View Full Version : muscle spasms

06-16-2008, 02:02 AM
Hello to all anxiety sufferers out there. I have lots of problems, but I just wanted to ask if anyone else suffers from muscle spasms in the eyelid. I Also get a spasm which feels like its in my bladder??? or something like that and it makes me tense up. Anyone else suffer with this?

The Melody of Rain
06-16-2008, 11:31 AM
I have in the past. My anxiety began through negative thinking, which lead me on to developing serious agoraphobic issues because I didn't want people to see me, and due to the inactivity of sitting in my house all day my muscles began to tense up and spasms were persistently apparent.

I eventually began to stretch. This is what solved the condition for me. I started off stretching out all my muscle groups in bed at night, beginning with tensing the toes as hard as possible and ending with the face and scalp muscles. I'd typically do three-five cycles per night and then I'd just drift off to sleep usually before I even got to the fifth. My muscles had been so constricted and tense that after my first session, I woke up the next morning with aching muscles. This of course, was a good sign. I just continued on doing it and now I dont have the problem anymore.

This is what worked for me.