View Full Version : Seeking Some advice

08-22-2014, 07:18 PM

I am new to this forum. I am just wondering if someone can tell me if they have had any similar experiences as me, and if so, if they have found anything that helps.

I have been through a lot of job changes over the past few years. Basically, had two very stressful jobs in a row and now moving into one that I think will be better. However, I have always been prone to anxiety issues, and all of these transitions seemed to spark some intense anxiety in me that has been getting progressively worse. I now have insomnia and IBS as complications of my anxiety. My doc has put me on 25 mg zoloft to see if it helps.

While I believe that the job issues have triggered the rise in anxiety, I now have other "odd" anxieties arising. For example, I definitely have a fear of driving, especially in traffic. This started when I had two accidents in two months- both of which were not my fault. I also have a fear of leaving the house. I am always scared that I left something on that could start a fire or that I didn't lock the door. I check and check, and still worry. A friend of mine recently suggested taking pictures before i leave the house to ease my worries, which I am going to try.

Any other suggestions? Thank-you for taking the time to read this.