View Full Version : What are your weirdest anxiety symptoms? For Anyone!

09-03-2014, 01:20 PM
I find it gives me great comfort to hear other people having many of the same symptoms I have had when dealing with GAD. Or at the most, hearing that the symptoms I have had are completely normal despite myself doubting it! Therefore, I figured it might help some people to have a thread where some of us may describe some of our common symptoms, to ones where we are not sure it's even GAD.
I do this, in the hope that we can get some closure on these things. Please, if you wan't to share please do so. Also, do not post random stories you MAY have heard or things that might disrupt the very anxious minds who use this forum! Only firsthand experience please!

For me, I suppose weird ringing in my ears at times, lock jaw, and sensations like someone was poking my muscles in my arms are the weirdest I have felt. Anyone else have such sensations and/or heard of this being symptoms of anxiety?


09-03-2014, 02:48 PM
Here we go I guess:

severe depression
unable to take a deep breath
shaky hands
heat waves
cold waves
weak limbs
ant feelings in my fingers both in arms and legs
jaw lock
jaw pain
I'm somewhere, and "it" comes very fast, it jerks me and I need to run
hunger causing anxiety
unable to be without water
having trouble having sex/being aroused by a girl, causing heart pain, insufficent breath
heavy disorientation
forgetting words, really basic words
this bad feeling inside Your head when You forget the word and You cannot remember it
unable to talk clearly
slurry speech
pain strikes in organs
fainting like symtpoms
hypoglycemia like symptoms [sweating, heat, very anxious]
and many more I cannot think of now, since I was with a girl and I feel like really, really, really bad

In case You wondered, these aren't "googled" symptoms. This is my very personal and very real and painful collection of symptoms I've been suffering for past decade. One last thing, I'm not proud on it, I'm devastated by it, honestly and severly.

09-03-2014, 04:19 PM
Well, I can tell you my funniest one. Every place I ever worked, the guys would get a big kick out of scaring me. They would appear out of nowhere near my desk and I would nearly jump out of my skin. Because I am so anxious, I live just under the startle reflex.

09-03-2014, 04:26 PM
I find it gives me great comfort to hear other people having many of the same symptoms I have had when dealing with GAD. Or at the most, hearing that the symptoms I have had are completely normal despite myself doubting it! Therefore, I figured it might help some people to have a thread where some of us may describe some of our common symptoms, to ones where we are not sure it's even GAD.
I do this, in the hope that we can get some closure on these things. Please, if you wan't to share please do so. Also, do not post random stories you MAY have heard or things that might disrupt the very anxious minds who use this forum! Only firsthand experience please!

For me, I suppose weird ringing in my ears at times, lock jaw, and sensations like someone was poking my muscles in my arms are the weirdest I have felt. Anyone else have such sensations and/or heard of this being symptoms of anxiety?


This is quite embarrassing lol, but the weirdest symptom I have is the feeling that my boobs are swollen and sore.

09-03-2014, 04:27 PM
I like your idea of trying to lighten the associated anxiety of the symptoms by laughing at them. Kind of takes the power and pain out of them.

Visible muscle spasms in my arms and legs. It has made my daughter laugh at me (chuckle) a few times.
My wife will also bust my chops for not being able to watch horror films with her anymore.

09-03-2014, 05:20 PM
I thought this was only me!
Ever since I developed anxiety I've become extremely easily startled
Well, I can tell you my funniest one. Every place I ever worked, the guys would get a big kick out of scaring me. They would appear out of nowhere near my desk and I would nearly jump out of my skin. Because I am so anxious, I live just under the startle reflex.

09-03-2014, 05:22 PM
My weirdest and one of the scariest was a feeling of rocking side to side but really I wasn't. Still get it from time to time but 6 months ago this would last for hours.

jittery me
09-03-2014, 05:50 PM
My weirdest and one of the scariest was a feeling of rocking side to side but really I wasn't. Still get it from time to time but 6 months ago this would last for hours.

I can hear my heart beat pounding in myears. This is very unnerving!

09-03-2014, 06:34 PM
I like your idea of trying to lighten the associated anxiety of the symptoms by laughing at them. Kind of takes the power and pain out of them.

Visible muscle spasms in my arms and legs. It has made my daughter laugh at me (chuckle) a few times.
My wife will also bust my chops for not being able to watch horror films with her anymore.

prouddad, thats pretty funny because I'm the same way. I always get the tightness and spasms. And when it comes to horror movies or even dramas sometimes I get uncomfortable. Case in point, my girlfriend and I wanted to start watching breaking bad because everyone has gone crazy about it. ( or has, since the show is over at this point) and I couldn't really relax the whole episode. Not panic or real heavy symptoms, just that eerie feeling you get when you first start feeling anxiety, then jaw tightness (at least for me). Annoying!

09-03-2014, 06:58 PM
I reflexively put my hands up over my chest when I am in large noisy areas and want to leave, like a rabbit does when they sit back on their hind legs. It looks silly and my husband has laughed at me a few times. I don't even realize I am doing it.

09-04-2014, 04:11 AM
I tend to get a rapid beat beat and pounding in my head. It drives me crazy sometimes. It takes a while for me to calm it all down.

09-04-2014, 06:15 PM
I also have this compulsive hair twiddling. One year ago I absolutely destroyed my hair by constantly knotting it up. I went from long hair to ultra short...

09-04-2014, 07:54 PM
I also have this compulsive hair twiddling. One year ago I absolutely destroyed my hair by constantly knotting it up. I went from long hair to ultra short...

I do this too! And run my hands through my hair. It's constant and in public i end up looking like I just walked thru a wind tunnel. It's terrible!! When I get anxious i have to keep my arms moving or else I will go crazy with anxiety!

09-04-2014, 08:17 PM
I do this too! And run my hands through my hair. It's constant and in public i end up looking like I just walked thru a wind tunnel. It's terrible!! When I get anxious i have to keep my arms moving or else I will go crazy with anxiety!

I've read somewhere that twiddling hair is a sign of wanting to resolve underlying emotional problems. Now, I'm not sure if this is true or not. It could be absolute bull. But given where my problems stem from, I don't rule it out lol