06-18-2008, 09:09 PM
Hello, I dont know if anyone has heard of this kind of anxiety (im sure you have). But I need help, this phobia and anxiety are ruining my life. Years ago there developed a fear of nausea or stomach pain. I remember times when I was sick in public and lost my car, I totally panicked. I've heard stories that people would tell me of emergencies surgeries with gall bladder or appendix or whatever, and it freaked me out. I for some reason panic anytime I dont feel right, especially if I feel even the slightest nausea. I hate it, it makes me feel totally out of control. I need to trust God, but its hard. I've tried paxial, effexor, ativan, etc.

can anyone relate to any of this?

06-19-2008, 10:13 AM
How come there are a bunch of people who view this, but never reply?

06-19-2008, 08:05 PM
Yea i got the same problem in the way that i have 70 views on my thread and nobodies replied. but on the subject of your stomach pain i can't relate. although there was one time when i was thinking very hard about something along the lines of emergency surgery and a cold sweat came over me, and numbness and i felt like i was going to faint and die. It was terrifying. Im sorry that you feel the way that you feel and I hope you get some help on it and recover. im also sorry that no-one on this forum is willing to provide answers or help, its a damn shame that its a forum for people who are in desperate need of help and no-one is willing to answer.

06-19-2008, 10:11 PM
Yes I know what you mean. I have posted a few questions lots of people view it but no one wants to answer. We are just so scared all want to hear is that we are okay amd that everything is alright. I always think that there is something wrong with me. Everytime I get a headache or pain in my head I think I have a brain tumour or I am going to drop dead, so I know where you are coming from. It's okay I'm sure weve all felt the same in some way or another. You can always go to the chat room to see if somebody wants to talk.

06-21-2008, 12:22 AM
I've had the same thing and I try to post on ones where I really think I might be able to help. I also think people don't reply (I can really only speak for myself) but most of the time I go on this website is when I am really going crazy and the last thing I think about it responding to some one else's problems. I can't help myself, how can I help others. Just a thought. I have been coming on here now that I have been feeling better and not experiencing everything everyone else is. I struggled with anxiety, panic, depression... it is not fun. I went and first got a CT scan. A year later and MRI and another one 5 years later. Everything checked out ok. I went to Chiropractors and also to Physical Therapists. I've done medication, etc etc and sadly none of that worked and I'm not sure what has/is. My point is, I'm not a Dr. and so I can't say anything for certain, but I would guess you are fine. It's sympton of panic/anxiety and that you have to trick your mind before it tricks you. Your mind will play games as long as you let it until you take control. Everyone is different my ezperience was different than yours more or less, but it sounds like you aren't really afraid your stomach hurting-you are afraid of what it means or what the underlying source. It's like my fear was in my head. I thought I had a tumor. yours happens to be your stomach. This is VERY common with people who have anxiety/panic.

I am sure you will be okay. Im sorry you are going through this and don't know if my post has helped in anyway but just know you are not alone, you will get through this and you have to trick your mind into thinking and believing you are okay. because most likely you are and you will be for a long time until you are old and gray. Good luck. :)

06-22-2008, 06:16 PM
because everyone who gets on this site has anxiety disorder!!!they are afriad there computer will crash or get a virus...lol

06-23-2008, 04:42 PM
i have heard of it too... i almost got into the feeling myself..
Fortunately i realised something tat saved me! Its all in our MIND ! we control our own mind! so use it to our advantage unless its a voodoo then thats tough
but in normal circumstances. once u feel that an event will cause you to panick. immediately deviate your mind on other things.. like for instance think about going to the island resort somewhere and just relax. Of course this technique comes with practise.. All you have to do is contantly do it and you will achieve it one day.. all anxiety always start from the mind.. let the control be back in our own hands and we will emerge victorious ! and hey this method is free and soes not involve any money.. you have nothing to lose by trying it out. Remember once you panick or anxious deviate your mind on something else and do not think bout it for at least 24 hours. Remember that it will keep coming back to haunt you within that 24 hours but constantly deviate your mind from it and your mind will be trained to control itself in any issue. It will thus make u a wiser and more rational person in your decision making !

06-26-2008, 03:14 AM

I'm 26 and have suffered with anxiety on and off for as long as I can remember.

I've worried about having every disease you can think of, ranging from cancer (of pretty much every major organ) to MS and everything in between. When you are in that cycle of worry about 'symtoms' that you're having it is very difficult to see beyond your fear.

I have tried to start thinking about my health differently. The way I figure it I have been wrong hundreds of times so far in my life. Meaning that all of the times that I lay in bed convinced that I had something deadly wrong with me and working myself into a panic about it I have been wrong. I was having a stress reaction. So now every new symtom that I have I put it down to anxiety. My new policy is that I AM ONLY GOING TO BE WRONG ONCE!!!!
I have been wrong all day every day for the past 15 years at least! For now on I am going to presume every sensation that I have is anxiety (because it is) and I am going to dismiss it as that.

I hope this suggestion helps some of you.