View Full Version : Health anxiety ruining life!

09-04-2014, 02:38 PM
I was wondering if there's anybody out there who has actually recovered from health anxiety? I have had it since my teenage years (I'm now 30) I have never had it so bad as now, this year has been written off pretty much, which is a shame as I am well aware of how precious time is, which is why I am so upset with myself for having this, and I just can't seem to break free from it, as soon as a new symptom arises, I immediately think the worse!
After losing my beloved dog in March, my anxiety went through the roof, I guess it played a big part.

I have had bad abdominal pains, scared myself into thinking it was some stomach cancer... have had tingling patches in various places on my body, memory problems, terrified it's MS... now have a red small slash mark appear randomly on my face as well as hair falling out and convinced it's Lupus or something... although I never actually google symptoms as I make myself physically sick with worry, I will type in the symptoms along with the word 'anxiety' to reassure myself it's just anxiety and that is when I ill come across a serious illness by mistake.

This is ruining my life, it's got to the point where I don't want to do anything, go anywhere as I am afraid something will happen. It's putting a massive strain on my relationship as my boyfriend doesn't understand anxiety at all.

So, I was just wondering if anybody else has it to this extent, in the way that it is actually ruining their lives! And if anybody has managed to recover, please share your stories, would love to hear that there are cases where people recovered. I just can't imagine ever not worrying over illnesses, it's like part of my make up. I also worry over people close to me too!

I'm about to have CBT, I pray that will work for me, I have heard mixed outcomes!

Cheers guys!

09-04-2014, 03:14 PM
Yes you're right, thinking negatively will surely not help... I was worried, because I've had it for so many years if it's just the way I am now. I have admitted I have this problem and seeked help in the past, have had counselling, but nothing so far has helped, so I am relying on CBT, providing I also work hard to change my mindset, helps me.

Would be great to not think about dying or suffering from horrific diseases all the time, or panicking over the slightest symptom! I don't even know how not to do that!

09-04-2014, 04:42 PM

I'm glad you posted what you did. I had to put down my dog back in may, and it sucked obviously, I moved on or so I thought, and had a lot of stress while leaving my last job, and right now as I'm moving into my next position. For awhile, I thought it was all the stress dealing with my work, which then became health fixated. All I think about now is my health. Think, more like worry. Anyway, it is very possible that you and I may not be taking our pets loss into more of an account. Regardless, understand that your worrying is the problem here. It will get better, and once you get better with dealing with the symptoms (which is NEVER easy) it will come much more naturally and the panic attacks /symptoms will lessen greatly. Its a shame you don't have too many sources of help, I understand. My girlfriend is very supportive, but doesn't exactly know firsthand what it is like. My father and his father had anxiety, so at least he knows something. Try looking into magnesium supplements and passion flower. Or chamomile tea. They are all supposed to level out your brain. I even read that magnesium deficiency is a big issue with people who stress a lot. I literally started taking it today, but fingers crossed.

By the way, I had a panic attack right before writing this. half of hand got numb, pins and needles, tight chest. I panicked for sure, but I'm alright with it. I feel ok. Lol. As good as I can after a panic attack. So who knows.