View Full Version : Is it possible to be so INSANELY tired all the time from constant anxiety?

09-04-2014, 07:14 PM
I literally feel tired...all the time. Like I could sleep for days. I have never in my life even taken a nap, and all of this anxiety stuff is somewhat new to me. I'm 28...and have to get a *gasp* colonoscopy on Monday to rule out anything being wrong. Well of course, the way my anxiety works, is i've been googling everything. WORST IDEA EVER!!!! But I'm a googler, what can I say. So anyways....my heart has been skipping beats for weeks. Constantly. And I'm so tired I can barely function. Anyone else with this problem?

09-04-2014, 07:27 PM
Welcome to the forum.

Starting off, stop googling symptoms. As an anxious person this will shoot your anxiety through the roof. I urge you to fight that desire, you'll be a lot better off that way. You'll severely worsen otherwise and you don't want that. You have a check up coming on. Was this prompted due to a illness or just concern? Either way, quit worrying about what could be wrong. You will accept if anything is found which there is NOT a guarantee of.

In regards of massive fatigue? Absolutely anxiety based. To feel fatigued is a way for the mind to resolve to giving up, or defeat if you like. Fight this idea and be in control, you won't have that fatigued mind anymore. You can even reverse that process and use the mind to feel more energized than ever.

It's all in the mind brother. It can drag you down or build you as tall as a skyscraper. Take care.

09-04-2014, 07:42 PM
Welcome to the forum.

Starting off, stop googling symptoms. As an anxious person this will shoot your anxiety through the roof. I urge you to fight that desire, you'll be a lot better off that way. You'll severely worsen otherwise and you don't want that. You have a check up coming on. Was this prompted due to a illness or just concern? Either way, quit worrying about what could be wrong. You will accept if anything is found which there is NOT a guarantee of.

In regards of massive fatigue? Absolutely anxiety based. To feel fatigued is a way for the mind to resolve to giving up, or defeat if you like. Fight this idea and be in control, you won't have that fatigued mind anymore. You can even reverse that process and use the mind to feel more energized than ever.

It's all in the mind brother. It can drag you down or build you as tall as a skyscraper. Take care.

Hey! Thanks for the reply! I try so hard to stay away from looking up symptoms....BUT it's so tough! haha I think if i could just get my heart to calm down i would be in a much better place. Palpitations are the worst party of it. Half the time I think that's what starts the panic attacks to begin with. I am having symptoms....which is why i'm having the testing done. I have babies to take care of so the idea of something "possibly" being wrong is putting me over the edge. I'm not a wait and see type of person. When I want to know the results to the problem...I want to know NOW! :-) I'm 28 and feel like an old woman because of this! Anxiety is literally the worst thing i've ever had to deal with. I live in the middle of nowhere and have no one to relate to with my anxiety. No friends....no one. So hopefully joining this group will help a bit!

09-04-2014, 07:56 PM
Haha, well brother wouldn't be appropriate my apologies. Sister works well!

Understand these heart palpatations are all part of the symptoms anxiety produce. It's wonderful that you're focusing so much on taking care of your child and sure. The idea of things being wrong are frightening for that purpose. To overcome this anxiety you need to reverse the idea of "can this be wrong?" And instead "what can I do to further better life for myself and my child?". You see the negative to positive polarity and with the positive comes feelings of elation and happiness. Fear leads to paranoia, anxiety and those nasty symptoms.

You are in excellent spirits and you'll do great no doubt. Educate yourself on anxiety, I have a whole thread on it that makes a great read and will educate you on what you're dealing with and how to overcome it. Positive and forwarding ideas beat anxiety. Getting stuck and moving away from reality leads to heightened problems.

We're always here for you and don't be afraid to share your feelings with an open mind to the solutions stated :)

09-04-2014, 08:29 PM
I literally feel tired...all the time. Like I could sleep for days. I have never in my life even taken a nap, and all of this anxiety stuff is somewhat new to me. I'm 28...and have to get a *gasp* colonoscopy on Monday to rule out anything being wrong. Well of course, the way my anxiety works, is i've been googling everything. WORST IDEA EVER!!!! But I'm a googler, what can I say. So anyways....my heart has been skipping beats for weeks. Constantly. And I'm so tired I can barely function. Anyone else with this problem?

Hi PanicGirl,

Don't worry. Having anxiety can make you extremely tired and heart palpitations are also very common in anxiety. I had heart palpitations until I got diagnosed and put on meds. I still struggle with fatigue from time to time. Especially when I have periods of increased anxiety and not sleeping properly (like today for example).

09-04-2014, 09:13 PM
Do you get enough restful sleep? Do you take any type of medications? Those things can make you very tired. In any event, even though you have babies to take care, you have to get some exercise. Expending the energy for that will, paradoxically, create more energy for you.

09-04-2014, 09:48 PM
Panic Girl- Fatigue is definately due to anxiety. When your mind is constantly worrying, you are using up energy and this is making you tired. I have found that the best way to beat fatigue is to stay active, like Anne said, as odd as that may sound. When you are engaging your mind with something, there will be nowhere for the anxiety to manifest itself. This will eliminate the fatigue. Not to be too personal, but I would change your username. Anything that reminds you of your anxiety will only lead to more anxiety. Sometimes it's the smallest things that can cause big problems. I would also stop looking up anxiety symptoms. Again, reminding yourself of your anxiety is the wrong approach in overcoming it. You need to focus on healthy things so that you don't give your anxiety a chance to manifest itself. I wish you well.

09-06-2014, 01:58 AM
Look into Adrenal Fatigue. Not something serious that needs to be worried about. More of a alternative medicine kind of approach that seems to help ALOT of people including myself.

09-08-2014, 11:22 AM
Hi! Couple of things I wanted to say. One is you can try some magnesium daily and see if it helps with your palps. I use magnesium citrate by now brand in powder form. I put some in my smoothies in the morning. It is pretty affordable. If you use it in water it tastes a bit like sour lemon, not bad you can add honey or tea or juice or whatever. Start small and go from there.

Also have you had your labs checked? More than just a CBC have a complete iron and ferritin to make sure you are not low on iron. Get your thyroid checked to while they are at it.

09-09-2014, 01:03 AM
Hi Panic girl,

I know exactly how you feel, I constantly feel tired! everyone around me is so full of energy and hear I am ready to go to bed again, its really frustrating! I Don't google anymore it makes things a lot worse (anxiety symptoms) than it already is. Try and get yourself a multivitamin and don't skip any meals during the day. Just my advice, keep well and stay positive.

09-09-2014, 05:46 AM
Also have you had your labs checked? More than just a CBC have a complete iron and ferritin to make sure you are not low on iron. Get your thyroid checked to while they are at it.

I agree. Get a blood test done to find out what may or may not be going on here with you...
Have a good day friend!

Enduronman :)