View Full Version : Does anyone else experience blushing?

08-22-2014, 04:52 AM
I'm on medication for my anxiety (Remeron 30mg) and this generally works for the most part, but to be honest some days are still harder than others. One of the worst things about my anxiety is that I start blushing whenever I begin to feel anxious. These blushing episodes mostly occur during social or work-related situations. I also get them sometimes around my family. The best way I can describe the feeling is that it's like blushing really badly followed by a creeping, hot sensation throughout my face/neck. It's like my face is on fire. It kind of feels like a hot flash. I have attempted many times to fix this problem: I've tried cutting out caffeine, exercising more regularly, eating healthily, drinking more water and self-hypnosis. Yet nothing has worked.

Yesterday I was at my local chemist and saw some tablets designed for hot flushes. I thought I could perhaps try them, but the label stated they were for menopausal women. I felt too embarrassed to ask the pharmacist if I could take them. Do you think I could try them even if I'm not going through menopause? I'm tempted to buy them because these severe blushing episodes and hot flushes are ruining everything for me.

08-22-2014, 05:13 AM
I'll try to point out some things, that helped me on my way for the past decade.

try to sleep between 22:00 - 2:00 and more of course
literally don't do anything one hour before going to bed, meditate maybe, or watch some light series, like True Blood or something sweet and not dramatic
eat more often, and eat smaller portions of food, feel free to eat 5-8 times a day, even before going to bed
drink most of the water in the morning, lesser in the afternoon, very little before going to bed
get Your heart checked out thoroughly, I mean everything, not only echo and ECG, but all the advanced stuff
get more Omega 3 into Your food, good for Your veins and heart, blushing on mechanical level is connected with Your veins and heart
try to involve rice oil. coconut oil, pumpkin seeds, cinnamon, flax, sesame, sunflower seeds, cocoa and poppy seeds. They contain everything needed for Your cardiovascular system. Like iron, magnesium, calcium, zinc, manganese and about 20 more
don't take supplements, they do more damage than good in 99% of cases, they are built that way

These should releive You of Your anxiety regardless what the cause, or the symtpoms are.

Take care!

08-22-2014, 07:39 AM
I just did some reading up on this, and it says you CAN get help for this through cognitive therapy. You can learn to overcome it. I think that would be a better long-term option for you than just taking those pills for menopausal women. It's a part of social anxiety which means it is treatable. Find yourself a good therapist and get started.

08-22-2014, 07:43 AM
Treatment for Blushing

When blushing is a symptom of SAD, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) directed at the underlying anxiety that maintains blushing is a good treatment option. Through CBT you will learn how to think, act and feel differently which in turn will have a positive impact on your problems with blushing. A complementary treatment option is medication to treat SAD.