View Full Version : | Depression | Suicidal thoughts | How I made it |

08-25-2014, 08:05 AM
Hey guys!

This is how I see things and how I define depression.

I think everyone goes through a period of depression. That's how life works, there needs to be a balance between positivity and negativity; even though this can emotionally be irrational, trust me, it's rational. Life isn't life without problems.

But when you go from depressed to clinically depressed - that's when you need to do something about the problem. Because, again, the balance. Too much negativity = not how life is supposed to be.

I heard this analogy from a man called Elliot Hulse, which helped me rationalize the whole thing;

"I understand the feeling is real, this idea that you want to put an end to the entire 'game' of life. I wanna offer you this - there's a law. There's a law in nature which is that of seasons. Let me give you an example of how silly the idea of suicide just might be. For example in the winter time, it's cold. It's freezing f*cking cold. And it can be so cold, that you're miserable. If a man was so cold and miserable that he decides 'perhaps I should kill myself?', because this freezing cold misery is not worth living in. Someone might offer him the idea that or 'remind' him of the law that; 'dude, you've got another 6-8 weeks and then spring is coming, things cycle through, it's just a season. I understand it's freezing f*cking cold and you feel HORRIBLE, BUT hang in there. The heat is coming back!'."

Basically, when it's summer, don't be stuck on that it was winter. Always remember, it's just a period in your life that you feel like this. It will get better and suicide is just a manipulation, an illusion, created by your mind. It's not the solution.

Peace guys! :)


08-25-2014, 08:23 AM
Hey guys!

This is how I see things and how I define depression.

I think everyone goes through a period of depression. That's how life works, there needs to be a balance between positivity and negativity; even though this can emotionally be irrational, trust me, it's rational. Life isn't life without problems.

But when you go from depressed to clinically depressed - that's when you need to do something about the problem. Because, again, the balance. Too much negativity = not how life is supposed to be.

I heard this analogy from a man called Elliot Hulse, which helped me rationalize the whole thing;

"I understand the feeling is real, this idea that you want to put an end to the entire 'game' of life. I wanna offer you this - there's a law. There's a law in nature which is that of seasons. Let me give you an example of how silly the idea of suicide just might be. For example in the winter time, it's cold. It's freezing f*cking cold. And it can be so cold, that you're miserable. If a man was so cold and miserable that he decides 'perhaps I should kill myself?', because this freezing cold misery is not worth living in. Someone might offer him the idea that or 'remind' him of the law that; 'dude, you've got another 6-8 weeks and then spring is coming, things cycle through, it's just a season. I understand it's freezing f*cking cold and you feel HORRIBLE, BUT hang in there. The heat is coming back!'."

Basically, when it's summer, don't be stuck on that it was winter. Always remember, it's just a period in your life that you feel like this. It will get better and suicide is just a manipulation, an illusion, created by your mind. It's not the solution.

Peace guys! :)


The nature of your personal beliefs in a large measure directs the
kinds of emotions you will have at any given time. You will feel
aggressive, happy, despairing, or determined according to events
that happen to you, your beliefs about yourself in relation to them,
and your ideas of who and what you are. You will not understand your
emotions unless you know your beliefs. It will seem to you that you
feel aggressive or upset without reason, or that your feelings sweep
down upon you without cause if you do not learn to listen to the
beliefs within your own conscious mind, for they generate their own

One of the strongest general causes of depression, for example, is
the belief that your conscious mind is powerless either in the face
of exterior circumstances thrust upon you from without, or before
strong emotional events that seem to be overwhelming from within.

A suicide may bring about his own death because he rejects existence
on any but highly specific terms chosen by himself. If this is the
case, then of course he will have to learn differently. Many others,
however, choose to deny experience while within the physical system,
committing suicide quite as effectively while still physically alive.

08-25-2014, 02:34 PM
Great point Elias,

I will throw in a quick quote for validate what you just said...

"Without the bad, you can't appreciate how good the good really is."

08-25-2014, 03:20 PM
Hey guys!

This is how I see things and how I define depression.

I think everyone goes through a period of depression. That's how life works, there needs to be a balance between positivity and negativity; even though this can emotionally be irrational, trust me, it's rational. Life isn't life without problems.

But when you go from depressed to clinically depressed - that's when you need to do something about the problem. Because, again, the balance. Too much negativity = not how life is supposed to be.

I heard this analogy from a man called Elliot Hulse, which helped me rationalize the whole thing;

"I understand the feeling is real, this idea that you want to put an end to the entire 'game' of life. I wanna offer you this - there's a law. There's a law in nature which is that of seasons. Let me give you an example of how silly the idea of suicide just might be. For example in the winter time, it's cold. It's freezing f*cking cold. And it can be so cold, that you're miserable. If a man was so cold and miserable that he decides 'perhaps I should kill myself?', because this freezing cold misery is not worth living in. Someone might offer him the idea that or 'remind' him of the law that; 'dude, you've got another 6-8 weeks and then spring is coming, things cycle through, it's just a season. I understand it's freezing f*cking cold and you feel HORRIBLE, BUT hang in there. The heat is coming back!'."

Basically, when it's summer, don't be stuck on that it was winter. Always remember, it's just a period in your life that you feel like this. It will get better and suicide is just a manipulation, an illusion, created by your mind. It's not the solution.

Peace guys! :)


Elias, good to see you

I take it you are doing well from all the positive vibes coming from you

That is awesome

You know the reason I always say you should be happy

Sweden = too many beautiful women

Stay well.

Stay in Sweden

08-25-2014, 04:16 PM
Elias, good to see you

I take it you are doing well from all the positive vibes coming from you

That is awesome

You know the reason I always say you should be happy

Sweden = too many beautiful women

Stay well.

Stay in Sweden

Agreed!...But get some hotties in New York, Florida and Vermont =)

08-25-2014, 05:42 PM
Great point Elias,

I will throw in a quick quote for validate what you just said...

"Without the bad, you can't appreciate how good the good really is."

That's a great quote! Will hang it up on my wall with the rest :)

How are you doing btw? long time no c :P

08-25-2014, 05:44 PM
Elias, good to see you

I take it you are doing well from all the positive vibes coming from you

That is awesome

You know the reason I always say you should be happy

Sweden = too many beautiful women

Stay well.

Stay in Sweden

Haha always make my laugh :D Good to see you too!

You should visit Sweden and its beautiful women... you won't regret :)
