View Full Version : feeling like a lump in throat and tight achey neck muscles at the front and back

09-03-2014, 03:59 PM
I have been getting this for a couple of months like someone is pushing on my adams apple and like a lump feeling in my throat aswell as tight neck muscles. I keep thinking its something bad but its driving me mad. anyone else get this? any advice would be great oh and my gp checked my neck for lumps and said the muscles were all tight

09-03-2014, 04:16 PM
I have been getting this for a couple of months like someone is pushing on my adams apple and like a lump feeling in my throat aswell as tight neck muscles. I keep thinking its something bad but its driving me mad. anyone else get this? any advice would be great oh and my gp checked my neck for lumps and said the muscles were all tight

Hi James,

These sound like typical anxiety symptoms to me. Many anxiety sufferers describe a lump in their throat and a tightness in their chest/throat/neck.
I use to get all types of symptoms and would start fixating on them, even though I knew I was doing it. I'm not saying your discomfort isn't real, for example, stress may be causing these physical symptoms and your neck muscles might be extremely tight because of it. Have you tried some relaxing exercises? I also find that taking a hot bath is really good for tight muscles. Walking is also brilliant.