View Full Version : Health anxiety

08-30-2014, 05:23 PM
Hi, I'm Liam and I'm 20 years old.

I have had depression for around 2 years and seemed to have developed anxiety around 4 months ago. My anxiety, or what I sincerely hope is anxiety has since progressed into health anxiety. I get chest pains everyday and have been to A&E to do tests maybe 5 times now. I constantly worry about a serious problem with my heart and dying as a result. It is only getting worse and its taking over my life. I have become very emotional, and really do need help and advice. I have seen my doctor who has only just, after four months referred me to someone I can talk to but this may take until November. I am constantly scared and sad and am finding it hard to cope. I don't know where to begin in regards to dealing with this. Please give me some advice.

Thank you.

08-30-2014, 08:56 PM
Hi, I'm Liam and I'm 20 years old.

I have had depression for around 2 years and seemed to have developed anxiety around 4 months ago. My anxiety, or what I sincerely hope is anxiety has since progressed into health anxiety. I get chest pains everyday and have been to A&E to do tests maybe 5 times now. I constantly worry about a serious problem with my heart and dying as a result. It is only getting worse and its taking over my life. I have become very emotional, and really do need help and advice. I have seen my doctor who has only just, after four months referred me to someone I can talk to but this may take until November. I am constantly scared and sad and am finding it hard to cope. I don't know where to begin in regards to dealing with this. Please give me some advice.

Thank you.

Hi Liam,

It seems like everyone is having health anxiety lately. I do as well but I'm 40yo and have actual health problems. I don't think at your age it's very likely you would die from a heart problem :)

Maybe try some physical exercise and deep breathing. That helps with anxiety AND is good for your heart. Talking about it will also help and at least you have been referred to someone.

Take it easy..

08-30-2014, 11:58 PM
Hi Liam,

Take a look through the symptoms list to see just how much anxiety can affect you. I find it a relief at times to take a look through the list and remind myself what I'm dealing with. Once it stops being scary, the pain you worry about I mean, you can allow yourself to look past it. After that comes healing.

08-31-2014, 04:55 AM
Thank you both for replying. I have had a look through the symptoms list previously and found it shocking that anxiety could affect people in such a big way. I just can't get the doubt from the back of my mind. I think this could be down to the fact that I'm not sure whether my anxiety is causing the chest pains or whether my chest pains are causing my anxiety.

08-31-2014, 09:40 AM
So glad to hear you have someone to talk to in November. That is a huge step. hang in there until then and you won't be alone any longer in dealing with this.