View Full Version : No more anxiety disorder?

08-23-2014, 05:22 PM
The past few weeks my mindset has been different, anxiety free, almost, I've thought about anxiety in a different way; and a thing of the past.
Through 'I'm Suffering'['s] advise I believe I am more in the present and a more happier person. Some of my anxiety a few months ago, for me, is laughable now, like how could I think that?!
My thinking seems much more sharp and clear, with little rumination and a good sense of self.
Last time I had a panic attack? 4th of July......
I might get a 'symptom' coming on, but, I view it WITHOUT fear and it never gets no worse, or anything. That's the key. Do not fear it, panic/fear fuels panic disorder.
A little bit of health worry remains but it's not a fixation on a illness, more of a OCD habit idea, with temperature of hand and the colour of them.
Maybe a bit of workaholism, I don't know, as I am playing English pool at a good rate now with progress, and evidence of it, etc......But I am seeing this as a good thing, as you can see.

I just want to ask, as I am on a 'high' right now, and in the past I have slumped back down, how can I sustain this mindset? Especially as school returns, this NORMALLY causes extreme anxiety for me.

I could write a lot more, but a bit of writers block or something has come, I had so much more to say

08-23-2014, 05:58 PM
I just want to ask, as I am on a 'high' right now, and in the past I have slumped back down, how can I sustain this mindset?

Expect health, vitality, the high of life and it promise. Expect life to deliver, joy, love. Trust life.

Expect like an anxious child on Christmas Eve, what presents would he receive tomorrow? He can hardly contain his enthusiasm, his joy. He will get what he expects, and so will you. Now should you have a setback, refine your beliefs even more, and allow time for them to sink in.

Expectations create your reality, backed by desire, passion, and founded in the cornerstone of a decision where all bridges to retreat are burned. Fueled by imagination and dreams of your perfect life.

That's how. And - stay current.

All my messages to you were given with love and honor for who you really are. I do wish you the best. Thank you for allowing me to be part of your life.

08-23-2014, 06:03 PM
Thanks you!

Wise words indeed.

Wish you the best as well.

I'm suffering, I've read a bit into spirituality recently, what's your thoughts on the pineal gland?
Expect health, vitality, the high of life and it promise. Expect life to deliver, joy, love - self love.

Expect like an anxious child on Christmas Eve, what presents would he receive tomorrow? He can hardly contain his enthusiasm, his joy. He will get what he expects, and so will you. Now should you have a setback, refine your beliefs even more, and allow time for them to sink in.

Expectations create your reality, backed by desire, passion, and founded in the cornerstone of a decision where all bridges to retreat are burned. Fueled by imagination and dreams of your perfect life.

That's how. And - stay current.

All my messages to you we're given with love and honor for who you really are. I do wish you the best.

08-23-2014, 06:17 PM
Thanks you!

Wise words indeed.

Wish you the best as well.

I'm suffering, I've read a bit into spirituality recently, what's your thoughts on the pineal gland?

Not so much what the glands do, but what you expect them to do, you see. The body acts as you would expect. Better to question how you feel about it, for there may be some body belief residue left, that can creep up on you later. What you believe about the body has many offshoots, from childhood, and parents, to religion and sex. All separate topics but all can have an effect. Remember too, the anxiety has left some beliefs as well that should be released after looking at them. Ask yourself "what beliefs have I taken on as a direct result of anxiety, from health to social, etc"

Indeed follow through with your spirit studies, and see where it can go. Not as an escape from your life, but as a compliment to it.

Again don't focus on what your told about a gland or body part, rather focus on what you believe about what your told, if beliefs match in harmony magical things can happen. If beliefs don't match ask yourself why, and resolve that first, at least allowing the possibility of new experiences will open doors.

08-23-2014, 06:22 PM
As always, thank you.

Personally, I don't believe in no 'spirit' as such, but more of the practise of mindfulness and the perspective elements of spirituality can bring. I am trying yoga
Not so much what the glands do, but what you expect them to do, you see. The body acts as you would expect. Better to question how you feel about it, for there may be some body belief residue left, that can creep up on you later. What you believe about the body has many offshoots, from childhood, and parents, to religion and sex. All separate topics but all can have an effect.

Indeed follow through with your spirit studies, and see where it can go. Not as an escape from your life, but as a compliment to it.

Again don't focus on what your told about a gland or body part, rather focus on what you believe about what your told, if beliefs match in harmony magical things can happen. If beliefs don't match ask yourself why, and resolve that first, at least allowing the possibility of new experiences will open doors.