View Full Version : Finally been diagnosed

08-23-2014, 08:57 PM
After doing multiple questionnaires, speaking to counselors, seeing my physician, I'm finally diagnosed with general anxiety disorder and social anxiety. I don't really think my social anxiety is that severe, but I was told as long as you exhibit anxiety that is debilitating in one public setting that makes it hard for you to function it is classified as having social anxiety. I would say that setting for me is school, classrooms and meeting new people because I feel inferior a lot of times.

A little background information about me, I am 27, I have always been a nervous serious introverted person. I was not a happy kid and cried a lot. The first few years of my life were tense and my mom was quite ill and I did not see her much. I spent those years being raised by various family members while my parents were away so my mom could get better. I remember my aunt used to yell at me and just feeling tense. I moved to North America when I was 10 but I remember I was always afraid I would be alone because I had no siblings and we had no one else in this new land. I'd cry everyday for several months after school when waiting for my parents to come home. I always did well in school and was an Honor Roll student and got As. However, by the time I got to university all of that changed. I moved away from my parents, felt isolated and alone, became quite anti-social for a period and lost weight, & didn't eat much. I'm fine now, but it's been 10 years and I still have not been able to finish my degree. I can't focus in class, or when studying, I'm always worried tense and even have trouble sleeping. I have also had panic attacks. This has affected my self-esteem quite a bit. I consider myself smart, I follow news, politics, etc, and I would say I'm attractive, but seeing everyone move on with their lives, while I'm still suck makes me feel very dumb. I don't even know how to explain it to people. I avoid meeting new people or dating now because I'm so afraid of being judged. I turn down guys a lot because the idea of dating and relationships make me anxious. I've had two relationships, my longest being almost a year, but I have never been in love. The idea of change and not knowing terrifies me. My biggest fear is being stuck and not finishing school, or finding a career. I feel like I am capable of so much more but my problems really affect my focus, and every aspect of my life.

I have no idea why I just shared all of this. Maybe because when I told my friends I have these two disorders now, a lot of them just said ''well everyone has anxiety, I have it too'. It makes me so angry when people say this. No one takes these problems seriously and just think we are making excuses or that everyone has them. I feel like they don't understand me or get it and think I'm just trying to find a way to justify my shortcomings.

Anyone has had similar experience? Advice? I'm going to start seeing a therapist and doing cognitive behavioral therapy. I don't know if I should take medication, but interested to hear other people's experiences.

08-23-2014, 09:38 PM
Welcome to the forum, we all can relate. Now when you know what is going on, you take control of it. There is many ways to do it. You find everything you need right here on stickies on general subforum :))

08-24-2014, 12:41 PM
Yes, welcome and yes, we can relate...
Words of advice from my own perspective..stop following the news and politics and you may just find that you calm down somewhat.
Focus on yourself rather than things that you have no control over..

Have a great day newbie!

Enduronman. :)