View Full Version : Afraid of being alone??

08-29-2014, 04:46 PM
I realized my anxiety started at work over the summer whenever I had a shift where I had to work by myself. I was afraid of being alone for some reason...maybe in case something happened to me? In the middle of August I moved to a completely new city, a few hours away from my parents. I am a transfer student and my new college is hugeeee. I barely know anybody except for church friends, but I barely see them on campus because there are so many people. I have one roommate who is my best friend basically. She knows what I'm going through, but she has already graduated college so she is just working right now. When I come home from school and she's not there, I feel so alone. Even if I stay on campus at least I'm around people, but I'm around strangers.

Right now, I'm a bit sick. I have a small cold and a headache, but my roommate's boyfriend is over and he is going to a free concert tonight. I have a headache so naturally I shouldn't go, but I just don't want to be alone here. Is this normal? I just haven't really adjusted to living here yet. It doesn't feel like this is my apartment and my school and my city. I'm not used to it, but will I ever be? I wake up anxious all the time. I have a fast heart beat and can't stop thinking about all the things I need to do (even when I don't have much to do). I took a nap an hour ago and I woke up nervous because I couldn't decide whether or not I wanted to go to the concert despite my headache. I wouldn't even go to the concert for the music, I'd go just so I won't be alone. I'm not sure if my anxiety is getting better or worse, but sometimes it feels like it's never going to go away.

I've called the counseling center at my school and their offices were closed for the day, but they open again on Monday. I'm going to see a counselor and see what they say. Has anybody ever felt like this? I'd do anything to not feel lonely even if it meant making my headache worse by going to a concert.

08-29-2014, 05:16 PM
Some of us are fearful of being alone, some of us aren't.
Yes, it is normal to feel this way.
If you're an extrovert, then by all means..just be yourself.
I on the other hand, am an introvert and enjoy my alone time.
I generally don't like crowds, busyness, gatherings, but I will go anyway..
Just follow your heart, take something for your headache and go have some fun!
Enjoy your weekend Kaybee.

Enduronman. :)

08-29-2014, 05:26 PM
Well you have a great reason to be a bit anxious. That's a lot of new stuff going on and it can be quite overwhelming.

You are stressed. That's what college is supposed to do

Beat the hell out of you to get you ready for the next 45 years of a mundane job that you hate.

Aint life grand?

You seem to stress over the fact that you are feeling anxious

In your situation, it is normal to feel the way you do so allow yourself to feel that way

Being anxious and having an anxiety disorder are very different

You will never stop having situations that you are anxious

That is there as a benefit to us

If you feel the way you do after things settle, maybe then it's time to get a diagnosis

But for today, I agree with EMan.

Take a Motrin and go out and have fun and get stupid drunk

That's what college is really about

It's all about the fun