View Full Version : please help

09-03-2014, 08:44 AM
Hi everybody,
Im danni and new to this forum.
I was wandering if you could please help me with some techniques to deal with this anxiety as i dont know how much longer i can take this :-(
I worry most of time and have been diagnosed with GAD. I cant seem to stop thinking of worst case sanarios and my head seems to hurt all the time. The worries i have are always about things that could happen like family members dying and my husband leaving me if they dont answer the phone i panic something awful has happend. I think this has come from my dad dying 10 years ago he was the only person i had who understood me and i felt alone. Being alone is the worst fear i have.
A few years ago i decided to make a
career change which ultimatly carrys alot of responsibility and although i am good at it i find myself constantly worrying what if i do something wrong or i am not as good as the others. Just writing it now is making me feel so sick and shakey. I dont want to ruin my career i have worked really hard to get where i am but this constant worry is making me not want to go to work.

I am normally able to deal with putting on a mask to hide the fact i feel low or worried but the worries are affecting me more and more and instead of being tge happy go lucky person i normally am people are starting to constantly ask me if i am ok which yes you guessed it ! Makes me WORRY more that people think i look ill..

The doctor has put me on anxiety pills a few days ago.however i am worried that either they wont work or i will eventually be dependant on them.

I have a very loving husband who i am thankful for every day. He is my best friend and i do talk to him however he struggles to understand as he has the attitude of "if something is going to happen it will happen wether you worry about it or not. So why worry?" I find myself wishing that one day i could have that mentality but when i have anxiety episodes that are normally really bad in the morning, i try to think like this and it only makes it worse.

I have tryed to listen to self help cbt and actually been to a cbt therapyst that made me feel like i was being analyzed and like i was not normal :-(

Do you know any techniques that i could use to make this a bit easyer please?
Does medication even work?
Will this ever go away :-(

09-03-2014, 09:29 AM
Hi Danni!

I'm glad that you decided to go see a doctor and get some medications too.
Yes, they do help. You may just have to try them and see which one works best for you as there is no magic pill that works for everyone.
I've been on some sort of medication throughout my entire life and it is very helpful to me.
This issue may never go away especially while always thinking the worst about things in general and that's where you'll have to learn to change the way you think.
Then, you'll learn to manage it rather than it managing you.
That's when you'll need the right medications, and also to search for a good therapists to talk too as well.
You will get through this, you've just gotta learn to stop worrying about everything.
Hoping for the best outcome!

Enduronman. :)

09-03-2014, 10:12 AM
I prefer the antidepressants over the other medications that just treat anxiety. Not only do they help with anxiety, but they help in making you more positive and putting you in a better mood. I take Lexapro. Even though it makes no sense to worry about things, I could never count the times I have heard "Don't worry so much". At least one hundred times.

09-03-2014, 12:52 PM
Hi Danni!

I'm glad that you decided to go see a doctor and get some medications too.
Yes, they do help. You may just have to try them and see which one works best for you as there is no magic pill that works for everyone.
I've been on some sort of medication throughout my entire life and it is very helpful to me.
This issue may never go away especially while always thinking the worst about things in general and that's where you'll have to learn to change the way you think.
Then, you'll learn to manage it rather than it managing you.
That's when you'll need the right medications, and also to search for a good therapists to talk too as well.
You will get through this, you've just gotta learn to stop worrying about everything.
Hoping for the best outcome!

Enduronman. :)
Hi thank you for your kind reply the tablets the doctor has perscribed is lustral.
Ive only been taking them a few days and havent noticed any change as of yet. My doctor said i would be on them for a year and my thought process will have changed. I take it from reading a few posts on here that this may not be the case.

Can you recommend any good books or methods to deal with these attacks please?

Thank you for your time

09-03-2014, 12:55 PM
I prefer the antidepressants over the other medications that just treat anxiety. Not only do they help with anxiety, but they help in making you more positive and putting you in a better mood. I take Lexapro. Even though it makes no sense to worry about things, I could never count the times I have heard "Don't worry so much". At least one hundred times.

Hi anne,
Thank you for your reply. Have you ever tried lustral? i have only just started it but dont know what to expect


09-03-2014, 02:10 PM
Lustral is Zoloft. It's the only one I haven't tried practically but I have a bottle in my drawer to try when I am ready. I hear good things about Zoloft as far as its effectiveness in treating anxiety and depression. However, you may have some side effects like feeling tired or drowsy but each person is different.

09-03-2014, 02:11 PM
In six to eight weeks you should start feeling a lot better because it takes time for the Zoloft to work.