View Full Version : What worries or fears do you have?

06-15-2008, 12:50 PM
I was just sitting at work and I had a lot of down time so I decided to make a list of all of the things that I worry/fear on a regular basis. In about 2 minutes I had a list of 12 things! I'm sure that there are probably more too. I just wanted to post my list. I also was wondering what things that everyone else worries about from day to day? Post your list. It feels kinda good to talk about it because I didn't realize there were so many things that I worry about so often and I rarely ever talk about them. So here's my list:

1. Mental illness/being crazy. Specifically schizophrenia. I worry about what family would think of me if I ended up in the mental hospital. I fear they would disown me.

2. This kind of falls under # 1 but I worry about going into a fugue state or splitting into another personality and doing things that I don't remember

3. Surgery. I am terriffied at the thought of having to get surgery.

4. Being cheated or left by my fiance. This is one of my main worries.

5. Having thoughts of hurting others. I have been experiencing these thoughts lately and they are absolutely awful.

6. I worry about having an undetected illness and worry about every little ache and pain. Example: A headache means a brain tumor.

7. I worry about anger. I don't like it when people get really angry and I especially don't like it when I feel really angry or show angry behavior. Therefore I have been worrying a lot about whether I have an anger problem and I have been assessing my behavior/reading into every little move I make.

8. I worry about becoming a parent. I know that it is common for first time parents to worry if they will do a good job, but I don't plan on having kids for another 5 years and I'm already constantly thinking about this.

9. I worry about family gatherings. I tense up and get nervous about having an anxiety attack during family activities. This often leads me to have an attack. I am more tense during these times because I feel pressure not to have an attack because I try to hide my anxiety around them. I feel embarrassed by it.

10. This one is kind of weird and I feel awkward typing it but it has caused me a lot of anxiety. I have a thing with using the bathroom in public ( # 2). I carry stress in my stomach and have had times where my stomach hurts really bad and I have to get to the bathroom...but I won't go in public. So, whenever I go out I have that "what if my stomach acts up" and I always ask if there is a bathroom close by (just in case).

11. I am scared of going to therapy. What if the therapist toggles with my mind or makes my condition worse? Sounds silly when I type it out but it has kept me from going so far.

12. Worrying about worrying all the time

When I look back on this list of things that I worry about from day to day, I realize that it's no wonder why I feel stressed out all of the time. I'm sorry this is so long! I appreciate it if you have even read this far. Anyway, if you want to, than post your worries/fears. I'm interested to see if anyone else worries about the same things.

06-15-2008, 01:06 PM
alright peeps, iv got the exact same symthoms as u miss mainly the first 1 and lately its been gettin alot worse

scary/bizzar/weird/strange/ thoughts such as i keep thinking about life and how weird it is and how weird the human body is... even sumthin as stupid as this can make me freak out ..im also aware of my body every movment i make im constantly aware of it...

and feelin like trapped in my own body... like i want to escape it... i know how crazy it sounds but hey thats anxiety for u ..dunno what i did in a previous life but sum1 up there doesnt like me lol

ive worried in the past about bein sent to a mental hospital or goin skizophrenic

its 95% mental with me but i get chest pains.aware of my breathing and heart palpatations alot...