View Full Version : Anxious before football/soccer game!!

09-01-2014, 06:32 PM
Hey guys! :)

I got a football/soccer game and I'm always really anxious before the game. Like, not normal anxious. It's not because I can't play, it's just.. I don't know, the pressure?

However this is whats making me play bad and I get tired easily cause I'm anxious when playing aswell. I think it's the pressure and the fear of doing something wrong or something, I don't really know. I just get really anxious.

You got any methodes or "techniques" I could do to help me relax a little bit? Anything - I need to be prepared mentally before every game or else I play like sh*t :/

Wish you the best guyz!


09-02-2014, 09:27 AM
It's been decades since I played any sports so I don't know how helpful I can be here but I'll try.
I played basketball, football, baseball, and track when I was younger.
I can recall some anxiety prior to these events but I don't know how strong the effects were as I'm sure most of us had some anxiety in varying degrees.
It sounds like an over abundance of performance anxiety or as you've stated just the fear that you're going to make a mistake.
Maybe try to focus more of your mind energy on how much you enjoy playing this sport, rather than how good or badly you may play friend.
The best players were the more relaxed players, in their roles. Lighten up on yourself, have patience with yourself, train yourself to just calm down and relax...enjoy the game.
Be sure that you're well hydrated too friend!
Maybe even try something with some ginger or ginseng in it..natural supplements and one can be calming and one can help to create some positive energy, focus, stamina.
Just some thoughts!
Hope you're doing well bruh...

Enduronman :)

09-02-2014, 01:33 PM
It's been decades since I played any sports so I don't know how helpful I can be here but I'll try.
I played basketball, football, baseball, and track when I was younger.
I can recall some anxiety prior to these events but I don't know how strong the effects were as I'm sure most of us had some anxiety in varying degrees.
It sounds like an over abundance of performance anxiety or as you've stated just the fear that you're going to make a mistake.
Maybe try to focus more of your mind energy on how much you enjoy playing this sport, rather than how good or badly you may play friend.
The best players were the more relaxed players, in their roles. Lighten up on yourself, have patience with yourself, train yourself to just calm down and relax...enjoy the game.
Be sure that you're well hydrated too friend!
Maybe even try something with some ginger or ginseng in it..natural supplements and one can be calming and one can help to create some positive energy, focus, stamina.
Just some thoughts!
Hope you're doing well bruh...

Enduronman :)

You're right, I need to focus on how much I enjoy it rather than feel "performance" anxiety.

Thanks bruh! Helpful as always! :)

09-02-2014, 05:02 PM
Hey guys! :)

I got a football/soccer game and I'm always really anxious before the game. Like, not normal anxious. It's not because I can't play, it's just.. I don't know, the pressure?

However this is whats making me play bad and I get tired easily cause I'm anxious when playing aswell. I think it's the pressure and the fear of doing something wrong or something, I don't really know. I just get really anxious.

You got any methodes or "techniques" I could do to help me relax a little bit? Anything - I need to be prepared mentally before every game or else I play like sh*t :/

Wish you the best guyz!


Elias, my man

Something I still do that I did when my anxiety was livin the dream in me was to play the game in my mind for a bit the night before and again an hour or so before playing

Not just see the game and how you do but vividly see everything that you will encounter.

Do this a few times and by the time you play, you will feel like your watching a movie back and it will be natural and comfortable

And after you score a few goals or points or whatever it is you do in that game, go find a beautiful Swedish girl to celebrate with

09-03-2014, 10:41 AM
Elias, my man

Something I still do that I did when my anxiety was livin the dream in me was to play the game in my mind for a bit the night before and again an hour or so before playing

Not just see the game and how you do but vividly see everything that you will encounter.

Do this a few times and by the time you play, you will feel like your watching a movie back and it will be natural and comfortable

And after you score a few goals or points or whatever it is you do in that game, go find a beautiful Swedish girl to celebrate with

That sounds like a good thing to do actually. My anxiety is popping up because I have that fear that if I do something wrong, I'll mess everything up. I'll try to "play the game in my mind" before the game and see it from a more realistic perspective.

And yes, as always, I'll find some beautiful Swedish girl to celebrate with haha :D

09-03-2014, 12:12 PM
Let's talk a bit more about this beautiful Swedish girl, if we may.. LMAO!!
(my ancestory is Swedish so I'd like to learn more)
Hope you're doing well friends!

Enduronman :)

09-03-2014, 02:32 PM
Hey Buddy!!!! Check this out =)


Joe!!!! Awesome topic, BTW! My $0.02

I play golf regularly with friends and clients, With my friends its money games and a lot of pride, After there is a bunch of !@#$%$ Talking and it goes on till the next week so not only heavy on the pocket book but also psyche.

Now this is the thing, I remember a long time ago when I first started playing the stress was unbearable and I would shake, I would have panic like symptoms and just freak out.

Now I since I have learned coping skills for panic attacks I use those. This is the first thing I do. So when I know that the stress is building, I take nice long deep breaths to regulate the body. Regulate the heart rate and bring down the adrenaline.

Now there is 2 other things I do to really get the mind strong.

#1 - I cast out all doubts, In my mind I am telling myself, I will sink this shot, I will sink this shot repeatedly. So when you aim cast all doubt and tell yourself you WILL MAKE THIS!!!!
#2 - This is a variable, as it depends on the person but I have adapted this to me. There are 2 types of "Clutch" performers. The first is the one that can block out everything and go into their own world. The second is the one that lives for the excitement. For me I go for option 2. I take it all it, I tell myself, I want everyone to see me clutch up and makes this putt. I want people to chant my name. This gets me more motivated and more excited in a good way rather than trying to block everything out!

So when you go into your game next week, Treat the symptoms as a panic attack and do your exercises to bring it down. Secondly Cast out all doubt. Lastly get pumped in a positive way not an adrenaline way or just learn to disappear in to your own world!

Good luck and most of all have fun!!!!!

09-04-2014, 05:46 PM
Hey Buddy!!!! Check this out =)

Thanks man, helps alot! :)