View Full Version : Struggling tonight.

08-29-2014, 09:30 PM
Hey all,

I have had a pretty good week, but today, anxiety reared it's ugly head again.

We went out to eat at lunch, and as we got in the car, I suddenly became tremendous anxious and restless. I forced myself to stay at the restaurant so that my wife could enjoy her lunch.

I used to be the sort of person who loved to go new places, try new things, but now, I find myself anxious about it all. It makes me sad that anxiety steals the things I love from not only me, but my family.

I am struggling tonight. I want to go to bed and sleep, but hard to shut off the "worry."

I am okay, just need to know that it get's better......


08-30-2014, 05:56 AM
Greetings James,

Do You happen to carry some fast acting benzos with You, when the panic attack is about to errupt? Xanax, Lexaurine, Rivotrill, etc? I know they are "bad drugs", but trust me, 2-3 pills [drops] in a lowest "working" dose [for You] possible will not get You hooked up. Well, excelt lexaurine, that one is an agressive bitch :) makes You dependent within 2-3 days "on it".

Be safe!


P.S.: According to scientists [not to me], one panic attack does 10-100x more damage than one 0,25 Xanax, just telling, they may be right...

08-30-2014, 06:51 AM
Hey all,

I have had a pretty good week, but today, anxiety reared it's ugly head again.

We went out to eat at lunch, and as we got in the car, I suddenly became tremendous anxious and restless. I forced myself to stay at the restaurant so that my wife could enjoy her lunch.

I used to be the sort of person who loved to go new places, try new things, but now, I find myself anxious about it all. It makes me sad that anxiety steals the things I love from not only me, but my family.

I am struggling tonight. I want to go to bed and sleep, but hard to shut off the "worry."

I am okay, just need to know that it get's better......


Hi James,

It does get better! Well, you won't have the terrible anxiety permanently. In my case, it seems to come and go, and I think it gets a little easier over time.

Just try and go with the flow and not beat yourself up for being anxious.

Take it easy :)

Steven Miller
08-30-2014, 07:38 AM
This will sound like a stupid question, but, were you driving? I ask because while anxiety is certainly a biological phenomenon, it doesn't just come on randomly. I personally can get anxious when someone else is driving because I feel out of control. There is in fact a method to its madness. Something triggers it and understanding that trigger can help you to overcome it.

One other thing. You said you use to love to go to new places, try new things, etc. I want to ask: when you got in the car, was there anything in particular you were looking forward to doing? Were you looking forward to listening to the radio, or seeing the scenery at night? I mean other than getting home, getting into bed, and going to sleep. Something the next day, or next week?

I ask because I believe anxiety is due to not knowing what you want. If you spend enough of your life doing things you don't want to do, you will stop wanting to do anything. Many things can cause this, school, religion, work, relationships (or lack of). At the end of the day your body is a living thing, and it does want things. You just have to re-train your mind to listen to what your body really wants. To see past all the bullshit and fear and access those inner desires, even if they are socially unacceptable or even not possible. You need not always get what you want, but you must regain the ability to at least imagine what you want.

08-30-2014, 08:37 AM
Hey all,

I have had a pretty good week, but today, anxiety reared it's ugly head again.

We went out to eat at lunch, and as we got in the car, I suddenly became tremendous anxious and restless. I forced myself to stay at the restaurant so that my wife could enjoy her lunch.

I used to be the sort of person who loved to go new places, try new things, but now, I find myself anxious about it all. It makes me sad that anxiety steals the things I love from not only me, but my family.

I am struggling tonight. I want to go to bed and sleep, but hard to shut off the "worry."

I am okay, just need to know that it get's better......


What a great cycle anxiety is. Bastard I tell ya

Being anxious in a situation or place makes starts this nonsense off

Your brain was sent a signal to be afraid and since you are such a smart person, your brain learned the lesson well.

So you go to that place or find yourself in that situation. The brain says uh oh,gotta run!

And then the real fun begins

Since your brain is so smart, it takes SIMILAR situations and places and analyzes those to be scary too so now you feel anxious or panic there

Next thing you know you avoid places and things you loved to do for fear of feeling bad

Then anxiety just deepens it's hold

It's awesome that you did not leave the restaurant even though you felt bad

That is a horrible idea, but in the back of your mind I suppose it's good to knew that you could if absolutely necessary

Exposure therapy is the ticket. Fancy way of saying go do the shit that you irrationally fear

Biggest part is not to do those things and not fear or panic, but to do those things and feel the anxiety and let the panic come.

And become a spectator and feel what you are going through and watch it come and then watch it stop

It stops regardless of what you do. Your brain will see after a few times that even though it was fearful nothing happened to harm you

Just as you trained your brain to fear irrationally, it can be just as easily trained to not to those things

Claire Weekes is the best doctor and many believe is the pioneer of real anxiety help and cure

I am one of those people

Read a book or two of hers or research her on the internet

She completely knows how to deal with it since she was a major sufferer herself

Reading her evaluation of anxiety will have you feeling better about yourself and your outlook on the future
