View Full Version : My anxiety problem.

08-28-2014, 04:14 PM
Hello. I'm new here. My name is Liam and I need some advice.

Around four months ago I had a sudden onset of what I think is anxiety. I woke up one morning, had breakfast, began to watch tv and I felt short of breath. I ignored it until it happened again shortly after. this is when I began to panic a little and was eventually sick. the nausea lasted months after this happened and I was sick several times over that period of time, at which point I usually felt a little better. I've never been the anxious type so it came as quite a surprise.

Anyway, around 1-3 weeks after the ?anxiety? started, I started to have chest pains. these have persisted daily and are still going on now. They are on and off throughout the day, sharp/stabbing pain in nature, left side of the chest mostly but also sometimes on the right. I have been to the hospital 4-5 times regarding this problem and every time the ECG and blood tests come back fine. I still worry every time I have these pains and it is starting to really affect my life. Is this normal? How do I begin to get past this?

08-28-2014, 05:25 PM
Additional info; I seem to have developed health anxiety. The chest pains did subside for a couple weeks a month or so back. I thought it was over. which wasn't the case. I seem to get other physical pains to replace it though. some even happen at the same time. I've had neck pain, back pain, abdominal pain, arm pain, leg pain, and headaches.

08-28-2014, 06:37 PM
Welcome to the forum!

From what you've described I'd advise you do do all medical tests possible to rule out any medical condition first.

Anxiety can do strange things though so It could be that.
Don't fear anxiety; easier said than done, but really, really try.

08-28-2014, 06:56 PM
I do agree that I need more medical tests. trying to convince my doctor and the hospital of this is a different matter. Is there anything you would advise I say or do to help me when I next see my doctor, so I can be referred to a specialits? This is affecting my life in such a big way and im lost in regards to what I should do next.


08-28-2014, 07:00 PM
Say you are very anxious, or might get anxious. He'll think of that when giving any assessment.
Do not Google any symptoms! That ruined my life for a few months.
As for your anxiety, have a good read of a few posts of "I'm suffering"'s, I attribute him with getting my anxiety under control.
I do agree that I need more medical tests. trying to convince my doctor and the hospital of this is a different matter. Is there anything you would advise I say or do to help me when I next see my doctor, so I can be referred to a specialits? This is affecting my life in such a big way and im lost in regards to what I should do next.


08-28-2014, 07:09 PM
Ok, I'll keep that in mind and definitely check that out! I'm afraid the Google searches began a while ago. It absolutely made things worse! Thanks for the replies.

08-29-2014, 12:00 PM
Greetings LIAM_ ,

From what I read from You in Your first and second post, Your "onset" was "encyclopedia" like onset of GAD combined with starting neurogene hyperventilation tetany. But of course, it's a great idea to go via all the possible test at Your doctor. "Weak" anxiety can be treated by bigger doses of calcium and B-complex [mainly B6 and B12], also by brewers yeast, which contains a LOT of B vitamins.

Try to get as little stress as possible, try to go outdoors as much as possible. Try to avoid the "boyfriend vs. girlfriend" conflicts. They are most of the time useless anyway and never solve anything. Try to give most of the time of the day to Yourself. You'll either weaken the symtpoms greatly, and eventually get a rid of the anxiety for some longer time, or You at least will have better base for the treatment,

Kind regards


08-29-2014, 01:09 PM
Greetings LIAM_ ,

From what I read from You in Your first and second post, Your "onset" was "encyclopedia" like onset of GAD combined with starting neurogene hyperventilation tetany. But of course, it's a great idea to go via all the possible test at Your doctor. "Weak" anxiety can be treated by bigger doses of calcium and B-complex [mainly B6 and B12], also by brewers yeast, which contains a LOT of B vitamins.

Try to get as little stress as possible, try to go outdoors as much as possible. Try to avoid the "boyfriend vs. girlfriend" conflicts. They are most of the time useless anyway and never solve anything. Try to give most of the time of the day to Yourself. You'll either weaken the symtpoms greatly, and eventually get a rid of the anxiety for some longer time, or You at least will have better base for the treatment,

Kind regards


Thanks for the reply. To clarify, I didn't actually hyperventilate. My breathing stayed the same, it didn't become rapid or change at all.. I just felt as though I wasn't getting enough oxygen.

08-29-2014, 01:25 PM
Thanks for the reply. To clarify, I didn't actually hyperventilate. My breathing stayed the same, it didn't become rapid or change at all.. I just felt as though I wasn't getting enough oxygen.

My friend,

Indecision leads to doubt, then worry, and ultimately fear. Now, these are mental and psychological disturbances within the system so your attention should go to your mind, and not the physical symptoms which are your thoughts materialized.

Period. For my new friend.

Now when physical symptoms arise, which are natural expressions of the body to clear the emotions you have stored, you become bewildered by them. The fear translates to adrenaline which then dumps into the system, feeling the fright you never think to look at your psyche, your too busy placing all energies into your body thus exaggerating its effects. What is normal HR of say 110 under duress by your bewilderment now races to 150 and thus you put yourself in the ER.

Returning with a clean bill of health, as 90% of anxiety sufferers do, you are meant to look within as without no longer serves a purpose. It can't help you. All the vitamins and nutrition in the world won't stop repressed emotions from bursting forth as your storehouse fills to the brim. When all else fails you, and it will, you are meant to about face, and turn inward, there you find your answers and reclaim your life.

You look inside. Even amidst every symptom known to man attacking you at once.

Let the fear speak, and tell you it's story. That in itself is a release in that you will understand the incipient mental problems that caused it. The answer is inside the fear.

Indecision > doubt > worry > fear > bewilderment > physical symptoms > anxiety > back to indecision and so forth.

That is all.

08-29-2014, 01:36 PM
LIAM_ - did You check Your SpO2 levels? You can rule out whether it's a probable GAD symptom, or a "real" symptom with oximeter easily.

08-29-2014, 01:44 PM
LIAM_ - did You check Your SpO2 levels? You can rule out whether it's a probable GAD symptom, or a "real" symptom with oximeter easily.

My post 2 up applies to you, I suggest you read it. Playing the good doctor won't help you no matter the oxygen levels. Measuring the body is a game, who shall continue playing? And who shall solve the issues completely, ending the game decisively?