View Full Version : Does this sound like anxiety?

08-22-2014, 11:57 PM
I've been getting chest pains for just over a month now.... they were EXTREMELY bad at first but they have gotten better for the most part.

At random times in the day i'll feel a minor ache in my chest that comes and goes for a few seconds and just recently i've noticed a fast heartbeat.

When the pains first came I went to the ER twice in 1 week.... they sent me home both times when tests came back normal and said it could be muscular.

A few days ago I had a doctors appointment at the hospital with an internal medicine doctor and from 8:30am - 5:30pm they kept me doing tests all day.. she noticed my abnormally quick heart rate and was worried I had a blood clot in my lung.

That day I did blood tests, an x-ray and a nuclear medicine scan (similar to a CT scan... less radiation since i'm 18).

I have no blood clot.... i'm going for a heart ultrasound next week and after that i'm not sure what the next step is.

Does this sound like panic attacks? The chest pains come when I feel calm and content so it's a little bit confusing for me to understand.

I'm scared to accept the fact that this just might be anxiety related and i'm going to have to put up with these awful physical symptoms from now on.

If you can relate or have had a similar story in any way please let me know!

08-23-2014, 04:40 AM
I've been getting chest pains for just over a month now.... they were EXTREMELY bad at first but they have gotten better for the most part.

At random times in the day i'll feel a minor ache in my chest that comes and goes for a few seconds and just recently i've noticed a fast heartbeat.

When the pains first came I went to the ER twice in 1 week.... they sent me home both times when tests came back normal and said it could be muscular.

A few days ago I had a doctors appointment at the hospital with an internal medicine doctor and from 8:30am - 5:30pm they kept me doing tests all day.. she noticed my abnormally quick heart rate and was worried I had a blood clot in my lung.

That day I did blood tests, an x-ray and a nuclear medicine scan (similar to a CT scan... less radiation since i'm 18).

I have no blood clot.... i'm going for a heart ultrasound next week and after that i'm not sure what the next step is.

Does this sound like panic attacks? The chest pains come when I feel calm and content so it's a little bit confusing for me to understand.

I'm scared to accept the fact that this just might be anxiety related and i'm going to have to put up with these awful physical symptoms from now on.

If you can relate or have had a similar story in any way please let me know!

Sounds like anxiety . That's good news :)

08-23-2014, 08:18 AM
Chest pains are pretty common with anxiety and yes, they are one of the more scary since it revolves around your heart

Short breaths, or chest breathing and not belly breathing is a major reason why we get the chest pains and palpitations

When you are relaxed and go into thought, you tend to start shallow breathing and that would make sense that the chest pains feel like they come from nowhere when you are relaxed and content

And anxious folks do it even worse since anxious people tend to breathe shallow anyway through their mouth

When you get either one of those symptoms, correct your breathing

Not taking deep breaths but taking normal breaths with your belly moving in and out

That will usually have them stop

08-23-2014, 10:20 PM
Having stress and anxiety could do this but just because your chest feels weird doesn't mean you have anxiety, that's like putting the carriage before the horse. You obviously have an anxiety now about your current issue but do u remember feeling this way about something else prior to all of this? Anything in life..