View Full Version : Xanax

08-30-2014, 12:39 PM
Do you use Xanax? If so, how do you use it, and how much? I take .25mg only when I am at my absolute worst with anxiety. Maybe twice a year or so. I am afraid to get hooked. I know I am overcautious about this. There are times it would make be feel better but I still don't take it. But I guess better to be overcautious than "under-cautious." I'm interested in how others use Xanax, if at all.

08-30-2014, 01:13 PM
I have been on Xanax for quite awhile and now presently take 1.5mgs daily whether I am anxious or not. I take the extended release form.
I have also been known to forget to take it and then my sleep quality isn't as good. It's noticeable.
I was taking as much as 3mg of it until January of 2013 when I lowered my required dosage.
I don't focus a lot of thought on the medication as it is still IMHO the best anti-anxiety medication available.
If taken regularly it maintains a constant level in the bloodstream as this has always worked best for me but others may just use it occasionally with success.
I would rather take my Xanax and not have high anxiety than not take it and live with anxiety but to each their own.
Whatever works best for the individual.
Have a great day!

Enduronman. :)

08-30-2014, 01:27 PM
Kuma - hey there :). Don't worry, that's my "okay" dose of Xanax, 0.25 mg. I'm taking it for years now, but not regularly. I'm taking it only when shit hits the fan, seriously. You wouldn't get hooked up on Xanax even if You took it like 3 days a week, and 0,5 mg. So You have a lot of space to go to, just don't get "used to use it" that often. Have You tried "Rivotrill"? It's clonazepam. If not, try it. It's banging Your brain cells out a little slower than Xanax.

Anyway, one "full blown" anxiety will deal You tons of damage, one Xanax will deal You almost unnoticable damage.

I won't like, Xanax is "bad" as all of other benzos out there, it's slowly damaging brain and nervous system, but jumping from one panic attack to another can wear out one person within few months to fatal state.

There was once a great "joke" about Xanax, on Yahoo! Answers. I laughed my ass off when I read it. A guy asked whether Xanax can make You hooked up on it. Best answer with thousands of hands up marked up was: "I'm taking Xanax for 20 years in a row on a daily basis, and I haven't noticed any signs of dependancy."

That one made my day :)

And overall, Xanax is the best of benzos out there. Then You have there stuff like Lorazepam, Diazepam, Leuxarine , and Rivotrill [Clonazepam]. These babies can make one go "nuts", when taken out too heavily. Xanax is one of the best out there in general, but it's super fast acting, but also super short time acting benzodiazepine. Half-life of the effective state of Xanax is merely 2-5 hours, it's "true" half-life is 6,8 - 15 or something hours. Than it's gone.

I suggest You to try 0,125 mg, it's a half of 0.25 mg. It doesn't help with the "big things" [massive full scale panic attack] but it does help when it's starting. And You can always take another half, and one whole, to be up to 0,5 mg. Try not to go beyond 0,5 mg/day, mostly 3 days in a row, in very, very, very bad cases take 0,75-1 mg/day, not more than 3 days in a row, take the time off for 2-3 days. And You won't get hooked up, guaranteed.

[B]Enduronman - didn't You notice the effect of Xanax wear off faster, and the effective "phase" to be shorter, and weaker? As You take bigger doses? My friends and people I know told me that they went up to 3 mg/day on Xanax, but they appeared after years of using it in a dead end. They had to take some "stronger" drugs for a short period of time and suffered a lot weaning off the Xanax. Just asking, I was hooked up on Lexaurine [Bromazepam] for about a week and it was a living hell. Luckily for me I couldn't get my hands on more, so I just had to endure :)