View Full Version : Morning anxiety

08-31-2014, 01:36 AM
Anyone else get really bad anxiety in the morning. Mines been going on for weeks. I'm guessing it's to do with not having any food in me but how do I get over that? Any advice

08-31-2014, 01:45 AM
Hi LittleOne; cute name btw. I know how you feel when you want to eat but cannot because of digestion or nerves. The last food I had was on Thurs. What worked for me in the past about eating in the morning is keeping a breakfast bar close and nibble on that when my stomach growls. Also avoid eating before bedtime. Hope this helpd but I will likely be around for a while. Take care and best wishes.

08-31-2014, 02:00 AM
Hey there,

Yep my anxiety has always been worst in the morning. I quite often wake up with this awful feeling of dread, which goes away after a little while. I don't think it's food related in my case, just the way my brain seems to work.

08-31-2014, 02:37 AM
This thread us starting to sound like a bad coffee commercial: the best part of waking up is anxiety in your gut!
The time of day really does not affect my attacks but I know that usually first thing my stomach is upset and not hungry.
Do you guys find it hard to sleep or suffet from insomnia? I have not slept in two nights which also cannot be good for stress. One thing is for sure: It all equals Super Fun Happy Time!

08-31-2014, 03:14 AM
This thread us starting to sound like a bad coffee commercial: the best part of waking up is anxiety in your gut!
The time of day really does not affect my attacks but I know that usually first thing my stomach is upset and not hungry.
Do you guys find it hard to sleep or suffet from insomnia? I have not slept in two nights which also cannot be good for stress. One thing is for sure: It all equals Super Fun Happy Time!

Yes, I've had insomnia my whole life, even as a child. Two nights is no fun but I've gone a week before lol. You think you'll go crazy but you won't :)

08-31-2014, 03:28 AM
That is interesting because I also had trouble sleeping as a child. Some weekends I would stay up the whole time. But what is weird is that I would sleepwalk but be sort of awake too. It was almost like stress, one doc said it was from moving all the time, but with a surreal egde like a hallucination (mind the spelling if its wrong, sorry). We called it "the shakes" and it was a lot for little 7 year old me to deal with. Well I am getting sleepy now so time for the next thread.

08-31-2014, 03:37 AM
That is interesting because I also had trouble sleeping as a child. Some weekends I would stay up the whole time. But what is weird is that I would sleepwalk but be sort of awake too. It was almost like stress, one doc said it was from moving all the time, but with a surreal egde like a hallucination (mind the spelling if its wrong, sorry). We called it "the shakes" and it was a lot for little 7 year old me to deal with. Well I am getting sleepy now so time for the next thread.

My earliest memory of insomnia was around 10yo but I had some weird episodes even earlier than that. I think I was born anxious and my mother just made it worse with her own anxiety.

That's a good sign you even feel sleepy :)

08-31-2014, 04:03 AM
Ye iv been struggling to sleep the last few nights due to having my niece in my room and her waking every few hours. If I feel sick in the mornings it panics me and makes me worse x

08-31-2014, 04:35 AM
Hey there little one,

Morning anxiety is a no good sign, it means it's deeper than it most of the times is. Evening anxiety is most of the times linked to post-day stress, fatigue, and many more aspects including moon, weather, etc. Morning anxiety should be more rare, but in case You have it linked to Your hunger levels, or another strong factor, it may be "quite normal".

Can You suggest, or tell us "what" is most likely the cause of Your morning anxiety? Is it reluctance to go to Your work, or school, or is it hunger, or some situation at Your family?,



08-31-2014, 08:54 AM
Sometimes for me it is just thinking that im going to have anxiety that day.

08-31-2014, 09:58 AM
Darkavenger - I don't think morning anxiety is more rare. I also often have it. Among other things, Cortisol levels tend to be higher in the morning, which can exacerbate anxiety. But, of course, each of us is different...

08-31-2014, 04:03 PM
Hey there little one, Morning anxiety is a no good sign, it means it's deeper than it most of the times is. Evening anxiety is most of the times linked to post-day stress, fatigue, and many more aspects including moon, weather, etc. Morning anxiety should be more rare, but in case You have it linked to Your hunger levels, or another strong factor, it may be "quite normal". Can You suggest, or tell us "what" is most likely the cause of Your morning anxiety? Is it reluctance to go to Your work, or school, or is it hunger, or some situation at Your family?, regards Bryan

I wake up pretty starving. And i think that's partly the reason I'm so anxious because as the day goes on and iv got more food inside me I'm feeling better. If that makes sense. When I get really hungry I feel sick and feeling sick panics me and freaks me out I have a phobia of sick.

I also am working my notice at work iv not enjoyed my job for months and at one point I would cry at the thought of going into work.

08-31-2014, 08:35 PM
In the morning, we're unfocused. Later in the day, we're talking to other people, working on projects, shopping and focused. I'm fortunate in that coffee doesn't make me anxious and it even helps me.

09-01-2014, 04:05 AM
littleone123 - do You by any chance happen to have these symptoms, when You find Yourself hungry, and You're unable to reach for any kind of food? Shakiness, numb limbs, disorientation, feeling like "losing it", sweating, losing control, in general "hypoglycemia" symptoms, without real hypoglycemia?

09-05-2014, 09:32 PM
littleone123 - do You by any chance happen to have these symptoms, when You find Yourself hungry, and You're unable to reach for any kind of food? Shakiness, numb limbs, disorientation, feeling like "losing it", sweating, losing control, in general "hypoglycemia" symptoms, without real hypoglycemia?

I have just found out my b12 vitamin levels are shockingly low. The lowest it should get is 149 but should be in the 300's. Mine is 28.......the lowest the doctor has ever seen it he said whilst I was still going to work and forcing myself......my symptoms now make a little more sense, I do feel like I'm losing it, going mad, can't switch off, can't relax, shaky, digestion problems, crying more than normal, sweating, struggling to eat to the point where I'm gagging trying to eat food in the mornings. This is all to do with my body being so low of vitamin b12. So hopefully my injections will help me.

09-06-2014, 05:17 AM
littleone123 - I see. What's the cause of the depletion of Your Vitamine B12 resources?

09-06-2014, 05:30 AM
littleone123 - I see. What's the cause of the depletion of Your Vitamine B12 resources?

Not too sure but I had problems with it a few years ago so could just be that I don't absorb it very well through my stomach. I'm hoping this is what's causing my bad bad bad anxiety because I feel like I'm going mad, I can't switch off I'm a nervous wreck

09-06-2014, 05:47 AM
littleone123 - let's hope that intravenous B12 shots will fix Ya soon :)

jittery me
09-06-2014, 07:46 AM
I feel great in the am until about noon. Then it starts for me.

09-06-2014, 11:12 AM
Thats good info. Can b12 deficiency cause dizziness?

09-06-2014, 03:23 PM
Thats good info. Can b12 deficiency cause dizziness?

B12 deficiency for me has caused terrible shakiness like anxiety shaking, dizziness, bad digestion, low appetite, extreme tiredness, feeling sad and depressed, feel like I'm going mad, not sleeping, feel like I can't switch off, nervous wreck jumping at silly things like my alarm going off on my phone, fast heart beat.

All of these things the doctor told me were from anxiety and anxiety alone. But If u look at the bigger picture all these things are to do with ur nervous system. And having a b12 deficiency can cause anxiety......

09-06-2014, 03:24 PM
I feel great in the am until about noon. Then it starts for me.

I can't eat til about 12 noon and that's getting up at about 6/7am. I'm a mess in the mornings