View Full Version : Heart problem?

Charles Price
09-01-2014, 02:58 PM
Is a strain under on left side of chest under nipple the sign of a bad heart or anixety?
I suffer with GAD

09-01-2014, 05:33 PM
It most certainly can be anxiety. Are you young, exercise and have never had health issues? Then it's likely you're having anxiety symptoms. I had my doc check my heart through my chest and stomach where the aorta is because of feeling pain and feeling every pumping sensation. Anxiety indeed.

If ever concerned you see your doctor to alleviate your fears of symptoms. Anxiety can make you feel everything and anything that you could consider wrong with your body. Best to check out the symptoms thread up top and understand just what it can make you feel.

Charles Price
09-02-2014, 03:01 PM
I'm 20 years old, several traumatic things have happened to me, I had 3 EKG and no abnormalities were present.
I guess it's been well over a month this problem me GAD has persisted i'm sure if I was going to have a heart attack it probably would of happened by now.
I did have severe anixety last year but it went only recently it's returned.

09-02-2014, 04:43 PM
If you have had 3 EKG's.....you're good!

GAD will just make you worry about it even though there is nothing to worry about.

Address the GAD, not the heart and the heart problems will go away

09-07-2014, 04:37 PM
Is a strain under on left side of chest under nipple the sign of a bad heart or anixety?
I suffer with GAD

Yeah, it for sure can be GAD. I have the same thing. Sometimes it comes and goes. Other times it last for an hour or two. Very discomforting, and def the worst of the symptoms. Chin up though mate!