Just feel extremely depressed again. Does anyone have any advice for me? Anyone going through the same thing?

09-06-2014, 08:26 PM
Within the past year or so I've fallen into depression and very bad anxiety, I don't want to do anything. I don't want to go out. I have an extreme fear of going out to bars and being social. It's beginning to really affect my relationship as I am forming really bad separation anxiety from my boyfriend. The idea of him being out with his friends and drinking without me drives me crazy and I end up making dumb decisions like calling him in the middle of the night and demanding he come home because I can't sleep. I just have a huge fear that something will happen to him. I am currently taking Welbutrin XL 150. For the first few days I felt great, now I Just feel extremely depressed again. Does anyone have any advice for me? Anyone going through the same thing?

Hi kaitmarie,

I know this feeling all too well. I've been through stages of terrible social phobia where I can't handle seeing anyone except my boyfriend. They go out while you sit at home freaking out. It's a vicious circle because then you worry that they'll leave because you're so clingy.

It's a tough situation.. I think the best advice I can give is to try and find others you can talk to. Even just what you've done here is good. It takes the pressure off the relationship a bit.

I don't have any experience with Welbutrin. Perhaps you should go and talk to your doctor about how you're feeling. It often takes a lot of trial and error to find a medication that works.

Hang in there.. You're definitely not alone :)

09-06-2014, 10:23 PM
I've had issues with being around large groups of people for many years on and off. The last few months it has started to become an issue again. The last few times I've gone with my boyfriend to visit friends of his it has caused anxiety during the period of time we are there and afterwards.
About a month ago after visiting some people I had two panic attacks in the span of about 20 minutes on the ride home. Thankfully I wasn't driving. The most recent situation was last night when we went to someone's house for dinner. I spent a good portion of the evening feeling "trapped." Driving home I had a panic attack but was able to get myself under control and then that was followed by crying.
Meds have helped me a little but I'm still trying to figure out why I'm having social issues. My boyfriend feels terrible every time that I have problems because he feels like its his fault. I don't really have any advice but if you ever want to talk let me know.

09-07-2014, 06:29 AM
Within the past year or so I've fallen into depression and very bad anxiety, I don't want to do anything. I don't want to go out. I have an extreme fear of going out to bars and being social. It's beginning to really affect my relationship as I am forming really bad separation anxiety from my boyfriend. The idea of him being out with his friends and drinking without me drives me crazy and I end up making dumb decisions like calling him in the middle of the night and demanding he come home because I can't sleep. I just have a huge fear that something will happen to him. I am currently taking Welbutrin XL 150. For the first few days I felt great, now I Just feel extremely depressed again. Does anyone have any advice for me? Anyone going through the same thing?

Welcome Kait.
Very sorry to see all this.
Its good to see that you are making an effort to get some of this under your own control.
As with any AD, they take time to work in your systems..
If I may ask a couple of questions of you, what has created all this self-doubt, and do you have 100% trust in your boyfriend?
Just curious..

E-Man.. :)

09-07-2014, 10:28 AM
You have to give the Wellbutrin time to work, like 6-8 weeks to reach full effect. But you should feel somewhat better after 4 weeks or earlier. If you do find after the 8 weeks that your depression has gone away but you still have anxiety, you may need to try one of the SSRI's like Zoloft or Lexapro which treat anxiety pretty well.