View Full Version : I need help! My attacks keep getting worse and worse

09-06-2014, 01:10 PM
I've been dealing with anxiety and panic attacks since Feb '14. Usually my panic attacks wont be that bad and I wouldnt feel the need to go to the hospital but now my attacks get so bad that my heart rate would be at 190 bpm for like 45 min. It's to the point to where my Dr's say I have super-ventricular tachycardia, but none of the medicines to get rid of SVT work on me, like Adenosine. The main thing that stops my attacks is still a shot of Ativan. My attacks happen every 3 weeks and I cant handle this anymore. Having your heart shoot up to 170+ is such a horrible experience and theres nothing I can do to avoid it. Why do my attacks keep getting worse and worse? Please be honest with me.. The doctors tell me they have no idea. Not to mention I deal with chronic chest pain, weakness. I used to think I'm suffering, but now im just straight up being tortured.

09-06-2014, 01:19 PM
Do you have a high sodium diet?
What is your BP when checked?
What about GERD or acid reflux, has this ever been checked or mentioned?
Have you ever checked to see how much sodium you intake daily?
I did this once back in 2005. I was intaking over 8000 mgs a day and it was causing increased BP and increased heart rate as well..along with heightened anxiety of course..
Has your doctor ever mentioned the use of a beta blocker like Propanolol to you???
Sorry for all the questions..I know you're looking for an answer instead.


09-06-2014, 02:24 PM
Goodness, what an experience such a heart rate would be. I can't offer much in regards to advice on a high bpm level. I can however offer some portentously calming news.

Our hearts are designed to withstand tremendous beating. It's constant for a long, long time. In regards to anxiety and increased heart rates it was stated that the heart can withstand beats up to 200 bpm for several Weeks before suffering any permanent damage. That's constant beats day and night for weeks. Worry not that your heart is suffering damage due to increase through anxiety and panic attacks.

Of course, make sure you are of good health and eat accordingly. Take care and feel well :)

09-06-2014, 02:35 PM
nobot87 - 190 bpm, that's quite a run mate. What are things like Lorazepam, Diazepam, Clonazepam, Alprazolamum doing with You? The ones I named belong to the group of benzodiazepines. They may affect Your heart rate in a dramatic way while going through PA, because they are slowing down all the nervous system activity by a lot. When I went on full blown panic attack, my full were 110-120 bpm tops, when I hit one of the benzos, I went down to 65-70 in few minutes.

More importantly. Did You go via all cardio-vascular tests that are available? How is Your rest heart rate? [when You're not going through panic attack]. How are Your oxigen levels? And how's Your vessel/vein age? I'm asking here for the results from ECG, CT, Arteriograph, blood tests and oximeter test.

Take care and be safe! And remember, rather take benzos, rather than leaving Your heart jump for 45 mins @ 190 bpm.


P.S.: Ativan is lorazepam. Oral form is [I prefer it much more instead of intravenous] a bit weaker, and it takes a few minutes to kick in. Intravenous lorazepam is like a tactical nuke on every seizure/heart attack/high heart rate/or similiar events. Though, it's not much of a long-term solution. If taken too often, body can become resistant and it'll work less and less. Please do try vast blood tests [screening], for vitamines, minerals [sedimentation] and aminoacids. And try to stay as calm as possible throughout days. Also those which I asked for, or did You go through them already? Any chance You suffer from arythmia, or something similiar?

One more thing. Try to eat up a lot of sweetwater fish, also try to take some "most natural" supplements for Omega 3. Also try inseed oil, and there's one more oil, that helps a lot with all cardiovascular stuff, even when it's connected with central/vegetative neural system.

09-06-2014, 04:11 PM
i cant reply for some reason

09-06-2014, 04:17 PM
o nvm i got it.. yeah every time this happens to me the ER always says I'm low on Potassium, Magnesium, and Phosphorus.. I dont know if it is low because my heart was pounding for so long or if it was low before it started happening.. my BP is always normal.. my resting heart rate is mostly normal, buut I do have high anxiety almost all the time where my heart rate is around 80-110. Every time I do have bad panic attacks is when I am driving or out in public, so I pretty much just stay in now. When the attacks hit hard, I cannot do anything and I'm on the verge of passing out, I dont know if games will work... video games used to kill my attacks right away when my attacks werent so bad. What are some reasons that my panic attacks are getting worse?? Is it possible that all these attacks messed up the electrical system in my heart causing it to go haywire?

09-06-2014, 08:51 PM
o nvm i got it.. yeah every time this happens to me the ER always says I'm low on Potassium, Magnesium, and Phosphorus.. I dont know if it is low because my heart was pounding for so long or if it was low before it started happening.. my BP is always normal.. my resting heart rate is mostly normal, buut I do have high anxiety almost all the time where my heart rate is around 80-110. Every time I do have bad panic attacks is when I am driving or out in public, so I pretty much just stay in now. When the attacks hit hard, I cannot do anything and I'm on the verge of passing out, I dont know if games will work... video games used to kill my attacks right away when my attacks werent so bad. What are some reasons that my panic attacks are getting worse?? Is it possible that all these attacks messed up the electrical system in my heart causing it to go haywire?

I'd say the panic is more to do with your nervous system being messed up. When we get too stressed we can end up in a state of "high alert" ALL THE TIME. The body thinks it's in constant danger. The nervous system gets out of whack and you end up getting more and more anxious. It affects your thoughts because the brain can't think rationally in this state, which makes you even more anxious!

Benzos will temporarily correct it but the best way to help the nervous system long-term is learning to breathe properly. It sounds like some New Age hippie thing but it's not. Deep breathing triggers the Vagus nerve, which basically gets the nervous system back into balance.

Other things like physical exercise and diet help too. But breathing is the key. It's not a quick fix - do some research into the nervous system you'll get a better understanding of what I'm on about :)

Take it easy and hang in there.

P.S. I had a look and this is a good explanation: http://www.heartmdinstitute.com/health-topics/stress-relief2/58-just-breathe

09-07-2014, 03:02 AM
nobot87 - the more You get to know panic attacks, the more severe they can get, and also You can use it to Your advantage, and deal with it better next time it arrives.

For me first step was figuring out what was causing them in the first place. It took some time [about a year and a half, and a bit more after]. My causes are as follows: hunger, mood spike [both good and bad], being somewhere else, going to do something stressful, like a task from job, and a few more.

When You figure these out, at first You try to avoid these situations, but then, then comes the good part. You try to modify the siutations in Your head, so they can become less stressing for You.

Bad case would be if You had these panic attacks without no reason, in that case You're gonna need the stuff You're low on and put Your body together, so You can put Your mind together.