View Full Version : Please Help, Advice

09-02-2014, 06:18 PM
Hi Friends, I need your advice. A few weeks ago I started having some twitches in my body, Ive always had a few but this seemed different. I was ok until I read an article in the paper the next day about a man who was diagnosed with ALS. As soon as I read about twitching my body crumbled with fear. I started to research ALS online and I pretty much convinced myself I have ALS.
I went to the dr and he did a general neuro exam and said I appeaered fine and what I was experiencing was anxiety and stress. I was fine for a bit but every time I feel a twitch my mi d races and I swear Im dying. I havent hardly eaten or slept in a few weeks. Ive lost 12 lbs. I wake up feeling like I never slept sore legs etc. When Im at rest, I have twitches still. The last couple days Ive had almost like burning sensations behind my knees after doing physical activities. Am I going crazy, is rhis anxiety or should I really get to a Neuro ASAP. I know you arent doctors, but Im hoping someones been here. Thanks.

09-03-2014, 09:44 AM
Hey Travis.

It surely wouldn't hurt to go see a Neuro to help calm your fears.
I've had the all over twitches when my anxiety was at its highest levels (2006) due to a divorce but it was nothing more than anxiety.
They have since passed although I will still sometimes get a twitch around my eyes and occasionally in my arm and leg muscles too.
It isn't this ALS thing that everyone keeps talking about.
I don't think you're going crazy, it just appears that you're extremely stressed and your mind is racing and wandering into areas that it shouldn't be.

Enduronman :)

09-03-2014, 10:45 AM
Thanks Enduronman. I think your right, Ive been out in the warehouse at work all morning loading totes into trailer, up and down stairs and felt good. I sit down for lunch and have a few twitches and it gets my mind racing again. I am going to the doctor this afternoon for some blood tests and hopefully that calms my fears. The next couple days I will be out of the office setting up for a show his weekend and hopefully I can get my mind off all this stuff while out and about with coworkers having a good time and getting things set up.

09-03-2014, 11:56 AM
It's just anxiety bruh...
You're taking some positive steps in the right direction friend.
Make today a good day!

Enduronman :)