View Full Version : Depersonolisation-derealisation. General anxiety

09-03-2014, 07:10 PM
Hi my name is Harry I'm 20 years old and I have recently been having some trouble with anxiety. First of I'll give you a bit of history. I was bullied when I was in primary school by my friends, mainly one guy who dictated the rest of my friends. Also I was bullied in year 8 at a all boys school then moved to a public school where my best friend was, even though he was one of the guys that was in the group of 4 that bullied me, he never really did anyway it's hard to explain but the bully left primary school and the other two guys became my best friends and are still my friends to this day.

Anyway I was never very good at school I could never keep up with assignments or homework in my whole schooling life, I couldn't get the work as quickly as all the other students which got me in trouble a lot with teachers because some didn't have time to help me. During my high school life I started smoking pot with these other guys I met at high school who became my really good friends. I started smoking pot a lot (and I mean a LOT), and later on got in to other drugs (psychedelics). I have a feeling that I did all those drugs because I was looking for answers and distractions and avoiding the problem that I had anxiety, hoping that I could solve all my problems. But back to the present, I had quit pot and started up about 3 times because I wanted to join the army but didn't get in, this was very recent, I haven't smoked pot since 70 days ago. The most recent time I Smoked pot I was getting in to alcohol very hard too and af few days after a 3 day bender I had this big panic attack and though I was having a psychosis, everything around me looked fake like I was put into a video game, life seemed wierd to me and I kept thinking about the universe and how we are made of tiny little atoms . It all just really scared me, I felt trapped in my own life, it was like there was no escape from what I was seeing.

Well that was about 3 months ago, I got help and I feel better after taking meds. I take 100mg if sertraline and 25 mg of valdoxan at night. I still have a slight fear that I might go crazy, I also still think very abstract thoughts about the universe and life etc. it sounds wierd but I just wanted to share my history and story for a bit if closure. Sorry for how long it is an for the grammar, I wrote it on my iPhone. I hope it makes sense

09-03-2014, 09:58 PM
Hi my name is Harry I'm 20 years old and I have recently been having some trouble with anxiety. First of I'll give you a bit of history. I was bullied when I was in primary school by my friends, mainly one guy who dictated the rest of my friends. Also I was bullied in year 8 at a all boys school then moved to a public school where my best friend was, even though he was one of the guys that was in the group of 4 that bullied me, he never really did anyway it's hard to explain but the bully left primary school and the other two guys became my best friends and are still my friends to this day.

Anyway I was never very good at school I could never keep up with assignments or homework in my whole schooling life, I couldn't get the work as quickly as all the other students which got me in trouble a lot with teachers because some didn't have time to help me. During my high school life I started smoking pot with these other guys I met at high school who became my really good friends. I started smoking pot a lot (and I mean a LOT), and later on got in to other drugs (psychedelics). I have a feeling that I did all those drugs because I was looking for answers and distractions and avoiding the problem that I had anxiety, hoping that I could solve all my problems. But back to the present, I had quit pot and started up about 3 times because I wanted to join the army but didn't get in, this was very recent, I haven't smoked pot since 70 days ago. The most recent time I Smoked pot I was getting in to alcohol very hard too and af few days after a 3 day bender I had this big panic attack and though I was having a psychosis, everything around me looked fake like I was put into a video game, life seemed wierd to me and I kept thinking about the universe and how we are made of tiny little atoms . It all just really scared me, I felt trapped in my own life, it was like there was no escape from what I was seeing.

Well that was about 3 months ago, I got help and I feel better after taking meds. I take 100mg if sertraline and 25 mg of valdoxan at night. I still have a slight fear that I might go crazy, I also still think very abstract thoughts about the universe and life etc. it sounds wierd but I just wanted to share my history and story for a bit if closure. Sorry for how long it is an for the grammar, I wrote it on my iPhone. I hope it makes sense

Hi Harry,

This sounds very much like me when I first got diagnosed with depression and anxiety at 19yo (I'm 40 now). I never liked pot though cos it made me even more anxious.

So many people with anxiety fear going crazy but it's very unlikely. I've even heard that anxiety is like the opposite of psychosis (in terms of mental illness).

I try to stay away from alcohol and drugs, which is hard at times, but they really do make things worse. I'm on Lexapro.. Not sure how helpful it is but it doesn't seem to hurt.

Anyway, the abstract thinking is just a sign of a philosophical mind.. I would be locked up in an asylum by now if it drove people crazy :)

09-04-2014, 07:21 AM
Welcome and congratulations on giving up the weed and alcohol too!
Also great that you're presently taking some medications to help you too.
You're making an effort and taking steps towards the right directions...
Hopes for the best!

Enduronman :)

09-04-2014, 08:59 AM
Hey welcome to the forum!
Like someone said giving up drugs will help, and you have, so keep it up!
I still get some de-realisation, nothing to worry about ( you tell yourself, this works to get rid of it).
Abstract thinking is amazing, if you enjoy it have a go, don't be intimidated. I am quite philosophical.
Hi my name is Harry I'm 20 years old and I have recently been having some trouble with anxiety. First of I'll give you a bit of history. I was bullied when I was in primary school by my friends, mainly one guy who dictated the rest of my friends. Also I was bullied in year 8 at a all boys school then moved to a public school where my best friend was, even though he was one of the guys that was in the group of 4 that bullied me, he never really did anyway it's hard to explain but the bully left primary school and the other two guys became my best friends and are still my friends to this day.

Anyway I was never very good at school I could never keep up with assignments or homework in my whole schooling life, I couldn't get the work as quickly as all the other students which got me in trouble a lot with teachers because some didn't have time to help me. During my high school life I started smoking pot with these other guys I met at high school who became my really good friends. I started smoking pot a lot (and I mean a LOT), and later on got in to other drugs (psychedelics). I have a feeling that I did all those drugs because I was looking for answers and distractions and avoiding the problem that I had anxiety, hoping that I could solve all my problems. But back to the present, I had quit pot and started up about 3 times because I wanted to join the army but didn't get in, this was very recent, I haven't smoked pot since 70 days ago. The most recent time I Smoked pot I was getting in to alcohol very hard too and af few days after a 3 day bender I had this big panic attack and though I was having a psychosis, everything around me looked fake like I was put into a video game, life seemed wierd to me and I kept thinking about the universe and how we are made of tiny little atoms . It all just really scared me, I felt trapped in my own life, it was like there was no escape from what I was seeing.

Well that was about 3 months ago, I got help and I feel better after taking meds. I take 100mg if sertraline and 25 mg of valdoxan at night. I still have a slight fear that I might go crazy, I also still think very abstract thoughts about the universe and life etc. it sounds wierd but I just wanted to share my history and story for a bit if closure. Sorry for how long it is an for the grammar, I wrote it on my iPhone. I hope it makes sense