View Full Version : Prolonged Stomach Ache

09-01-2014, 05:18 AM
I get them occasionally but what's different this time is that I've been drinking daily (4-6 strong ales) for 3.5 weeks. ABout a month beforehand I had another prolonged drinking period of about 5-6 weeks but had no stomach issues. This time round i've had a stomach ache for 2 weeks. Today it feels it's worst. There's never any stomach pain whilst drinking and there's no additional stomach pains when eating so I don't think it's an ulcer. The stomach pains feel acidic and painful around the naval area of the stomach. Bowel movements have been a little bit looser in the past week but no D or C when going to the toilet.

There was blood when I wiped today and the bowel movement burnt quite a bit. I was given a steroid cream a couple of weeks ago for a hemorrhoid and it shrunk it in size but didn't get rid of it completly. There's never been blood when wiping before.

Rang GP but they're all booked up today so i'll get a call back this afternoon.

Not going to drink anymore as it's obviously provoking stomach upset. Truth be told i'm keeping quite calm about the situation. I was expecting to go a bit nuts when I saw the blood but I actually remained calm as the pain was around the anus so I assume it's an external problem as it were.

Appetite has been fine although today, with the more intense stomach pains i've yet to eat. I'd assume alcohol abuse isn't so uncommon with people who have anxiety. Anyone have any experience with stomach aches etc from anxiety/drinking?

Antacid hasn't worked, even though the pain feels burning/acidic in my stomach. There's often a lot of stomach noise - grumbles and suchlike. The pains are less when walking, standing or laying down but feels quite uncomfortable when sitting. If I push and feel around the stomach area there's no tenderness. I remember from previous extended stomach aches the Dr's felt around the entire abdomen area and asked if there was any tenderness. There's quite a lot of wind and the bowel movements smell pretty bad so I know i'm not doing my stomach any favours.

Pains tend to come and go and don't stick around indefinitely which is another positive sign from all of this. I'm trying to rationalize the entire situation. I'm not jumping the assumption that it's cancer or anything sinister. I'm 28 which is still relatively young and the drinking has only ramped up in the past year. but now I need to quit it for good and become tee total again. The first time I drank I got alcohol poisoning at the age of 16 and I didn't drink again until 9 years later. I think it's the usual anxiety nonsense with the problem compounded by additional acid and stomach upsets from alcohol.


09-01-2014, 09:29 AM
I've had a stomach ache for 2 months, lost 35 pounds, and it is related to stress according to my doctor.
Get in to see your doctor bruh!
It's caused by losing everything and having to move in with a parent, who drinks heavily. She likes vodka in large quantities. Every night..up to 14 shots.
That's just a small part of the stresses however..they all just compound and then of course, cause stomach distress, upset, loss of appetite, nausea.
She suggested that I take some omeprazole for a couple of weeks to see if that helps. She thinks its an ulcer caused by stress.
Wishing you better health friend!

Enduronman :)

09-01-2014, 09:44 AM
I get them occasionally but what's different this time is that I've been drinking daily (4-6 strong ales) for 3.5 weeks. ABout a month beforehand I had another prolonged drinking period of about 5-6 weeks but had no stomach issues. This time round i've had a stomach ache for 2 weeks. Today it feels it's worst. There's never any stomach pain whilst drinking and there's no additional stomach pains when eating so I don't think it's an ulcer. The stomach pains feel acidic and painful around the naval area of the stomach. Bowel movements have been a little bit looser in the past week but no D or C when going to the toilet.

There was blood when I wiped today and the bowel movement burnt quite a bit. I was given a steroid cream a couple of weeks ago for a hemorrhoid and it shrunk it in size but didn't get rid of it completly. There's never been blood when wiping before.

Rang GP but they're all booked up today so i'll get a call back this afternoon.

Not going to drink anymore as it's obviously provoking stomach upset. Truth be told i'm keeping quite calm about the situation. I was expecting to go a bit nuts when I saw the blood but I actually remained calm as the pain was around the anus so I assume it's an external problem as it were.

Appetite has been fine although today, with the more intense stomach pains i've yet to eat. I'd assume alcohol abuse isn't so uncommon with people who have anxiety. Anyone have any experience with stomach aches etc from anxiety/drinking?

Antacid hasn't worked, even though the pain feels burning/acidic in my stomach. There's often a lot of stomach noise - grumbles and suchlike. The pains are less when walking, standing or laying down but feels quite uncomfortable when sitting. If I push and feel around the stomach area there's no tenderness. I remember from previous extended stomach aches the Dr's felt around the entire abdomen area and asked if there was any tenderness. There's quite a lot of wind and the bowel movements smell pretty bad so I know i'm not doing my stomach any favours.

Pains tend to come and go and don't stick around indefinitely which is another positive sign from all of this. I'm trying to rationalize the entire situation. I'm not jumping the assumption that it's cancer or anything sinister. I'm 28 which is still relatively young and the drinking has only ramped up in the past year. but now I need to quit it for good and become tee total again. The first time I drank I got alcohol poisoning at the age of 16 and I didn't drink again until 9 years later. I think it's the usual anxiety nonsense with the problem compounded by additional acid and stomach upsets from alcohol.


Take special note of the typographical emphasis in this post:

The extremely graphic detail tells me you are trying to rationalize out that you are ok, (rather what you do to yourself is ultimately ok), either by agreement from a peer here assuring you will be fine because they share your issue, or by self suggestion, 'out loud'. Overuse of spirits not only dulls your spirit, but eventually knocks the spirit out of your body. This is a dire message for you, at 28, so you better take note. Not only the drinking, but all the abusive behavior towards the self this soul needs to iron out, of which the drinking is symbolic.

Now today's message is simple. Should you lose your body due to foolishness, you will not be happy. Secondly, if you manage to keep the body but damage it, you will not be happy.

In either case, the body is to be treated kindly, in thought and deed, or you shall suffer the consequence of your own errant thinking.

A short word on cancer for you. Cancer is the repression of inner feelings until those feelings and emotions release in exaggerated fashion by the body, now better to release feelings then dull them through vice and wind up having the body express them for you. One way or the other, energies will be released. So don't walk the tightrope without balance for too long now, you see. Seek psychological help as needed, no shame in that.

This message is coming from the universe, for it has heard your cries. But, while you open up the heart, and get ready to do some mental work for healing, try and keep the body with you, or it will all be for naught.

I have not channeled for you before or been compelled to, and we may never have the pleasure again, so take heed of the message. Not to be scary now, but to tell you there is always a constructive way to solve problems, with your highest regard in mind, that should be your mindset. There is no disease in that psychological environment, period.

End of post.

09-01-2014, 12:11 PM
Ragamuffin ask the doc for blood test on presence of Hyplori bacteria

A short word on cancer for you. Cancer is the repression of inner feelings until those feelings and emotions release in exaggerated fashion by the body, now better to release feelings then dull them through vice and wind up having the body express them for you. One way or the other, energies will be released. So don't walk the tightrope without balance for too long now, you see. Seek psychological help as needed, no shame in that.

Raga do not read this post , the one above is an abuser to post something like that. Ignore it please and I am think it should be reported. Scaring the members of this forum is not taken lightly. it is terrifying post and mental

09-01-2014, 01:52 PM
It's ok Dahlia. They're just approaching tackling anxiety from a slightly different - spiritualist perspective. Each to their own; i'm an atheist and hold more stock in science than calls of the universe or channeling. Perhaps there's some substance to spiritualism and new age theorems and they're not all pseudo science. However I can't fathom how someone can channel with someone via the internet having never met them or spoken to them previously.

Their message is the same as most who understand anxiety. Treat the issues in the mind and the body should fall in line. Self help and discipline is tricky to master and as for psychological help. My second try at CBT has a 6 month waiting list and I won't be seen until January at the earliest. At least for now I can knock the alcohol on the head.

Overall stress has severely reduced since leaving my job, so that's certainly one positive. The speaking about cancer wasn't scary. Prolonged stress can greatly increase chances of disease and cancer in life. I've known that for many years. It's often what is somewhat troubling when people say that anxiety can't hurt you, no matter how many aches or pains or sensations. Yes those pains are very unlikely to kill you. but if stress is left unchecked, decades later it may very well wind up killing you.

The Dr rang me and as I'd expected he didn't wish to see me. Said the bleeding was from the pile and the stomach pains were either caused by or aggrovated by the weeks of drinking daily. He said he'd prescribe me something. I know what it'd be - a proton pump inhibitor. Truth be told i've avoided medication for several months now. No more benzos or reaching for the beta blockers wehen I start feeling a panic. Just ride it out and remain calm. So I will collect the prescription note but hold off actually getting the prescription.T ruth be told I know the body is a great healer and i'm sure the stomach ache will go away. Much like it did when I had a 3 month stomach ache. Dr's and GP's saying it was IBS and trying 6 different IBS meds without any luck. Till I finally packed it all in and told myself it wasn't IBS or a condition - it was all from anxiety. Within a few days the pains disappeared.

Oh well, i've got plenty of time to work on the cbt books i bought and meditation cd's and such like. Finding the willpower and drive to do it is another matter entirely.


09-01-2014, 02:38 PM
Ragga I was in pain for years, and someone told me about the bacteria, 95% of population have it. I ask my doctor for test, it is simple blood test. It came positive, I am cured but because of not treating my pains seriously I have damaged stomach tissue, which causes a lot of acid. Very unpleasant plus anxiety, it is difficult to take sometimes. My man drinks beer everyday and he does not have any problem with stomach. Very often you can regulate it with change of diet. No junk food for you my dear. Body will heal itself when the condition are for it. Meditation works, and it difficult to get into the routine, but once you do you will see the improvement.
Channeling is bs, I know many of channelers for 90 per hour:)))

09-01-2014, 02:46 PM
It's ok Dahlia. They're just approaching tackling anxiety from a slightly different - spiritualist perspective. Each to their own; i'm an atheist and hold more stock in science than calls of the universe or channeling. Perhaps there's some substance to spiritualism and new age theorems and they're not all pseudo science. However I can't fathom how someone can channel with someone via the internet having never met them or spoken to them previously.

Their message is the same as most who understand anxiety. Treat the issues in the mind and the body should fall in line. Self help and discipline is tricky to master and as for psychological help. My second try at CBT has a 6 month waiting list and I won't be seen until January at the earliest. At least for now I can knock the alcohol on the head.

Overall stress has severely reduced since leaving my job, so that's certainly one positive. The speaking about cancer wasn't scary. Prolonged stress can greatly increase chances of disease and cancer in life. I've known that for many years. It's often what is somewhat troubling when people say that anxiety can't hurt you, no matter how many aches or pains or sensations. Yes those pains are very unlikely to kill you. but if stress is left unchecked, decades later it may very well wind up killing you.

The Dr rang me and as I'd expected he didn't wish to see me. Said the bleeding was from the pile and the stomach pains were either caused by or aggrovated by the weeks of drinking daily. He said he'd prescribe me something. I know what it'd be - a proton pump inhibitor. Truth be told i've avoided medication for several months now. No more benzos or reaching for the beta blockers wehen I start feeling a panic. Just ride it out and remain calm. So I will collect the prescription note but hold off actually getting the prescription.T ruth be told I know the body is a great healer and i'm sure the stomach ache will go away. Much like it did when I had a 3 month stomach ache. Dr's and GP's saying it was IBS and trying 6 different IBS meds without any luck. Till I finally packed it all in and told myself it wasn't IBS or a condition - it was all from anxiety. Within a few days the pains disappeared.

Oh well, i've got plenty of time to work on the cbt books i bought and meditation cd's and such like. Finding the willpower and drive to do it is another matter entirely.


I'm not on the defense firstly, I'm on your side. You need to read the whole post and not take anything out of context. My friend Dahila as usual did take it out of context and became frightened, I am still hopeful she can excel and overcome. And I am accepting of the harassment I receive, I understand her, and as predicted above she has stepped in to call BS and witchcraft.

On to the matter at hand, helping you - if you wish. This will be my last post about this topic, for the previous one holds the information. Just to clarify:

Now, I did not say stress causes cancer, please read that paragraph, no need to post it here again. I explained what psychological state causes for the most part the cells to multiply as they do, seemingly out of control, and I say seemingly, because things are not always as they seem.

Whether you believe in metaphysical things or not does not change it's reality, for the basis of your life is not in a scientists instruments, science did not create you pre-natal nor give you the power of life force. Your mother gathered earth materials to build the body, but again did not imbue that body with life, man cannot create life, you see, so you must ask your scientists how they would do it. Say create a flower from scratch, and animate it. They can look at it, examine it, even kill it in the name of exploration, but they cannot give it life, nor in reality take that life away, other than rob it of its body.

There is much you could learn from me. Edify and open yourself up just enough to shed some light, which then could help to understand what your going through and in of itself help to alleviate any symptoms.

I think you'd be very interested to pick my brain some day, since you are inquisitive, but that's for another time. Now I feel what you feel as you type, and your posts give me mental pictures which symbolize themes that I can then describe into particular issues.

You are meant to look inside when the world and it's sciences fail you. In the end that's what matters, a complete recovery can never come from children's games, that is just part of the drama. A rain dance was just as effective to your ancestors as a scalpel or CBT as it's called, you see.

You do not have to relate to me to receive effective help, and I do not pick people to help at random.

That's all for now.

09-01-2014, 02:59 PM
I am suffering my father died of cancer, my oldest brother almost died on it, on the table, he is still fighting. I have so far benign skin cancer, are you surprised that it causes the fear? I have health anxiety like everyone else here. sometimes i get upset so I am sorry, for calling the names. Even if you think I know nothing (which is kind of true) I believe in power of our mind in healing. I know that suppressed feelings can cause a lot of weird sign you body send it to mind....I believe in nature healing, but I do not believe in channeling even I seen it so many times,
You are not the first who feels that is channeling and not the last. My mom and grandma were medium, so they said. It caused so much fear for me, but I survived it and now I know that they were wrong.........time shows
My close friend was channeling or so he said so, he ended up with schizophrenia diagnosis in local hospital. He is ok now, I mean on meds but living almost regular life

Ims I do reading too, but I need you to seat with me and touch my deck and focus. I had done it through the net but it is not very accurate. You need to get into other's vibes to do succesful reading or channeling........ witchcraft is cool btw:)

09-01-2014, 03:14 PM
I am suffering my father died of cancer, my oldest brother almost died on it, on the table, he is still fighting. I have so far benign skin cancer, are you surprised that it causes the fear? I have health anxiety like everyone else here. sometimes i get upset so I am sorry, for calling the names. Even if you think I know nothing (which is kind of true) I believe in power of our mind in healing. I know that suppressed feelings can cause a lot of weird sign you body send it to mind....I believe in nature healing, but I do not believe in channeling even I seen it so many times,
You are not the first who feels that is channeling and not the last. My mom and grandma were medium, so they said. It caused so much fear for me, but I survived it and now I know that they were wrong.........time shows
My close friend was channeling or so he said so, he ended up with schizophrenia diagnosis in local hospital. He is ok now, I mean on meds but living almost regular life

Ims I do reading too, but I need you to seat with me and touch my deck and focus. I had done it through the net but it is not very accurate. You need to get into other's vibes to do succesful reading or channeling........ witchcraft is cool btw:)

In the case of the OP I addressed his fears, his thoughts, we won't run from them. He raised cancer, the drinking, the almost indifferent graphic description and lazy attitude toward health. I received a picture of the souls life and I gave it. All the blockages to healing were looked at. I am finished with the OP, it is free will to study my original post to see what clicks.

With you, I've just received an interesting picture, you are one of the reasons I am here to begin with, and I do empathize and understand all you have been through, I know your a warrior.

I am no gypsy, nor do I predict the future, or fortune tell, I have asked for no money and I have given 300 readings. I have asked for no attention even though your friends left and you claim it was my fault. Partly. Each post has been tailored to the individual about the individual, and always beneficial although the tone may be harsh which to break the strong barriers may be appropriate, I don't question myself like that.

So we shall see.

09-01-2014, 03:28 PM
I have no energy spare to fight, I know you are a man, and men often are harsh and do not put so much attention to gentleness. Readings; him 25 years of doing it... many readings. I do not do it often, anymore, I doubt myself. I do. I am not gypsy either, my family would not survive the war otherwise, 3 members of them in Concentration camps, my mom in Dachau, not they survived only because there were no link to jewish or gypsies:))
future is changing all the time it is not stable so no one can predict it. You can tell people what mood or vibes are around them, they chose what next........