View Full Version : I just want to feel normal.. please shed some insight

08-24-2014, 04:57 PM
Everyday it seems i have these bouts of shortness of breathe... I went to the psych back in December, and she diagnosed GAD/Panic, I even had my blood tested and did a stress test where i got my HR up to 190ish


I cant seem to shake the feeling that something is seriously wrong with me.. I don't know if its an after-effect of losing my Mom to a terminal illness or what.

So heres my symptoms

-short of breathe, while resting most of the time
-a very active stomach, which is burpy/bloated/gurgling (sometimes i feel like i got a huge burp but cant get it out!)
-a clogged nasal passage, which i was told was swollen polyps (sp?)
-constant need to clear my throat of mucus ( not a cough.. it doesnt feel like its in the lungs just the top of my throat) MONTHS!
-sometimes while falling asleep i feel like i stop breathing causing myself to jump upright (never happens while fully asleep)
- chest pains like someone is poking my chest from the inside... not painful, but obviously isnt good for my mindset
-The dreaded heart fluttering panic attack (usually can prevent if i try to remove myself from the situation)

So with that said im not all doom and gloom.. I had until recently been very afraid to exercise because somewhere in my mind there is a voice telling me something is wrong with my heart. Crazy? Anyways I can run maybe a half-mile without feeling overly short of breathe. I'm a 28 year old male and i'm within good weight..

Please anybody if you have these problems or know if im okay I'd really appreciate it.. Sometimes I just want to cry thinking that Ill have to live my life like this...

08-24-2014, 05:55 PM
I cant seem to shake the feeling that something is seriously wrong with me.. I don't know if its an after-effect of losing my Mom to a terminal illness or what..

Yes, it most certainly is. Now, it's not the feeling you can't shake. It's the thoughts that create the feelings. When and during this tragedy you took on beliefs about life, love, loss, disease, religion, that would serve as fertile soil for the genesis of your current condition.

The shortness of breath is highly symbolic as you have a broken heart, so as the heart flutters it takes your breath away. The stomach issues are the pain, the cramping of emotions as you cut off feeling them, unfaced the pain and upset turns on you, or rather 'churns'. (Overly acidic).

I will keep it short and to the point, intuitively you know what to do in your best interests, it is just now, you cannot muster that, in a sense, a part of you has died as well.

You must till the soil, dig up the beliefs, and find peace. That is what she is praying for. None of it was your fault. Although the body dies, the love is forever, know that. You are deeply loved, in a sense then, that has not changed.

End message.