View Full Version : Can Anxiety cause physical pain?

08-26-2014, 01:25 PM
Hi everyone, I'm in my late teens and just joined this forum.

I've always been very anxious, and even more so now, because I think I may have a thyroid disorder, which not only can cause anxiety as a symptom, but is causing me anxiety just because I think I have it! I plan on having the blood test for hyperthyroidism. If it is, it could be caused by different things, most commonly, graves disease. However, ovarian you-know-what is an extremely rare cause, which I am worried about, because before I even found this out, I was worried about it because when I was having bowel problems and irregular periods, I read of similar symptoms for it. Because I've had this in my mind, and been worried it, after I had this idea in my head, thats when I noticed occasional pelvic shooting pains and groin/rectal pain. However, I am only very young, and autoimmune thyroid disease runs in the family.

I have read though anxiety itself (which I definitely have been experiencing) can cause pain, within the pelvic region and practically anywhere? is this true? and has anyone here ever experienced something similar, like anxiety causing you physical pain? It seems to be worst when I think about it or get anxious over it. its only very occasional, but sometimes I do just have it, even when I'm not directly thinking about it, which does worry me. Thank you for reading and for any answers :)

08-26-2014, 02:46 PM
Greetings Kio,

I do suffer from sever psycho-somatic link, and psychic issues can cause a LOT of physical pain, even one bordering with killing a person, so yes, Your "psycho-somatical" link might be valid,



P.S.: I do suffer from these near heart stings, and chest pain.

08-26-2014, 04:05 PM
Hi Kio!

Kind of in the same boat as you. I was diagnosed with an ovarian cyst in July and convinced myself i had ovarian cancer after reading things on the internet. I got blood tests/x-rays to rule that out, but since, my appetite has gone and just recently I have had trouble sleeping. its scary considering these two things have never been an issue for me! it is hard, but get the medical attention you need to put your mind at ease. Mine still isn't even with medical proof that i am ok, but i am getting there!

08-26-2014, 04:14 PM
Hi, physical pain is very possible due to anxiety. I'm convinced 99% of the time I have pain it's anxiety related. I've had everything from stomach pains, bloating, chest and head pains to a burning sensation that would hurt like nobody's business if you touched it. Making it doubly scary because it was reactive. It has past however since I started working on my anxiety :) it's all fixable. Take care and quit googling symptoms. That's the best way to drive anxiety crazy.

08-27-2014, 11:43 AM
Thanks for your response. Sorry to hear you suffer from pains caused by anxiety. Its crazy how your mind and body reacts to anxiety and any anxious thoughts you may have. Thank you :)

08-27-2014, 11:52 AM
Hi bmitch, I'm sorry to hear of your worries over similar things to me. I also got terrified and started convincing myself there was something wrong due to things I had read on the internet. I also lost my appetite a few months ago, because I had been extremely anxious at the time, even though I didn't really realize it, and I getting more anxious at the fact I had lost my appetite, which obviously made me lose it even more! Hope you are feeling much better about it all soon. Thank you for your reply as well, Xerosnake90, and I'm sorry you suffer such anxiety pains. I have had stomach pains as well occasionally, which hurts most when I touch it. Thank you for your positivity and your right googling symptoms doesn't do anyone any good!

08-27-2014, 01:52 PM
Thanks for the support :) I can't complain I've come a long way since realizing I've had anxiety. I live a normal life again and at this point any pains or thoughts I get are left over scraps that I used to consider my every day normal personalities. My new me will only continue to become more of the every day me :)

Remember, every day we continue to advance to our level or normalcy. Old thoughts and habits only stay with us as long as it's all we know. We all will find a person outside of ourselves that we seldom thought we'd see. Turns out that person is us. Take care!