View Full Version : Shortness of breath constant? Always got to eat? Advice**
08-22-2014, 11:50 AM
Im 23 year male and very healthy life style and don't smoke. All day I get shortness of breath where breath doesn't go all the way down. It seems to go away when I eat like crazy as in full my stomach.EVEN WHEN IM NOT HUNGRY I EAT FOR NO REASON WHICH IS RUNING MY DIET I did a surgrey tummy tuck 2012 and it kidna started from there but has gotten worse. Checked with surgeon and it had nothing to do with surgery he said. Can it be anxiety. Got a chest and lat xray showed no lung problem and checked oxygen which was normal doctor said... I have a over thinking problem where I think all day non stop worrying about things? any ideas?
08-22-2014, 02:01 PM
Even without surgery, I went through immense shortness of breath, I couldn't breath for like 2 years in a row, till I started taking meds. And now I suffer from idiopathic postprandial sydnrome, I have to eat every 2-4 hours to "be okay", not even good, just "okay".
Stomach is closely connected to Your psychics, so yes, it could be anxiety.
Please do the following. Measure Your blood oxygen levels, so You can rule out the real "shortness of breath". Secondly, measure Your blood sugar levels, try to post them here. Mainly when You get to that state of feeling very uncomfortable,
08-22-2014, 08:33 PM
basically its the state of FILLING STOMACH TO CAPACITY and it goes away... sometimes i get it with caffeine and sometimes it goes away with caffeine... what sucks is im not hungry feelings its like air hunger
08-23-2014, 05:04 AM
By any chance, do You experience shortness of breath combined with disorientation, weakness in limbs, ant feeling in Your fingers, in general with "tetany" symptoms and feel somewhat like experiencing low blood sugar? [hypoglycemia]? Or it's "just" air hunger, nothing more, nothing less?
08-23-2014, 07:13 AM
air hunger, none of the others
08-23-2014, 07:28 AM
Do You have an access to some oximeter? If not, please find one and measure Your oxygen levels. If they're 99-95% SpO2 [Peripheral capillary oxygen saturation.] You're good and You're "on" anxiety for almost sure. If You're 94-90%, in a serene state, something not quite right. If You get under 89% seek out medical attention. If You're under 85% seek out medical attention immediately. This thing is good to rule out somatical issues and reasons of Your air hunger. Please do so.
08-23-2014, 04:10 PM
is that the clips u put on ur finger and a machine tells u oxyg levels?
08-24-2014, 03:02 AM
Precisely. I myself am using this one, but a bit older model.1442 In general it's the only thing that saves my "sanity" when I feel like suffocating and am air hungry and I feel like I don't have enough air, that thingie tells me: "Hold Your horses, You have just enough oxygen saturated in Your blood stream. Stay calm, as possible."
Without it, I was never sure and I always panicked even more and more, coz I didn't know whether it's "real", or "just" anxiety. The same reason I bought blood sugar meter also. Coz I'm having these "hypoglycemia" like states thanks to postprandial idiopathic syndrome I happen to suffer from.
08-24-2014, 08:56 AM
I reamber when telling my surgeon about the problem he automatically did the test with something on tipoff my fingers and said YOUR OXYGEN LEVELS ARE PERFECT/
08-26-2014, 02:48 PM
Your oxygen levels might be perfect, though they change moderately few times a minute, when I measure my oxigen, I go from 95-99 like on a rollercoaster, depending on what I do, where I am, whether I bike, or I'm just sleeping.
One measurement can't do much, if You want to be sure Your oxigen levels are okay, You should measure them when You feel like "air hungry". And when at that time You have good oxigen, You know You're "good", in the physical way.
One more question. Do You yawn often?
08-27-2014, 07:27 PM
not really on the yawning.....
08-28-2014, 03:00 AM
BIGG12X - I'm kind of getting clueless :/. I see there almost no psycho-somatical directly developed link. Maybe someone with more experience should kick into the thread also. Anyway, does water instead of food helps at these states? Even for a short period of time, e.g. 5-15 minutes?
08-28-2014, 03:41 PM
yes water does help... basically the point of stomach being FULL helps.... maybe stomach distending all the way out helps
08-29-2014, 04:21 AM
There's some stuff about gastrin, that is linked with these "full stomach" issues, at us - people suffering from GAD and it's derivates. But I never figured out the reason, principle, mechanism, nor anything, that would help "cure" it...:/
08-29-2014, 08:11 PM
I mean I noticed it after the surgrey the most.... but surgeon and a lot of drs said nothing to do with the surgrey
08-30-2014, 02:51 AM
I yawn quite often in an effort to get more air into my lungs, as I feel that I'm not breathing deeply enough and it makes me panic. This especially happens when I'm feeling anxious or uneasy. I've read that feeling like you can't catch your breath is a very common symptom of anxiety and I do remember having this annoying symptom when I first started suffering with panic attacks five years ago. I just don't understand why it's reared it's ugly head again ...
08-30-2014, 05:49 AM
BIGG12X - I studied and still study alternative medicine paths for almost a decade [the same time I suffer from GAD and it's derivates]. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, any invasion into human body [understand surgery] is having a sever effect on ballance in ones body. TCM believes in "spirits" within the body - where each spirit resides in one organ/part of the body. One is the spirit of the heart, which is also called the Emperor, and then there's similiar spirit which [supposedly] resides in Your eyes , and every night it travels from eyes, via stomach, to heart. Well, enough of fairy tales. Point is any surgical invasion into Your organism is most likely to have an impact to Your psychical equilibrium. People I know, who went through many surgeries, do approve with their health.
In general any "abnormal" strong short lasting, or "weaker" long lasting disruption in Your body/organs equilibrium [B]shall lead into disorder in Your body. Here are some patterns. Short strong lasting is taking xtc at a disco. I know like 50 ppl who started to suffer from GAD, just because they ran up high on xtc on a concert, or at a disco. Of course, it's very variable, and depends on each person, because everyone is unique, everybodies organism is different. And for long lasting weaker effect - stress at school, at home, at job, etc.
And as for doctors, my doctor, who knows me for two decades prescribed me pills, that contains alergenes I'm sharply allergic to, without a whim. The best diagnostician for You, will become Yourself one day. Gather as much information, knowledge and experience as possible, so You can surpass all of the theory one day, and become free in Your own mind, and body. Till then stay sharp and stay safe!
manz82 - yup, I know Your feeling. I have the same stuff with yawning, and I get some occasional sorethroat from that yawning. I also need to cringe, or crumple my throat tube in order to call out the yawning reflex. It's very irritating and troublesome. Even now when I write about it, I yawned 3 times, coz I'm thinking about it :)
08-30-2014, 06:54 PM
so what should I do? where to start?
08-31-2014, 04:28 AM
BIGG12X - as a first step I would rule out all of the "physical" causes, doing hormone level tests in Your blood [sedimentation], full blood screening, to rule out inssufficency of any vitamines, minerals, trace elements, aminoacids, fatty acids, etc.
Secondly, but this one is heavily individual, I'd search out a real traditional chinese medicine guy, and ask him "what's wrong", don't start his treatment just yet. TCM guy should be able to pinpoint the "organs" that suffer the most, don't tell him anything, let him do his job, he should go around Your stomach and it's derived organs.
I'd start there my friend. The first step will rule out any hormonal/vitamine imbalance in Your blood system, second one will tell You which organs are impaired and what should You do.
There are many paths though, to have Your self diagnosed. From vast biopsy done on many places on Your body [I strongly don't suggest this one], and MRi, CT, ECG, etc. via alternative methods [it'd be great to chose those which actually have the potential to work, I'd avoid "spiritual" diagnosticians for now. although I know a few people, who diagnosed me better then anybody on this planet just with pendulum and "spirits", but I kind of don't prefer this spiritual way.].
Hope this'll help for the beginning. Later You could add a good psychologist, and try out his/her opinion. But the first two are more or less a "sure strike".
By the TCM guy, don't worry whether they do the diagnosis from Your feet [there are nervous endings of all organs, they are either bigger, or smaller if the organ is in hypo, or hyper activity, so it's legit], or from Your tongue, combined with pulse and eyes [these are legit and science based too, no mumbo-jumbo stuff, You just need someone experienced]. In the beginning, try to avoid stuff like ANESA, RPZ-14, Diacom and Imago, also don't go for homeopathics, ayurveda, gemmotherapy, and similiar stuff right from the start.
These methods, I went through all of them, really deep, many "tend" to work, many don't, but they just don't cut the chase. The most solid stuff I went through is classical medicine + traditional chinese medicine, which I also find heavily superior.
Take care!
08-31-2014, 08:30 AM
thanks will do!
08-31-2014, 08:47 AM
I too feel as though I need to eat when I get anxious. How common is this
08-31-2014, 09:43 AM
Needing to eat when anxious is VERY COMMON. It happens to those of us with anxiety and those who don't have it. I have a girlfriend who needs "comfort food" whenever she gets stressed. And she usually has no anxiety at all.
09-01-2014, 07:49 PM
problem is if u have it all day it can worse... thanks god I workout and count calories but still it bothers me shortness of breath panics and I eat till capacity
09-03-2014, 03:40 PM
going to dr tomorrow
09-03-2014, 04:33 PM
Im 23 year male and very healthy life style and don't smoke. All day I get shortness of breath where breath doesn't go all the way down. It seems to go away when I eat like crazy as in full my stomach.EVEN WHEN IM NOT HUNGRY I EAT FOR NO REASON WHICH IS RUNING MY DIET I did a surgrey tummy tuck 2012 and it kidna started from there but has gotten worse. Checked with surgeon and it had nothing to do with surgery he said. Can it be anxiety. Got a chest and lat xray showed no lung problem and checked oxygen which was normal doctor said... I have a over thinking problem where I think all day non stop worrying about things? any ideas?
If there is no physical reason for the problems, it is highly likely anxiety. I went to doctors for nearly 2 years every other day, just because I was getting dizzy, headaches, respiratory problems and general discomfort. At the age of 20 I was diagnosed with GAD and Agoraphobia. I also went from 8 stone to 17 stone in 3 years. I'm now back down to 13 stone and started my diet last year. I used food as emotional comfort for what I was going through.
09-03-2014, 07:07 PM
what is ur medication/solution for GAD?
09-03-2014, 07:25 PM
Well there is no quick fix. They put me on Sertraline (Zoloft) 7 years ago and I was doing quite well for four years. However, I didn't deal with the real problem and it came back. I still believe cognitive behaviour therapy is the best treatment for GAD. Some people, like myself, do CBT combined with meds. It all depends on how much it limits you in your daily life.
09-04-2014, 07:59 PM
Prozac is what the ygave me
09-04-2014, 08:23 PM
Prozac is what the ygave me
Also an SSRI, like Zoloft (Sertraline). I have no personal experience with Prozac though. I am taking SSRI's and it took a week or two to really kick in. I do believe there are some posts about experiences with Prozac if you want to find out a lil more about it
09-05-2014, 08:00 PM
doc gave me proazac.....its day 1 and I feel high kinda where im emotionless and dumb... is this normal in beginning 20mg
09-06-2014, 05:13 AM
BIGG12X - prozac [a.k.a. fluoxetine] is the first of the first. The Royal Guard, and the Front Lines Vanguard of psychiatry, it's general commander is Xanax [a.k.a. alprazolam since 1969/76]. Besides stuff like Lithium, these two are commonly considered as most effective, most successful and most dangerous at the same time - of them all. Feeling "better" with no emotions is one of the best cases out there I'd say. You may and probably will lose a lot of libido in the following days/weeks. But there are millions of people, and millions of experiences. Fluoxetine is used since 1987, when it was approved by FDA, and is vastly helping or/also "ruining" peoples lives since.
Try it for a few weeks, let's see whether it helps with hunger pangs, and then decide what next. Well, that's my advice, decision is up to You.
P.S.: I tried fluvoxamine, it's a...newer generation I reckon, of prozac. One of it's general producers is The Abbot with their product called Fevarin. I tried it for 3 days, I felt like "god", but I started to have so many and severe side effects I had to cancel it right away.
09-10-2014, 07:28 PM
wow bro... I mean its no changes so fatr... its not hunger pain its lac kof breath going down... like in other words.... shortness of breath
also sick of mood swings, hyperactivity, and depressions
09-10-2014, 09:46 PM
BIGG- The shortness of breath could certainly be from anxiety and it sounds like it is given you are overall a healthy person. I experience it every once in a while and have found that the best way to control it is to simply calm down and take things slower. I believe that shortness of breath comes when you have lost track of your thoughts and your composure. Try paying more attention to what's going on in your mind and try not to panic if something bothers you. Meditation might work for you too. I honestly think you just need to try and slow down as you said were are constantly thinking and worrying. Best.
09-13-2014, 08:16 PM
so far Prozac is nothing.... I think I need something stronger/ different
09-14-2014, 06:04 AM
There have been many people come through here while beginning Prozac and with continued use, began to feel better in about 2 to 4 weeks.
Don't give up yet Bigg! I think you'll be surprised at how good it actually works but you won't know until then...
E-Man :)
09-14-2014, 11:23 AM
thanks. shortness of breath is all day which is the reason of all this panicing
09-14-2014, 01:13 PM
I had these same symptoms and mine was acid reflux
09-15-2014, 04:56 AM
Hey there,
Just FYi, it took paroxetinum [Seroxat] to work for 2-3 months, maybe a bit more. Just so You know these babies don't work overnight like fast acting benzos.
09-15-2014, 12:26 PM
I lived without breathing for several years...
Often, anxiety sufferers need to retrain their brains to breathing again.
I used Cardiac coherence (Google it) for this (all you need to do is 2 X 5minutes sessions per day).
Good luck on your journey.
09-15-2014, 08:16 PM
can it be acid reflex? or is it anxiety?
09-15-2014, 08:18 PM
Acid reflux would create burning sensation and not alter breathing.
09-16-2014, 04:37 PM
that's what I thought.... I mean its like quiting ciggerate feeling... u need ot inhale something... I eat to capacity and it goes and comes back.... idk what it is man but sick and tired....
09-19-2014, 04:22 PM
anyone else
09-24-2014, 08:25 PM
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