View Full Version : Sick Fiance' .... absolutely loosing my mind...

09-04-2014, 08:22 PM
Someone please help me..

Im getting married next Saturday.

A few weeks ago we found out my groom-to-be has Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia. He's on tablets to treat it for the rest of his life. They are designed not to have an effect on his overall health however there are a few known side affects. So far he's been alright. He's had a really severe chest infection (which is hw they found his cancer) which he's just starting to clear off now. One of the side affects is fluid on the lungs. He's been coughing like hes sick again since yesterday afternoon. He's a stubbon person I told him to go to the doctor or the hospital in case he does have the fluid but he wont... hes insisting on waiting for his hospital appointment next week.

He doesn't understand what kind of stress HELL im going through right now as a result of this. As a result of just sitting around watching him suffer. How much I worry hes going to die. I am up and down like a yo-yo. One day im happy the next im depressed and just not coping. I don't want to tell him what Im going through because I don't want him to worry hes got enough shit to deal with.

One minute im fine, the next im so overwhelmed, upset and depressed I want to die....

This is murder and Im sick of living like it... im sick of fear, sick of worry, sick of threats, sick of stress.... sick of sickness!!!!!!


09-04-2014, 08:26 PM
Hi Sil,

I can only imagine what you are going through right now. I must be really difficult...
If you're interested, there are some support groups for this kind of thing. Although it can be hard for loved ones to talk about because you don't want to show your worry. Also, has he come to terms yet with his diagnosis? Some people have real problems going to hospitals or doctors, because they see it as a kind of weakness. My fiancé is just like that and it can be quite frustrating. Definitely when you worry about them.

09-04-2014, 08:38 PM
Hello there,

You must relay these feelings and fears to your significant other. Communication is key in shared lives and absolutely necessary through all stages. Thick, thin and just I between. Traditional anxiety help can be applied to yourself in order to cope better. This however is focused on another person. You must be able to help yourself in regards of calming down. Only then can you apply it in regards to the other individual.

And once again... Communication! Convey how this all effects you. Take care.

09-04-2014, 09:17 PM
What you're dealing with (sick fiance) is enough to stress anyone out. But add that on to an anxious person, and I can see how it is very hard. You've got to get some help with this. Find a counselor/therapist to talk to. If they encourage you to talk to your fiance
about your feelings, then they will show you how to do this and guide you. You need someone to talk to about all of this. A friend can help but a professional counselor would be much better.