View Full Version : Help!

08-22-2014, 01:21 PM
I have been doing fine over the past three months. But last night I had a really bad burning sensation in my left chest that went up into my shoulder and down my arm. It lasted for about six hours, until I took a Tylenol and it eased off within the half hour of taking it. But today, I feel exhausted and I don't have an appetite at all. I just feel weird. And there is still a small burning sensation in that said area. Three months ago I had several tests done to rule out anything heart related. But this literally has me shaken and terrified. Someone help me?!

Just wondering, I have rotator cuff issues in both shoulders and am wondering if this could be the entire reason of the burning sensation? I know that I am exhausted because I didn't sleep last night because I was anxious, and I think the anxiousness has to do with my appetite. Does this sound like a reasonable explanation?

I just need to keep reminding myself that I am 22, I have had those said tests and all of them came back that nothing was wrong. So I just need to get this out of my head again.

Why me? Why us? Why do we have to go through this shit? I'm so frustrated and I'm ready to have a nervous breakdown.