View Full Version : Highly suggesting Magnesium for Anxiety sufferers..

09-05-2014, 04:56 PM
I've had anxiety since I was in middle school, I'm 26 now. You might have seen other posts I have written on here, and I just want to say that my anxiety has gotten the worst it ever has the last few months. I'm talking severe doubt, chest pains, health obsessions, tingling body parts, muscle tension, you name it. So naturally I gravitated towards this forum, looking for somewhere to turn. I read somewhere one here, I believe it was Zerosnake's thread (sorry if I got that wrong!) but he wrote something about a combo of supplements which involved amino acids and magnesium. Intrigued, I did some research on Magnesium and I was startled to see that anxiety sufferers who stress frequently burn off a shit on of Magnesium. The loss of magnesium, in turn, unbalances a lot of your required nervous system functions / bodily functions. This, greatly affects your ability to cope with anxiety. Needless to say, I jumped at it. Bought a bottle of Magnesium from Shoprite 3 days ago. At first, I felt really good but that was probably the placebo effect, but honestly...I feel good even now. I had two random panic attacks since then, but honestly, I was so coherent and able to calm myself down it was very positive feeling. I know it takes awhile to reverse the damage stressing 24/7 does, so panic attacks and the symptoms of anxiety take awhile to go away (for the most part at least, since I strongly believe its in your DNA/Genetic). Try it. Let me know how you feel / OR if you have been taking it, and any advice you have! Many thanks :)

- Matt

09-05-2014, 05:09 PM
Heyo! Thanks for the mention. I don't think I wrote about magnesium but I've been highly interested in it myself. It's been said to work wonders for anxiety and I'm wondering if it'll benefit me. My anxiety is at low levels as is, it's no longer a problem. I'm still working towards full elimination which I don't think I've ever had in my life. Regardless I'm feeling better than ever as others can as well. Magnesium should be a great help.

09-05-2014, 05:18 PM
Just kidding it was Hanino, but I did like your guide Xerosnake. Regardless, it's all helpful!

09-05-2014, 07:17 PM
Magnesium does not help that much

09-05-2014, 07:28 PM
Magnesium does not help that much

For you, maybe. I still suggest sufferers try it. Be positive.

09-05-2014, 08:01 PM

If it doesn't work for you, don't post anything. The last thing more people need on here is negative attitudes or any aspect of doubt. If you ever had anxiety, you SHOULD KNOW how crippling any of that can be.

Also...yes if you take too much of something, its usually a bad thing. You are an idiot if you need to be told that. Magnesium bottles all have general recommended dosages, and you can also look online (which I did as well).

Lastly, If you aren't getting enough magnesium out of your diet, which according to National Institute of Health, 70% of people don't get enough magnesium. (Feel free to look that up) Your stress and anxiety issues can ABSOLUTELY be affected. Regardless of your original magnesium level. If (most) people who use this forum are in a good percentage of probably lacking magnesium (due to their diet, or even hey! anxiety causing lack of appetite, surpise surpise) Then you should probably let them make their own decisions / research into the subject.

Stop posting unhelpful garbage please.

For a helpful insight into this topic go here; (www)psychologytoday.com/blog/evolutionary-psychiatry/201106/magnesium-and-the-brain-the-original-chill-pill

or here; (www)calmclinic.com/anxiety/drugs/magnesium

09-05-2014, 08:14 PM
Magnesium does not help that much

Neither do posts like this. Not the first time from you Dahila.

09-05-2014, 08:16 PM
I do not believe in placebo , and I am not going to pretend that I am :)) get a grip young man

09-05-2014, 08:27 PM
All information there is done by pharma or pharma paid research. It is money makers. The only thing that helps stressed out people is Vitamin B complex or valerian root, lemon balm and into some extend comomile tea, No one of the above will not cure anxiety, come back in a year and tell me that you cured anxiety with magnesium.........We have at least 25 threads about magnesium

09-05-2014, 08:37 PM
All information there is done by pharma or pharma paid research. It is money makers. The only thing that helps stressed out people is Vitamin B complex or valerian root, lemon balm and into some extend comomile tea, No one of the above will not cure anxiety, come back in a year and tell me that you cured anxiety with magnesium.........We have at least 25 threads about magnesium

So you come into a thread and tell people their solution doesn't work. And then you make yourself out to be more educated on a fact based on what? Are YOU anxiety free based on the ideas you presented? YOU get a grip. You've stated your anxiety has lasted how many years? You're not approaching anxiety properly and shouldn't be telling anyone their information isn't useful. Lately all I've seen you tell people is "No you don't have this. I do because of this" or "That doesn't work, it's money makers research based but this vitamin helps it's been proven. How ironic.

I care for everyone to be here and learn. I apologize for a negative reply like this but you need to open your eyes and look at yourself in the mirror. Your "I've been through it for years so I'm right" attitude is not helpful to anyone.

09-05-2014, 10:39 PM
Exactly. Hate to see these negative conversations, but you (Dahila) are not helping anyone. Just stop. If you notice, people are here to help one another.

Also...25 threads about Magnesium? If didn't work, why would there 25 friggen threads on it, if there wasn't a debate at all? It would just be, no, it doesn't work.

Yeah, do not comment on my posts anymore. Thanks.

09-06-2014, 01:56 AM
LOL oh man sorry for the haters MJBoyle. Some people should do their research before making judgements that are clearly wrong. Your right about the magnesium. There are TONS of published studies on magnesium for anxiety. Yes for some it might not be the magic bullet they are looking for but its a great supplement to take. Better than B vitamins. Some people get too stimulated by B's. Magnesium is relaxing. It is a natural muscle relaxant, helps with sleep, mood, anxiety, lowers blood pressure ect. Natural supplements are the way to go! There is no "big pharma" in Magnesium supplements. It is not a drug, you cannot patent it. You can get it from your food if you eat enough which no one does.

I love magnesium and it works great for me. What kind are you taking? Brand and type? I talk "Natural Calm" which is a Magnesium Citrate Powder.

09-06-2014, 06:34 AM
Magnesium is indeed important, and it plays a massive role by neurogene hyperventilation tetany, but...

...together with Magnesium, You also need a massive doses of B-complex [thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine, niacin, folic acid, cyanocobalamin, and biotin], here I'm only beginning. Another crucial substance is calclium, manganese, zinc, iron, phosphorus and many more. Not talking about amino-acids, essential fatty acids [mostly Omega 3 and 7] and routine. I could name critical stuff You need here for another good 10 minutes, but I won't.

Magnesium "by itself" will not do miracles. It can help, if You have the others I named, which are required in order for magnesium to work properly.



P.S.: I was taking heavy doses to magnesium overdose of magnesium for two years, it had no effect on me whatsoever, xept. I had some diarrhea from overdosing after year and a half. I tried many sources, from natural, to supplements, none had any "deeper" feelable effect. Just FYi - and it wasn't my idea. It was idea of psychologist, who prescribed me magnesium with calcium and B complex. I took all of three together.

09-06-2014, 07:37 AM
It is probably a good idea to do a blood test for mg level before beginning supplementation. I am sure there are some people who are mg deficient and for whom supplementation is useful. But it seems to me a blood test makes sense rather than just guessing that one might be mg deficient and supplementing based on that guess. Also if you get a baseline mg level before commencing supplementation, you will be able to monitor the effect of your supplementation (by repeating the serum mg level test later).

[I am not a medical professional and nothing I write on this Board constitutes medical advice]

jittery me
09-06-2014, 07:44 AM
Thanks for the info. I will for sure be giving it a try.

09-06-2014, 09:15 AM
Exactly. Hate to see these negative conversations, but you (Dahila) are not helping anyone. Just stop. If you notice, people are here to help one another.

Also...25 threads about Magnesium? If didn't work, why would there 25 friggen threads on it, if there wasn't a debate at all? It would just be, no, it doesn't work.

Yeah, do not comment on my posts anymore. Thanks.
Hi MJBoyle88, how long are you here? To make statement like that? It sounds funny.
Xerosnake you know that I am older woman, I do not hide it, you are what 24 years old, Mister I know it all. Many years from now if you have memory as I have you remember it maybe, I am still kicking and having normal life and I actually do not suffer anymore, When many others are gone. I must have some right approach to anxiety if I am not suffering ....Have I? you need another thousand of books and another decade of experiences to teach me anything. How are you helping anyone? I do not see many you had helped?
When I have many, many friends made here and I keep in touch with them.
I had never said that you do not need magnesium, you do everyone does but it is enough to have a piece of dark chocolate (90% coca) and banana to cover it. Cover you needs with healthy food, first.
The problem with supplements is ; you never know what it is inside:))
spend more money guys on it , spend it:))

09-06-2014, 09:17 AM
I don't know if it was placebo effect or an actual effect, but my severe muscle twitches (which I had for over three months in every single skeletal muscle in my body, most prominently my legs) decreased once I started taking magnesium at eating more bananas (potassium). Magnesium is necessary for the nerve-muscle impulses to be transmitted properly (deficiencies might therefore create twitching of the muscles as well as cramping and poor balance due to "irritated" nerves). Low levels of magnesium can also contribute to an increased level of anxiety, such as severe vitamin D deficiency can sometimes be confused with depression. It is not always easy to detect low levels of magnesium in the body by taking blood tests only, as about half of it is located in the skeleton and just under half in the cells in muscles and muscle tissues, i.e. not so much in the blood.

You should always consult a doctor before taking any medications or increase your intake of vitamins and minerals, but it is not dangerous to take a little extra magnesium. Your kidneys regulate the level of magnesium, and a magnesium "overdose" is VERY rare.

(sorry for the somewhat poor translation of medical terms)

09-06-2014, 09:22 AM
Lilac if I could actually be sure that magnesium pills contain what they say it does maybe I would be more positive toward it. I take D3 everyone should. I hope it is good supplement, I take also VB complex which helps to deal with stress. I have problem when people state that it is a miracle drug, cause it is not. Of course it will do not harm, however your stomach lining does not like the pills, so is better to change the diet to deliver it in form our body absorbs it all.

09-06-2014, 09:52 AM
I agree with that, and I never said it is a miracle drug, Furthermore, like stated by darkavenger above; it has to be taken together with a whole lot of other vitamins and minerals (which I do of course). And it's no use unless your body really needs it. It might not deal with anxiety as such, but I have been struggling with twitching and cramping in my legs and elsewhere in my upper extremities, and my neurologist and primary physician both suggested taking a little extra magnesium, potassium, calcium, etc., just to see if it could have an effect. I am sure my anxiety helped maintaining these symptoms, but they are practically gone now, and I have never taken magnesium supplements before. I was just saying that I felt physically (and because of that, also mentally) better when I started taking them, not claiming magnesium cures everything. And of course I try to maintain a healthy diet and make sure my body gets the necessary vitamins and minerals naturally, but I have been struggling with an eating disorder for some years, and getting used to eat all types of food is a process (I have achieved a lot, though!)

09-06-2014, 10:10 AM
Lilac for years I am eating one banana a day and a piece of dark chocolate. I do not like it anymore, but as soon as I stop, i get the awful cramps in my legs at night. It is not easy to maintain good diet, I believe, I use my own veggies, and I love veggies so it is kind of easy for me. I love tomato and eat it like candies. I found kale the best with the richness of vitamins and minerals:)
Twitching and cramping is awful.
I had read your posts and you do realize that curing anxiety is not possible, managing it IS. I am on meds and daily practice meditation and I am happy, like a bird in the morning:))
I noticed you are from Norway. Beautiful country:))

09-06-2014, 10:56 AM
Hi MJBoyle88, how long are you here? To make statement like that? It sounds funny.
Xerosnake you know that I am older woman, I do not hide it, you are what 24 years old, Mister I know it all. Many years from now if you have memory as I have you remember it maybe, I am still kicking and having normal life and I actually do not suffer anymore, When many others are gone. I must have some right approach to anxiety if I am not suffering ....Have I? you need another thousand of books and another decade of experiences to teach me anything. How are you helping anyone? I do not see many you had helped?
When I have many, many friends made here and I keep in touch with them.
I had never said that you do not need magnesium, you do everyone does but it is enough to have a piece of dark chocolate (90% coca) and banana to cover it. Cover you needs with healthy food, first.
The problem with supplements is ; you never know what it is inside:))
spend more money guys on it , spend it:))

I don't take supplements my dear. I have a full diet ranging from a variety of veggies and fruits to lean meats. I eat low fat daily and get a plethora of vitamins and necessary nutrients on a daily. I take no other vitamin supplementation and embellish in meditation and calming teas as well as forwarding ideas. You say I have helped no one? Once again who are you to say? You say you live with anxiety, you just told lilac you can't beat anxiety only manage it. You contain your anxiety using medication. Get off the pills and then manage your anxiety the way I and many others are. Naturally.

Your information is false and shows why you're stuck with anxiety. You can't accept positive ideas because you're not in control. The fear is. Don't dare tell others they can't overcome their challenges. Weak minded people can't win. Not everyone is weak minded.

Once again your "I'm older and smarter than you" attitude comes to light. Age is but a number and wisdom is not dictated in that same aspect. You have much you could learn of me lady, one of those things being to let go of that ego you cower behind. Humble yourself. If I can do it at my age it's certainly I impressive you can't do it with your "years of knowledge".

09-06-2014, 12:03 PM
Xero; excellent you right about diet and meditation it is what kept me going for long, long time. I am on meds for about a year.. the rest of my life I was managing like you. When you get older it is more difficult. I found myself in situation when my bp was very high, never went down, I was on beta blockers. It went down as soon as I went on gabapentin and smallest dose of clonazepam. It is complicated when you get older. Combination of smallest dose and diet and meditation let me live the way I had not live for the last 25 years (moving to Canada)
I am not sure I agree with low fat. Yes use lean meats but do not use processed products which contain ; corn, or corn syrop. Do not touch margarine and keep eating veggies and fruit and you will be fine.
You are very intelligent young man, and I like to read your post, I really do.
In twenty years we will hear about you:))) in positive way of course:)
Yes you right i could learn from you too, and from everyone else, we all are different and have different kind of wisdom:)

09-06-2014, 12:09 PM
First off,


Can't stand those people! Gotta ignore em. I take a 250mg dose of Magnesium from natural essentials I love it so far. You are absolutely correct about the B Vitamins. Some people (such as myself) cannot take them. I'm also one of those people who cannot drink a cup of coffee either.


I'm so glad you posted what you did. Same here. I no longer have those weird muscle spasms, and a few other odd symptoms, and I find myself relatively relaxed more than I have been. You have to ignore Dahlia, she seems to have issues understanding polite social norms / forum requests.


I appreciate the input, but please don't say that Magnesium NEEDS a cocktail of B Vitamins to make you feel better. I can tell you now that B Vitamins are not for everyone. And people such as myself looking at my threads will be turned off if they see things like that. I can tell you firsthand that from just taking a magnesium dosage on the side, I can note differences that are not placebo related. I am not denying that Magnesium and B Vitamins can or should work together to get the best results, but I would suggest you would advise using them both instead of saying that you cannot have one without the other. That is all.

09-06-2014, 12:22 PM
MJBoyle88 - the cocktail I wrote, it's a long story. Vitamines, minerals, aminoacids, trace elements, they are all molecules. All molecules do have valence electron, or more, and it is either prone to give, or take electrons. This is kind of a long shot, so I'll make it short. In order to absorb some vitamines, You do need a one, or a group of support substances. Human body is a huge biochemical factory, where everything has it's order.

E.g. if someone took only Magnesium without Calcium, it's like eating candy, it does literally nothing. There's delicate ratio, or proportion for each substance. E.g. it's 2 parts of Magnesium, for one part of Calcium. Therefore if You take a lot of Magnesium, You're gonna eliminate most of it out of Your body.

Another example. Fatty acids. Omega 3 is extremely vital, and in general people are low on it, and it does a lot with myelin sheath of nerves, and it can save people from incredibly many nerve-based diseases. But, people do consume a lot of Omega 6, which is washing out Omega 3, so even when You take some Omega 3 supplements, or eat some Omega 3 based oils, fish, or eggs, You will still lack Omega 3 and will be on Omega 3 deficiency.

Therefore I must strongly disagree with taking "only" magnesium by itself. Also, magnesium is piling up in Your body unused, when You don't burn it out, or process with calcium. [calcium needs another stuff, like vitamine C, zinc, iron, it's a whole chain of chemical reactions, based upon high school chemistry, no magic here].

All I wanted to say is You cannot take one without another, that's all.

09-06-2014, 01:04 PM
Magnesium is sometimes used to be a natural "muscle relaxer".
As far as I have learned, and been informed of, magnesium should also be taken with the presence of calcium and also zinc, in order to correctly be broken down and utilized by the body.
I was once a bodybuilder and did much research and studies about the use of vitamins, supplements, nutrients, diet, calories, carbs, proteins, fats, and what ever else it took to grow bigger.
It does really essentially take one vitamin or mineral, to cause another additional vitamin or mineral, to react, absorb, or to be utilized by the body.
The chemical reaction that takes place internally, that DarkAvenger mentions with vitamins/minerals/nutrients and EFA's is actually quite correct.
Just my thoughts and perspectives...
Good day to you all!!

Enduronman :)

Irish Sammie
09-06-2014, 03:08 PM
As mentioned, potassium is a relaxant. It's a surgeons job to make sure they always have adequate potassium intake as they can't go into a surgery room, about to exercise heart surgery with shaky hands! You could call it a muscle sedative, but a mild one. One of the reasons many of you will feel that it's helping, is because your body overall is less strained and more relaxed internally. As to what it does for the chemical balancing of your brain is another thing.

As a side note, I've been taking Holy Basil supplements for about 3 months now. It's helped me quite a bit. It has slowed down my "racing thoughts" and made me think clearer. :)

09-06-2014, 03:58 PM
Mj boyle just set the page to ignore. Do you need the help with it? I am willing to help you with it. This place is not for fighting but for help to others, u are not the center of universe, even you want to be. the thread you posted were posted so many times we have thread about it and there is so much of information
just check it out
click me (http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?4408-Amino-Acids-and-Magnesium-cured-my-Anxiety)

09-06-2014, 11:22 PM
Dahila - please ignore the child. You know some children, just can't be told. Your presence in here helps to sort out the BS from the reality so many of us need to see. Please keep up the good work. ;)

09-06-2014, 11:58 PM
Dahila - please ignore the child. You know some children, just can't be told. Your presence in here helps to sort out the BS from the reality so many of us need to see. Please keep up the good work. ;)

Sorry, I'm assuming you were referring to me? If so please read what has transpired within this whole thread before you decide to come in and label people as children. I'm hoping you are not that dense. Dahlia was the initial problem in this thread and felt the need to continually input unnecessary information which in turn could easily have a negative effect on any seeking actual help here.


09-07-2014, 05:50 AM
You can put yourself on that list if you wish. I see so clearly what you mean now Dahila. Definitely time wasters.

09-07-2014, 06:58 AM
Uh...what? Dude, get the hell off of my threads. If all your going to do is kiss up to everything Dahlia does, then your not helping anyone either. It's my thread, and I made it to help people. Time wasters? YOU came to this thread and just started more issues, you didn't post anything helpful. Are you mental?

09-07-2014, 07:04 AM
Be friends, people :) We are all individuals, and some of us will disagree. Let's just say we agree to disagree, then ;) I don't disagree with the fact that magnesium is not a miracle cure to anxiety, but I think a little magnesium supplement helped me with my physical symptoms ;) And because of that, I also felt better mentally. However, i try to maintain a healthy and balanced diet, which is crucial to me as a former bulimic.

And Dhalia, yes, I come from Norway. A nice (but expensive) country indeed :) Have you ever been to Norway, and if so, where?

09-07-2014, 07:05 AM
Thank you for the insightful post! Glad to hear your doing better a little at least! I'm in the same boat.

09-07-2014, 08:29 AM
No Lilac I had not but I have some awesome friends from there, on different forums, we keep in touch for years. It is expensive country but you have a very good health system. People are important there. One day maybe I go there. Now I follow my childhood friend who goes there often to take pics for NG. The birds and local animals. :)
Lady you are a peacemaker, thank you.:) Very smart indeed :)
Dave let's not waste time on it. Thank u my friend

09-07-2014, 10:42 AM
Why the bullying Dahila and Ponder?

09-07-2014, 10:58 AM
People don't feel important in Norway, but I guess that compared to people elsewhere we're just spoiled. However, if it is not an emergency you don't get checked out by the public health care system; you have to go private. And the public psychological health care system is actually quite bad, or so I've heard. Thousands of people in Oslo only are waiting to receive therapy, and I am not talking about people like myself, who manage life quite well despite my anxiety and self-destructive behavior. I am talking about people with severe mental issues, who are a danger to themselves or others. They have to wait several months for a public therapist, or they have to pay good money for a private one, which I do (and with being a student, it is not easy). I don't want to badmouth my own country, because I do feel lucky. And when you do receive help, it's one of the greatest. But with our high taxes and oil money, the Norwegian health care system could be far better. Instead of renovating hospitals and psychiatric departments, they close several of them. Why? Because we "can't afford the renovation" :P Yes, one of our politicians said that once. Quite funny, actually. But anyway, I am grateful, I truly am. If you lose your job or have any other (good) reasons for not being able to work, you receive basic life support from the government so that you have a place to live and don't starve to death.

I see in your signature that you are from Poland originally? I've been to Krakow twice myself - a beautiful city! :)

09-07-2014, 11:44 AM
Oh so the health system is the same as here, still is better than in many places in the world. Krakow is the city of dreams, I love it, it is the oldest and the most beautiful city in Poland, the place the greatest kings resided and rest in the catacombs of Wawel;))
Being in Krakow it is knowing what Poland and Polish people are about:)
I had watched the documentary few years ago and Norway still was close to the top in health care. It seems that everywhere is the same. The worst is mental care, and therapy. I could not afford therapy so I need to rely on meditation which is great tool:).

09-07-2014, 12:00 PM
No more arguing people. We are past it, there is no bad blood. Let's get back to what were here for. Connecting and confronting our problems together.

09-07-2014, 01:02 PM
I learned a few months ago that you can "block" posts from people you don't want to see. I have Dahila and Ponder blocked so I don't have to read their posts. I don't like to read anyone criticize anyone else for anything on a forum that is supposed to be helpful.

09-07-2014, 02:02 PM
I learned a few months ago that you can "block" posts from people you don't want to see. I have Dahila and Ponder blocked so I don't have to read their posts. I don't like to read anyone criticize anyone else for anything on a forum that is supposed to be helpful.

Do you? I'll have to look that up. Thanks Anne. Can't stand those kind of immature people.

09-07-2014, 02:35 PM
I read in Men's Journal that people who ate at least two handfuls of cashews a day showed lower levels of anxiety and depression. If the magnesium thing is true, I guess that would make sense since cashews have a lot of magnesium. I tried doing it myself, but I hid the cashews in my room since my mom loves nuts, and I often forgot about them and wasn't really consistent. Maybe I should just try a magnesium supplement or something.

09-07-2014, 05:54 PM
I have a serving of pistachios, walnuts or almonds daily. Tasty and good for you :)