View Full Version : Anxiety And My Mom's Death

Sharon Razmakaz Winter
08-29-2014, 03:23 PM
He everyone...I've been having a tough time lately...

My Mom passed away of Ovarian Cancer at the end of April. She was my very best friend and had been battling it for about 5 years. My anxiety and OCD was based around her dying and I used to get panic attacks just thinking about the possibility. I went through CBT (Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy) in 2010 as part of the "Obsessed" TV series (season 2). It helped me a lot.

But, my OCD and my anxiety are back. I've become somewhat of a Hypochondriac, and I've had a lot of health issues (normal stuff like UTI's and other "lady issues".) I know that most of them are because I became sexually active after 4 years of abstinence. I'm just not used to having to take care of my body in a different way. But, I still feel anxious about any health thing. Any twitch or twinge and I run to the doctor. It's maddening (and expensive!). I feel like my OCD has come back in a medical kind of way and it's frightening.

I also get depressed easily and I feel like I put up a "wall" between me and reality. It's almost like a glass window that people are trying to get into and I don't want them to. I feel like it's putting a strain on my relationship with the guy I'm dating and it's ripping me apart inside. My Dad and I don't get along and my Brother lives far away and works for the Army. I never see him. I'm 27, so it's not like I'm a kid...but it's still hard.

I feel like it's me against the world and it's fucking scary. Anyone else? Thought? Help?

08-29-2014, 04:28 PM
A good doctor, therapy, and some medications to help you over this hump and hard time in your life..very sorry for your loss Sharon.
There is light at the end of this tunnel friend...you just have to make things happen in a positive direction, positive purpose and meaning.
Wishing you the best!

Enduronman :)