View Full Version : Do you ever really "beat" anxiety?

08-27-2014, 06:08 PM
I'm just wondering if you ever really beat anxiety and it disappears for good. As this past month or two I've managed to have my anxiety under what I would say is control. Now keep in mind about 6 months ago I was barely making it outside as it was so strong, I felt like I was going to pass out most of the time since I just had so much derealization going on and panic. I was exhausted. I sort of just tried my best to ride it out and eventually over time it got better.

But I would never say I really beat it, it was always there and I'd have good days and bad days. But that's as good as it got, I never really had a day where i forgot I had this mental problem.
To add abit more background information I have specifically health anxiety, at least that was what first started it all. I would say it's more general now but even still the slightest thing I find abnormal wrong with me sets it off.

I'm having a miserable time because I keep considering the fact what if it never goes away and it's just something I have to try to keep under control for the rest of my life.
So can anyone actually say here that there anxiety is gone and it doesn't even cross their mind anymore?

08-27-2014, 07:13 PM
I'm just wondering if you ever really beat anxiety and it disappears for good. As this past month or two I've managed to have my anxiety under what I would say is control. Now keep in mind about 6 months ago I was barely making it outside as it was so strong, I felt like I was going to pass out most of the time since I just had so much derealization going on and panic. I was exhausted. I sort of just tried my best to ride it out and eventually over time it got better.

But I would never say I really beat it, it was always there and I'd have good days and bad days. But that's as good as it got, I never really had a day where i forgot I had this mental problem.
To add abit more background information I have specifically health anxiety, at least that was what first started it all. I would say it's more general now but even still the slightest thing I find abnormal wrong with me sets it off.

I'm having a miserable time because I keep considering the fact what if it never goes away and it's just something I have to try to keep under control for the rest of my life.
So can anyone actually say here that there anxiety is gone and it doesn't even cross their mind anymore?

Kelsey, for me, it never has completely gone away

Once you are aware of it, it seems to be there

But that isnt all that bad

I still have a thought or two that gets my adrenaline to dump but that is where it ends

I understand what anxiety does to me so it doesn't consume me

On Sunday, I was working in the yard and felt short of breath

first thought was a heart attack. So I make the association unconsciously

But a split second later I also realize that is anxiety making me thing that

A few belly breaths later I was fine and on my way

If there is a good side to the anxiety that I suffered from is this.

I appreciate everything things so much more now

Things that I do now that I avoided when my anxiety ruled me seem especially awesome

I consider myself anxiety problem free, not anxiety free

as I said, I still get the false signals sent to me occasionally but I just don't react negatively to start the panic cycle

So this is a long way of saying yes, you can lead a great life and feel "normal" again.

08-27-2014, 07:33 PM
Kelsey, for me, it never has completely gone away Once you are aware of it, it seems to be there But that isnt all that bad I still have a thought or two that gets my adrenaline to dump but that is where it ends I understand what anxiety does to me so it doesn't consume me On Sunday, I was working in the yard and felt short of breath first thought was a heart attack. So I make the association unconsciously But a split second later I also realize that is anxiety making me thing that A few belly breaths later I was fine and on my way If there is a good side to the anxiety that I suffered from is this. I appreciate everything things so much more now Things that I do now that I avoided when my anxiety ruled me seem especially awesome I consider myself anxiety problem free, not anxiety free as I said, I still get the false signals sent to me occasionally but I just don't react negatively to start the panic cycle So this is a long way of saying yes, you can lead a great life and feel "normal" again.

Yeah that's the same problem with me, just the slightest thing I notice like recently I have been getting pains in my lower abdomen and stomach for no reason. I am now getting anxious about it which of course as anxiety does, takes affect on your stomach making the symptoms appear worse. It's a never ending cycle.

But it's nice to hear that you can eventually end off cutting it off in it's path. I know that as humans anxiety is normal and we'll all have an average amount in our lives but I just don't want it to be this bad forever. I'm sick of walking down the street or whatever I'm doing then it just coming out of nowhere and I have to try to contain it.

It is a good way to look at it that anxiety makes you appreciate things. Health anxiety even makes me appreciate waking up in the morning alive and well. I just hope as you say eventually I will start to feel my old self before I developed this crappy mental illness. It's funny someone actually described anxiety and panic attacks once as a car alarm, most cars only go off when there's something wrong or danger but we are like an alarm with a malfunction and we go off at random moments.
Don't know why but that stuck in my head and that's how I try to think of it.

08-27-2014, 07:41 PM
Yeah that's the same problem with me, just the slightest thing I notice like recently I have been getting pains in my lower abdomen and stomach for no reason. I am now getting anxious about it which of course as anxiety does, takes affect on your stomach making the symptoms appear worse. It's a never ending cycle.

But it's nice to hear that you can eventually end off cutting it off in it's path. I know that as humans anxiety is normal and we'll all have an average amount in our lives but I just don't want it to be this bad forever. I'm sick of walking down the street or whatever I'm doing then it just coming out of nowhere and I have to try to contain it.

It is a good way to look at it that anxiety makes you appreciate things. Health anxiety even makes me appreciate waking up in the morning alive and well. I just hope as you say eventually I will start to feel my old self before I developed this crappy mental illness. It's funny someone actually described anxiety and panic attacks once as a car alarm, most cars only go off when there's something wrong or danger but we are like an alarm with a malfunction and we go off at random moments.
Don't know why but that stuck in my head and that's how I try to think of it.

I can gather from you post that you are on your way

It is obvious that you have done your research about what anxiety is and how it affects you

You are way closer than you think, Kelsey

Once you understand it, it ceases scaring you

If you aren't scared, you cannot panic

You have been through the cycle enough times that you realize that nothing catastrophic ever happens

You will become bored with trying to justify the panic and it will stop

The best part is that in the future, when your anxiety tries to sneak bak in to cause a panic attack, you have trained your brain not to react so you don't

You are on the home stretch, Kelsey. whether you see it or not

08-27-2014, 08:27 PM
Hey Kelsey,
Can I be completely honest with you? Ok...... Can you beat or rid yourself of Anxiety? Unless you become a machine... Im sorry Im not sure its possible. Now is that a bad thing? Nope Its actually a "Cute" thing.... in womens terms. WHAT???? How can this be? Well let me try to explain.

You met this really really cute guy at the grocery store. He keeps looking at you and he is smiling at you..... You smile back with a little shy smile. You know that feeling you have in your stomach and chest. The one that makes you feel a little scared and nervous? Yups that is anxiety. The only difference is, is that you call it something else.

Now lets try another example. You know when you are going for a promotion and you have to go to an interview with the board of directors? You that feeling of being scared... sweaty palms, and nervousness. Guess what? Its the exact same feelings you had with the "Cute Guy".

The difference between the 2 examples above, is one you treated as a positive. Cute Guy. The other, well more of a negative in a sense that is scary and for a life changing event. So depending on how you mentally deal with the "Panic and Anxiety" is how you "Beat it" per-say versus completely eliminating and anxiety.

I called it cute, because the nervousness with the cute guy example is actually a great human trait and nothing to be afraid of.

So overall? Can you beat it? I would say with the tools that we have developed on dealing with a panic/anxiety attack, (Breathing, Cogitative behavioral training CBT, positive thoughts aand practice) Is how you beat it by getting used to the sensations. Get rid of them completely is impossible but dealing with them and making them go away faster and faster is our trick.

One more quick example about practicing and I will shut up =)

I play golf with a bunch of friends, the first couple of rounds, I was nervous as hell....Oh man on the 18th hole and this putt could cost us the match, I would be shaking, nervous, have a panic attack or panic like symptoms (elevated heart rate, fast breathing, sweating etc). I didnt know how I could play this game feeling like this all the time.... Now 2 years later, I am a rock. When I hit the 18th hole, I take a deep breath. I am calm controlled and I approach that putt with confidence. Even if a little nervousness comes over me, I take a couple of nice deep breathes and it all gets better.

So it could take 2 years of practice, but!!!!! You can control it and get used to it and it can almost be non existent!!!!!!!!

08-27-2014, 11:53 PM
In my case, no. I have the genetic disposition, the environmental factors in childhood AND some very stressful factors in my adult life.

I think I'm a little better at dealing with it now but sometimes it's still debilitating.

Also, when I first saw a doctor about it in the early 90s it wasn't as well understood or talked about. One of the worst things with anxiety is feeling alone with it. So as it becomes less stigmatised it isn't as awful.

Bye for now :)

08-28-2014, 02:24 PM
I've been dealing with it for 46 yrs and once I learned to manage it, instead of it managing me, things did get better and the anxiety lessened somewhat.
I wish us all success in beating this as I do believe that it can be done with the right outlook on life, and the right treatments, therapy, etc...
Hoping for the best outcomes!
Take care...

Enduronman. :)

08-28-2014, 07:10 PM
I have not beat my anxiety, but I too, have learned to manage it.

08-29-2014, 07:42 AM
No, I don't think you can ever beat anxiety. Even "normal" (haha, does that exist?) people experience anxiety from time-to-time. I think you just learn how to manage it in a healthy way so it doesn't control your life.

08-29-2014, 08:57 AM
The adrenaline dump is over whelming at times. I get it in the back of my neck - where do you feel yours NIxonRulz?

Kelsey, for me, it never has completely gone away

Once you are aware of it, it seems to be there

But that isnt all that bad

I still have a thought or two that gets my adrenaline to dump but that is where it ends

I understand what anxiety does to me so it doesn't consume me

On Sunday, I was working in the yard and felt short of breath

first thought was a heart attack. So I make the association unconsciously

But a split second later I also realize that is anxiety making me thing that

A few belly breaths later I was fine and on my way

If there is a good side to the anxiety that I suffered from is this.

I appreciate everything things so much more now

Things that I do now that I avoided when my anxiety ruled me seem especially awesome

I consider myself anxiety problem free, not anxiety free

as I said, I still get the false signals sent to me occasionally but I just don't react negatively to start the panic cycle

So this is a long way of saying yes, you can lead a great life and feel "normal" again.

08-29-2014, 09:08 AM
I'm just wondering if you ever really beat anxiety and it disappears for good. As this past month or two I've managed to have my anxiety under what I would say is control. Now keep in mind about 6 months ago I was barely making it outside as it was so strong, I felt like I was going to pass out most of the time since I just had so much derealization going on and panic. I was exhausted. I sort of just tried my best to ride it out and eventually over time it got better.

But I would never say I really beat it, it was always there and I'd have good days and bad days. But that's as good as it got, I never really had a day where i forgot I had this mental problem.
To add abit more background information I have specifically health anxiety, at least that was what first started it all. I would say it's more general now but even still the slightest thing I find abnormal wrong with me sets it off.

I'm having a miserable time because I keep considering the fact what if it never goes away and it's just something I have to try to keep under control for the rest of my life.
So can anyone actually say here that there anxiety is gone and it doesn't even cross their mind anymore?

my anxiety attacks went away for 25 years. I am now 45. I tappered off Lexpro after 12 years this MArch. 4 months later I got anxiety and depression back like a tidle wave. Just went back on Lexapro, I expect that after 8 weeks it will be under control. I tried really hard not to take meds, but I need it to work and function, so I take Lorazapem as well.
So we just dont know how long our duration will be. I have heard people say they had a spell of anxiety and don't have them now.

08-29-2014, 09:21 AM
Great post - "Once you understand it, it ceases scaring you

If you aren't scared, you cannot panic "

I can gather from you post that you are on your way

It is obvious that you have done your research about what anxiety is and how it affects you

You are way closer than you think, Kelsey

Once you understand it, it ceases scaring you

If you aren't scared, you cannot panic

You have been through the cycle enough times that you realize that nothing catastrophic ever happens

You will become bored with trying to justify the panic and it will stop

The best part is that in the future, when your anxiety tries to sneak bak in to cause a panic attack, you have trained your brain not to react so you don't

You are on the home stretch, Kelsey. whether you see it or not

08-29-2014, 01:45 PM
Anxiety is in everyone's life. The anxiety we know is the fear having developed into an idea greater than what it is. Can you beat anxiety? Who's to say no? I still have anxiety, I don't focus on it on a normal basis and I'm still improving on not focusing on it at all. And that's how you "beat" anxiety.

Carry on people :)

08-29-2014, 04:31 PM
Can you beat anxiety? I think the questions begs for an assumption, that anxiety is the culprit when really it's more a case of playing into something that would of never existed -> if not for our own self interest. Society likes to think of itself as advanced beings, entities that are on top of the food chain because they have moved primal awareness. Unfortunately IMO - whilst fear is a natural state of being - what we now refer to as anxiety in this advanced world - is an unnatural state of being that our egos have created.

Now - I ramble some here because my perspective on this is more aimed towards inner peace based on self awareness not driven by self interest. Humans are extremely SELFISH beings. They see themselves as superior in every way to all other forms of life. Ones worth is measured not by what they have to offer as a being, but more by the manufactured materials one bestows as they go about eating and breathing. Add to material possessions -> Ones Ideals. In this forward thinking civilization, from the moment of birth one can be imprinted to believe in ideals so far from self, yet so binding as to induce fear the moment one is able to think for self. Advancing technology and its short comings, need not only apply to the modern world of todays, as even the most herald civilizations thousands of years ago, faced the same conundrums of today. We simply live in an age where the destruction of the planet -> exacerbated by mans self interests - is so clear to see -YET - how blind we choose to live as a whole gives more to that selfishness of which I speak.

Where once we were called savages - I would argue that people where not anywhere near as evil as so preached. We have simply advance way beyond our own ability to communicate where it matters - on a self aware level. There are those although not religious orientated - fall into the same dogma of preaching that some mystical shift is now taking place ... LOL ... I think these ones are part of a minority that do not suffer as great as perhaps they should ... another term might be to simply call the "the Oprah Winfrey crowed" - Mentality at any rate. All presentation with a lots of froth and bubble. The TV crowed - then comes the on line forum addicts searching for an answer on the web 24/7 - if not to simply hand out prescriptions themselves whilst not really knowing and or - also yearning for some kind of meaningful purpose. Well meaning and all - but whilst a self professed success - there they are blowing their horns and selling their Blogs, books and or whatever pumps them up just that bit more.

SIGH - smiles to think of all the pills I am now on - Tis the age in which we live. You don't beat anxiety - you simply live learn to live with it in a world bent on creating more of it.

Earn of Lean beats the drum!!! - Know thy place or be done!!! Either your seen to "WORK" or seen as WORTHLESS. There is no in between - So heightened is a mans worth in this way, that babies are now institutionalized pretty within weeks of their birth whilst mum tows the chain and working for the air she breaths. You can sugar coat it all you like with fanciful stories of having purpose - and a happy life --- Bingo - comes SELF INTEREST as taught when once they hit the doors of those baby centers.

We live in such perpetual fear - blinded by ideals that feed ones worth - for if ever one is to beat this anxiety of which you speak - then it would be not to aim for anyone standard or to seek what one has in stock - to stop popularizing oneself - trying to be better and or obtain - Drop the ruler and stop measuring point blank.

FTW is what I say - but learn to do it without the hate.

This is just my opinion - we all have our own and I'll try to respect that. I am not some healer and or Mystic reader with fancy words for the TELLING - I see a lot of that going on in here. Whilst I myself give air of caution to the way I think spiritually - this place could do better without all the BS that is preached.

I hope you hear me on that one Dahila - smiles to think I got your name right - I wonder if you even have a response to my usual banter. The later was with you in mind to that that you consider more batty than me. LOL -

I don't know - I know its been good to have a break from here, but then all the same I do well to have my little steam blowing sessions -

There is a multitude of sadness in this world - even under all that BS painted so bright. I commiserate with all those soles - Now I leave you with one last perspective that does not lie - however the way in which we view is all we are - to which I know so many in here be so creative in their being ... hmmmmmm ... is why nature is so easy to take in - regardless if its current decline ... keep being creative all we do .. without measure I find to be key ... to see color and respect it for the way it be - and learn to see new colors and accept what that also be - (big one for me!!! - accept more color where none be whilst retaining the essence without the need to please. upscale - and make better - to simply present both without and with color) .... both a lesson for living and being creative I guess ... Bla bla bla -

Latest one at the beach guys - Peace as best you can find it - ^%$# anxiety - don't even jump in the ring.

https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3884/15054004466_c037a36845_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/oWgH49)

08-29-2014, 04:51 PM
SIGH - smiles to think of all the pills I am now on - Tis the age in which we live. You don't beat anxiety - you simply live learn to live with it in a world bent on creating more of it.

Well said, Ponder. This is so true

Good to see you

I hope your world is rockin

08-29-2014, 11:06 PM
Hey Nixon - I'll take any kind of encouragement I can get :)

If I could rock my world, it would be like that of a crib.

It was really nice to see you comment. TY.

08-30-2014, 05:34 AM
SIGH - smiles to think of all the pills I am now on - Tis the age in which we live. You don't beat anxiety - you simply live learn to live with it in a world bent on creating more of it.

Well said, Ponder. This is so true

No. It is not. That is his world, because to him, it appears that way (and I am fond of you Ponder). That whole post does not represent life inherently, nor is it a factual representation. The post is filled with a world view of sadness and hurt, the undertones of emotions representative of broken expectations. It is love turned inside out. And to you, agreeing, you better examine your world view, period. No need to wonder why or where your personal anxiety comes from should you believe these things that have been expressed.

Lesson: (begin a short reading)

The world and it's people are good, for your brothers and sisters have learned much over the eons. You have destroyed yourselves as a civilization enough times where it has become a cosmic joke, so to speak. For here you find yourself 'alive' again. You are all learning many things, and those things are not always as they seem. Many things are hidden now, forcing you to draw your own personal conclusions from experiences. Where you err is that your experiences are not facts about life as you would like to believe. Your experiences are probable, in which you have chosen the ones best suited to your challenges. What did you think you were up to?

Fully commit now, be good or be bad. But not both as you continue to slap yourselves on the wrist like punished children. If good, then think aright. If bad then you have free will to suffer until such time as you desire not to suffer. That is sufferings only purpose.

I will not feel sad for any of you, for that does not build you up, and you are sad enough in your own minds. I will always see you as you really are, when not clothed in the murk and mire that have stuck to you over the years.

Yes, anxiety can be completely cured, but really it's pandora a box because there's nothing to cure but a sad outlook and the hurt of broken expectations. The world will not change for the better while you hold thoughts of the worse. You will only see the worse, and cry out against it at the same time.

When will you learn from me, it is the worst extravagance to waste this time we have together.

That's enough. Go back and reread, most likely I have edited and added to this post.

08-30-2014, 03:19 PM
SIGH - Dude or dudet ......... seriously? Each of us are entitled to our own views. I'll do my best to take my own advice and NOT jump in the ring here, however I'll respond all the same.

What and how I see is very real to me, just as it is for any other broken heart that frequents this place.

I ponder to think how it is that you have replied - yet understand your tact fits into the mystic reading I reject so heartedly and mentioned in my previous reply. Therefore understand your own need to respond as you do.

I rebuke the world as a whole - US as a species. However I do not make a habit of rebuking individual responses in the manner you do. I use the word rebuke because that is how your words often feel to me. Not many of us pessimistic individuals respond well to such criticism of how we think and feel. Taking some of the good and responding with that really gave me a buz - it made me feel good inside. I really and I mean REALLY was and still am grateful for the way Nixon responded.

I know Nixon was encouraging me, but I can't say I know how Nixon thinks and would never dare to say if one is right or wrong. I'm kind of upset how you spoke down on that. Jeez man, I wish you could adopt another approach when correcting people as you do. None the less I'm suffering - it is how you be, so I should do me best to rid with that.

The above is me backpedaling to some degree and really does not respond that much to my own perceptions ... Please try not to TELL "of others" and TICK them as you do man. I know you have some good points in many of your posts, however I find your condescending tone very blinding to the good in which you reach. Don't tell me to go back and read or how I should think and feel or why it is that I do and say what I do. Don't read me that way ... don't read others in that light either.

Just stick to talking of your own thoughts and explain from your own perspective. My view point might be bleak for others, but it is MY view point. Don't be messing with my view.

I'll thank you for that much.

I really appreciated Nixon for not what Nixon said, but how Nixon said it.

I think there is much to learn from that.

My words can be hot to handle, but I don't intend to burn another's reply with go do this or that.

I respond more later on the points that I can find - for now ... I let myself ride.

08-30-2014, 05:03 PM
There have been any years of my life spent in a shadow of a person I've wanted to be. To overcome the negative views and thoughts I've always countered with joy, belief in growth and the inherent idea that people love each other and should love each other. For we are all bred in the same light and the same idea in mind. To thrive however possible in the most enjoyable way possible. I do not enjoy the negative views of others and don't subject myself to them because I try to be a being of love and strength. The strength to move on from the negativity that so often binds to people. Don't be fooled by a smile, a pure person can always be viewed amongst a struggle. The others have their own agenda at isolating themselves however possible.

The world is a beautiful place when you look at it through the eyes of a pure person. Does ignorance play role in this? No, we simply don't flounder under the weight of distorted perception. Keep it that way and you'll love a life of beauty and care, joy together with other beings. Together we were made and together we continue on.

Beautiful post once again, suffering. Your role as a healer carries strong messages. To those that choose to listen, learn what you can while you can.

08-30-2014, 05:45 PM
False Teacher.

... as for the term "Choose" - from my experience, the word typically comes from those bound by whatever ideals who refuse to see outside their own boundaries.

Far easier to simply agree and hand out accolades of praise for beams of sunshine and sprightly feelings. People blanketing themselves in false hope.

In your own tone - Wake up and smell the roses - take a good look at whats happening to this world.

Verily I say unto you ... cough cough ... your followers here are but easily buttered and in much need of emotional porn that feeds to the feeling of constant bliss.

You have your place here for such bliss seekers as they be.

Your message falls on ears the hear and eyes that see - You my dear, are somewhat at a predisposition with this fanciful image of thyself so set above others.

Again in your own tone - Snap out of it - go back and read.

Take a good look at whats going on in the world.

Not wasting anymore of my time with you and your "followers" Pffft.

08-30-2014, 08:06 PM
False Teacher.

... as for the term "Choose" - from my experience, the word typically comes from those bound by whatever ideals who refuse to see outside their own boundaries.

Far easier to simply agree and hand out accolades of praise for beams of sunshine and sprightly feelings. People blanketing themselves in false hope.

In your own tone - Wake up and smell the roses - take a good look at whats happening to this world.

Verily I say unto you ... cough cough ... your followers here are but easily buttered and in much need of emotional porn that feeds to the feeling of constant bliss.

You have your place here for such bliss seekers as they be.

Your message falls on ears the hear and eyes that see - You my dear, are somewhat at a predisposition with this fanciful image of thyself so set above others.

Again in your own tone - Snap out of it - go back and read.

Take a good look at whats going on in the world.

Not wasting anymore of my time with you and your "followers" Pffft.

Interesting statements you make. Your ideas of being above others, such thoughts only come from the implication that you yourself hold that regard above others. What was your purpose of "coming back" if only to disparage the messages of another? It's clear your views are bred on negativity in terms of reality. Who's to tell someone their positive view of life is incorrect. You dictate that as emotionally weak? Perhaps your burial of emotions long ago speaks for your upbringing and journey there after. So you choose to project a creature of false confidence. And you believe you are in control?

Empower yourself falsely as you've done for so long. To point out beliefs in others as if they were fact. These faults give you away. You've got potential I'll give you that. Maybe someday you'll have real confidence, not this faded idea of a person you believe to be. Carry on, take another break from the forum. Or stick around perhaps, much like the others you could use the help.

08-30-2014, 08:10 PM
No you can not beat it, but you can train it:). You can program yourself to live with it to the fullest. I know people anxious people that they do not let anxiety ruin their life. You can do this also. There is many strategies to figh it. 40 years from now you will still have some , but learn to live with it! This is how long I am fighting the A:)

08-30-2014, 10:25 PM
Well hello, Dahila

Amazing how someone using English as a second language always says things that are profound. She's kinda cool. I dig her.

I am going to give this a go. Try to defuse what people believe who Ponder is

He and I aren't fishing buddies or anything. We have crossed paths here a few times

I am not speaking for him. In fact he is way more articulate than I so he could explain it much better, I assure you

If I stumble here I promise he will be the first to correct me.

Let me say that Ponder and I are pretty much polar opposites in what we believe. I think we both would agree with that after reading quite a few posts from each other

And nothing he says will probably make a difference to me as far as me staying the course with a kick ass win over anxiety

Conversely, the same is true for anything I may say to him.

But that's okay. I truly hope he finds what he is looking for but I have accepted I am not the person that can point him in the right direction.

When I see him here. I'm glad. I like him. Not sure why.

We just have different views but he doesn't get upset with mine and I dont do the same with his

Again,not speaking for him but I believe his point is that we all have opinions.

There are no right or wrong opinions or advice. It's a personal choice and/or belief.

I'm Suffering bases much of his opinions/advice on the law of attraction

Some people really buy in to that and swear it works

Others think it is a waste of time

In order for that belief to work, you have to believe it will

Sending positive messages out to the world when you think it's ridiculous will net you no results

Others will do that and believe and may get the benefits

I'm not smart enough to know what is right or wrong.

I just know what worked for me. And maybe I'm the only one that my system could work for

As I have gotten a bit older, I have become a bit more cynical. Not by choice but by the things I see going on in the world

Someone more cynical would have a hard time buying in to sending good vibes will bring back good vibes and you will be happy

I suppose my point, as long winded as it is, would be this.

You have to believe that what you are doing will work.

Someone saying that "this is the only way" may take people aback a bit

ImSuffering is passionate about his opinions. I like that. he can be convincing

And if this is what worked for him, great. But that same path may not be best for everyone.

You ultimately do have positive feelings when you overcome anxiety and I suppose the law if attraction is working

But getting to the finish line is key

Some of us just take a different oath to get there

08-31-2014, 05:21 AM
Well put Nixon.
Just as a side note, i find that i enjoy reading most post on here. I just choose what i want to take away from each :) Miss you all.

08-31-2014, 06:31 AM
The planet for a short time is your sandbox, where all sorts of children's games are possible, period. You have a choice what to give your attention to. No matter the internal programming. Buried under the blanket of false beliefs into thinking, "that's the way it is". Here is a children's game that might I say you used and continue to use, to create your lives. Only now, direct it purposefully, and constructively (instead of doom, gloom, and pictures of dire straights):

Now, better to say "for 30 days I will believe the world and it's people are good. I will see the good news, the return smiles I receive. I will notice the good, and I will close my eyes and picture the world of my making, creating a magical reality including optimum health and exuberance."

"I shall play this as a children's game, not to lie to myself for I know my current reality and how I think. But as a playful game to see if it works, if it does great, if not I have lost nothing"

"I will close my eyes and use my imagination, and do this for 15 minutes daily, and then go about my business"

That is a good start for any desired change. Now, I do not take away your opinions, you can have them to your hearts content. It also doesn't mean you are blind to injustice, or turn a blind eye from worldly affairs you feel strongly about. It just means for once, you want to feel good, period.

There is no guilt in that. You can still protest, and here I am not throwing fairy dust around, but the protest will not tinge of condemnation or hate, but rather peaceful and constructive resolution.

Some label the way the body feels as anxiety, I call it the truth.

The body does not lie, any more than that tree would, however the body faithfully reflects any lies that you feed it.

08-31-2014, 08:45 AM
I think sometimes its beat and if ine little thing happens if you can recognize it you can get ahead of it. This works alot for me.

08-31-2014, 08:58 AM
Oh I had not seen Ponder posting here:)) Hi Ponder.
Due to English being my second language, I can smell and see Bs from 5 miles.
Sorry but it is what it is.
IMs your post are art for art, not giving anyone Anyone any support. You pretend to be someone who knows it all.
wrong, you know nothing beside copying chapters of books, I had read some of them. Having photographic memory helps to see BS. Just keep ignoring me, it does work for both of us:))
Nixon thank you from me and Ponder, you are the person, who always puts smile on my face.
People like you are required on this forum. Not the others who cause the anxiety in others.

I do respect one when I see him helping others, it is the main reason of being on this planet ; help others, helps yourself.

Ponder I had not seen your post, weekends are crazy busy lately:) Yes i read you, of course it is logical. Today life is causing it, and there is not way to run away from it. from the moment we are born we start to live according to clock, speed, speed ;expectation from our parents, teachers, pure pressure and we grow more beautiful, taller, smarter but weaker at the same time. On our way to maturity we take so much from what is around us. Anxiety is just the reaction to what is around and no philosophy will change it. Wiping out the humanity and waiting 200 years can make this planet nicer to start from beginning.......I am so frustrated with some of that "pretend to be intelligent and hopeful" answers, so mostly I read it and keep to myself.
Ims and X80 or whatever keep it to yourself you do not good on this place. Tens of people still asking ; Is he there? I say yes and getting a bigger chair. They keep away, No coming back:(
There was a time; we had support.........

08-31-2014, 03:30 PM
Much appreciated Nixon. Delivery and tone is everything and that just makes me respect you all the more and also brings on a feeling of wanting to see another's perspective. Patients can do wonders. TY

Straight up - I have low self esteem. Chronically so. I say it like I'm at some kind of AA meeting. I say it because It needs to be said. My problem is not that I see myself above others, but more so I see myself below others. Feeling that way all your life is bound to keep you down. My tellings of how the world is so bent out of shape is not for everyone, however I have actually made some good friends who don't mind seeing in the same light as I do with regard to that. I know that does not mean they as negative as me and in some cases, the subject has taken us into areas of discovery that helps me get by and or see what good is left to see and yes - making some good out of nothing can be a part of that for me as well.

Triggers - hmmmm ... I trigger easily therefore try to avoid them and in doing so often end up with avoidance issues - BUT - then I question if it's really an issue at all. Overpopulation and all sorts of other uncomfortable topics come to mind and just like the law of attraction - it's not for everyone. I will say though, that most of my topics have a place that fits with the way many people suffer and think. In my eye, I can only see it far better to express how one sees what they see before attempting to create what is not there.

Too many quick fixes, whilst what is left behind not only smolders, but still burns brightly at a distance best left on the other side of the world. For me, it's not just about saying I have lived too long or simply growing older - but more so to do with exposure and whilst not a happy revelation - it makes me see, what others do not. It's not for me to say who "chooses" - we make our own choices based on whats before us. It does not surprise me that so many people fall to the side of greener pastures that keeps the from seeing what's on the other side. I do it with not going into town or cringing when I do. Seems to work on both sides - which is why I look more to people who have learned to live in both camps.
__________________________________________________ _______________________________

Just my opinion - no need to tell others what to read or what to think and no buttering required.

As Is :)

Nice to see you guys again. I look for another photo to share from the drone that sees all. LMFAO ... "The drone that sees all" Now Now - Behave Dave.

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5575/15075505996_cd1be3b800_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/oYaUHb)

08-31-2014, 05:40 PM
That drone is wonderful and thank you for the pics:))

09-01-2014, 05:14 PM
Getting a drone has been my new obsession!

But obsessing on buying a drone is way better than obsessing on heart palpitations, right?

My wife thinks it's another bad idea.

So it must be a good idea!

I want to hook my son's GoPro up to it.

Then it will crash and my drone and his GoPro will be broken

And again, the wife was right after all!

09-01-2014, 06:07 PM
I would love to have a drone, but I do not think my man would let me touch it:(
I think it is a nice toy :))

09-06-2014, 11:14 AM
I want to beat anxiety. Sometimes I have pgysocal symptoms and dont necessarily feel stressed so that bothers me too

09-06-2014, 02:02 PM
I want one too. That damn Ponder is a bad influence on me :)

09-06-2014, 04:00 PM
Not only on you, he posted a video a few days ago, awesome:)) Hi John:)

09-07-2014, 05:30 AM
Hi Dahila, For some reason i have not been getting the normal emails when i should. I have not seen ponders video ( i do not think ). Hope all is well with you and your family :)

09-07-2014, 08:37 AM
I will try to talk to you on gmail. when you are there.