View Full Version : URGENT help!!

08-28-2014, 11:10 PM
Thanks guys i made it through the night!

08-29-2014, 05:13 AM
Hi guys! Let me start off by saying I've never in my life had a panic attack, ever. So i'm really hoping you guys can quickly help me decide on what to do from here.

Around 10:30 (THREE hours ago) I started getting some weird chest pains, and my throat started closing and it started getting seemingly hard to breathe.
I also even was getting like a weird pain in my tooth.

I literally freaked out because I had no clue what is going on, my grandpa having heart attacks this year made me assume that could be a possibility.

Right now I really don't know what's going on, I don't know if I should go to the hospital or not.

I took 25mg diphenhydramine in order to try to calm down.

Right now, 3 hours after the worst of the effects, i'm in a state that I feel is almost worse..

I feel almost "high" but it's scary because I haven't done anything to fulfill this.

I feel like the world isn't real, and even looking at my own arms and hands as I type they look fake.

I was getting weird out of the corner of my eye visuals while I was outside getting some fresh air..

I still feel like this 3 hours later, reading that panic attacks usually don't last this long, WHAT SHOULD I DO?

I feel like i'm going crazy, I don't know why everything seems fake.

Am I ahving a heart attack?

Hey there,

I hope you're okay.

I don't think you'd be able to type if it was a heart attack. Maybe you're extra worried about that because of your grandpa.

I've definitely been panicky for longer than 3 hours. Sometimes reading things (like panic attacks don't last that long) can make you panic more.

Also, the feeling of unreality is common with anxiety and panic. It's absolutely horrible but it is "normal".

Maybe you felt high because you'd been hyperventilating.

Anyway take it easy..
Gypsy :)

08-29-2014, 05:21 AM
Hi guys! Let me start off by saying I've never in my life had a panic attack, ever. So i'm really hoping you guys can quickly help me decide on what to do from here.

Around 10:30 (THREE hours ago) I started getting some weird chest pains, and my throat started closing and it started getting seemingly hard to breathe.
I also even was getting like a weird pain in my tooth.

I literally freaked out because I had no clue what is going on, my grandpa having heart attacks this year made me assume that could be a possibility.

Right now I really don't know what's going on, I don't know if I should go to the hospital or not.

I took 25mg diphenhydramine in order to try to calm down.

Right now, 3 hours after the worst of the effects, i'm in a state that I feel is almost worse..

I feel almost "high" but it's scary because I haven't done anything to fulfill this.

I feel like the world isn't real, and even looking at my own arms and hands as I type they look fake.

I was getting weird out of the corner of my eye visuals while I was outside getting some fresh air..

I still feel like this 3 hours later, reading that panic attacks usually don't last this long, WHAT SHOULD I DO?

I feel like i'm going crazy, I don't know why everything seems fake.

Am I ahving a heart attack?

Hi Atromatic,

To me it sounds like a panic attack indeed. Has anything happened to you lately? Are you struggling a little extra? Stressful times?

I think that if you had a heart attack right now, you would not be able to log on to you computer and type on your keyboard. Also, heart attacks, as far as I know, do not give symptoms of derealization like you have now. However, this is a very, very common symptom of anxiety and panic attacks in particular.

I have GAD and do not suffer so much from panic attacks, but I have them occasionally. They are usually triggered by intense thoughts, fears and feelings, and I often get the above mentioned symptoms, most prominently the feeling of derealization. I am curious as to what may have triggered your attack? As far as I know, it does not have to be anything either: sometimes anxiety can sneak up on you (from the subconscious part of your brain).

08-29-2014, 06:45 AM
I agree with the above and panic attack can last minutes, hours or days. When I started to read you thread I thought maybe it is anaphylitic shock but three hours you would be dead;)) welcome to the forum and to the world of panic and anxiety, which can be controlled :)

08-29-2014, 07:47 AM
I have had panic attacks last hours before. Well, I'm not sure if it was one panic attack or just multiple ones that come in waves. It's horrible. But the fear of the fear (if that makes sense) is what makes it keep coming. It's a cycle that feeds on itself if you let it. Take deep breaths. Try to "step outside" yourself and tell yourself that you're not dying (because if you were you probably wouldn't be typing this) and that it's just panic. All these physical things you are feeling are just a symptom of anxiety, they're not real. Tell yourself it will be over in a little bit, it's just temporary. Deep breaths. Take a walk. I have to distract myself sometimes by going shopping or talking to a friend. Watching TV or reading a book. Anything to stop thinking about the panic.

08-29-2014, 03:25 PM
Atromatic, Sorry buddy I had to leave you last night. Atromatic was chatting with me but I had to run. I hope my advise helped a little. Tell us what went on and how you managed through the evening!

08-29-2014, 04:06 PM
That's good Atromatic :)

08-29-2014, 04:31 PM
Congratulations Atromatic!
Hope today goes even better for you...

Enduronman :)