View Full Version : Obsessive Heart Anxiety

08-22-2014, 06:13 PM
Long time lurker, first time poster. I've had anxiety for the last five or so years, beginning with much more frequent panic attacks that have settled into a pattern of relative happy calm punctuated by periods of intense obsessive anxiety, particularly concerning my heart. I'm 26, almost 27, have no family history of heart disease, resting HR is good, blood pressure is good (though, of course, prone to rise with anxiety), and I don't smoke. I have no idea what my cholesterol or anything else is, though it was fine when I last went to the doctor 4 years ago, but I'm overweight. I cannot stop thinking that I am going to have a heart attack/am having a heart attack/have already had a heart attack and just don't know it. I don't know how to stop obsessing about it. I live alone, 500 miles away from my family and everyone I know, so that's definitely part of my stress. I've scheduled a doctor's appointment next week, but I guess I just need to hear someone outside of my family tell me that anxiety lies, that obsessing over heart disease is a little irrational. I know this is often a big cause for concern with many anxiety sufferers, so I just wanted to know what gets you through it. Any help?

08-22-2014, 09:58 PM
Long time lurker, first time poster. I've had anxiety for the last five or so years, beginning with much more frequent panic attacks that have settled into a pattern of relative happy calm punctuated by periods of intense obsessive anxiety, particularly concerning my heart. I'm 26, almost 27, have no family history of heart disease, resting HR is good, blood pressure is good (though, of course, prone to rise with anxiety), and I don't smoke. I have no idea what my cholesterol or anything else is, though it was fine when I last went to the doctor 4 years ago, but I'm overweight. I cannot stop thinking that I am going to have a heart attack/am having a heart attack/have already had a heart attack and just don't know it. I don't know how to stop obsessing about it. I live alone, 500 miles away from my family and everyone I know, so that's definitely part of my stress. I've scheduled a doctor's appointment next week, but I guess I just need to hear someone outside of my family tell me that anxiety lies, that obsessing over heart disease is a little irrational. I know this is often a big cause for concern with many anxiety sufferers, so I just wanted to know what gets you through it. Any help?

Hey friend. My names brad and I. 29 going to be 30 soon. I have a very simalir situation. I've hard a hard time dealing with it., it's a horrible thing. I've prayed a lot and read the bible that helps me. I work hard and I haven't died. I've convinced my mind that if I'm healthy with excersize.. But I still suffer... This helps me cope

08-23-2014, 08:36 AM
You both just have health anxiety. And yes, that is irrational fear of your thoughts about heart disease and your body physically reacts

I did the health anxiety thing, mainly heart related for 10 years. It was awesome.

Do the full physical and then believe what the docs tell you about being healthy. You do not know more than they do.

You have to address that you have an anxiety disorder, not that you fear heart disease

When enough doctors reassure you, your anxiety will switch gears and start feeding you irrational thoughts about some other condition you convince yourself you have

If you want to research things, research the mind and body connection of anxiety and not symptoms of a heart attack

There is a simple, yet really informative site that outlines how your body reacts when feeling anxious

Read the different chapters and I promise you will feel loads better about what is going on. It simplifies everything and a lot of your fears will cease

Google "The Anxiety Coach"

Second - any book from Claire Weekes lays out an easy way to overcome the debilitating effects of anxiety

This gets way easier