View Full Version : chest pain/discomfort how common??

09-01-2014, 08:40 AM
Hi I have been having this problem for 2 years now I have had tests last year and mentioned it to my gp who is a family friend many times and been told I am OK, but as you know its hard to accept with health anxiety
I have been told its anxiety and my poor posture doesn't help but its hard. Any one else have this any input will be greatly received

09-01-2014, 11:10 AM
I've dealt with many different mental disorders since birth, 46 yrs ago.
From ADD/ADHD, anxiety, some panic, social anxiety, OCD with certain things, living a life under constant stress, and the subsequent fallout of all of those issues too.
I have had chest pains in the pasts ranging from trying new medications that I was allergic too, and other times just periods of even higher stress has brought them on.
The doctor said that it was something called angina, which is basically harmless, somewhat common, and easily correctable too.
I now take a beta blocker to help with the chest pains when they get bad. Propanolol is what it's called.
It also helps with tremor, panic, social anxiety, performance anxiety, and is designed to block the adrenaline dump somehow too...
Therefore blocking anxiety and its symptoms some what.
A good doctor, some therapy, a good diet, solid sleep, some medications, all help with these symptoms and ailments for now.
Also, it could simply be GERD too but that will require a diagnosis from a trained physician and also the use of a PPI medication..it may simply just be heartburn friend.
There's my input friend!
I also take omeprazole to help with this issue as it stops the acid reflux from happening and can cause "chest pain" quite frequently.
Wishing you better health James.

Enduronman :)