View Full Version : Phone appointments/ reducing meds

08-27-2014, 04:21 AM
Hi all!

Hope everyone is well and can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Good old tunnel light!

I've just been discharged from Self Help Services which feels great. Might refer myself back in for CBT at some point but want to see how I'm doing first.

Currently I'm taking 100mg of sertraline. This prescription runs out on Saturday. When I last saw my regular dr she was happy for me to start coming off them if I wanted to when that prescription ran out. Unfortunately, she is now away for a month!

The only appointment I can get before Saturday is when I'm due to have a huuuuge meeting at work so I've arranged a telephone appointment.

In the past when I've been caught short with the meds the Dr has renewed that prescription over the phone. Does anyone have experience of a Dr reducing a dose via phone appointment?

Also, does anyone know what I can expect from coming off the meds? I know I'll come off gradually so it shouldn't be terrible but would just like to know peoples experiences :)

Today I went to work forgetting that I'd taken the pills out my handbag in order to count how many I had left so I've missed a dose. It's been 2 and a half hours since I normally take them and I feel a bit sea sick. Will it just be like this?

08-27-2014, 10:35 AM
You have to go slow! Very slow! And be prepared that as you decrease the medication, your anxiety may come back a bit and you need to find other ways to cope. you will feel dizzy and light-headed if you go too fast.

08-27-2014, 10:47 AM
Yeah I'm appreciate it will be gradual, just looking forward to not being woken up on weekends to take meds. And to be able to have more than one drink without getting drunk :p although my boyfriend likes how I'm a cheap date hehe.

Can't wait for everything to feel 'normal' and even tho i know there will be complications as there always is with life, I will feel that overcoming them is down to me rather than kind of thinking the drugs helped too much :p