View Full Version : I wish us all luck. No one should have to live like this.

06-15-2008, 07:56 AM
I'm 32 and for as long back as I can remember I've suffered from severe anxiety and panic attacks. No depression though which makes it even worse because all my desire to do things is still there I'm just afarid to do things then gat an attack. I have run the gammut of anti depression meds then finally the benzos, (Klonipin, Ativan and Xanax).

Kloinpin- Works o.k. but just not long enough.

Ativan- What a bunch of crap. Does nothing beneficial but has plenty of negative side-effects. Kind of dizzy or lightheaded and an upset stomach. Also, I feel groggy when I wake up even if my last dose was at 1-2pm (only 1mg.).

Xanax- This drug was designed for me. NO side-effects, works quickly and takes away ALL anxiety, stops panic attacks and I can actually function. Promlem is, I asked to get off for a while and when I called back my doc to get back on he had retired and since then NO ONE will even waste their breath talking about Xanax. I've only been on this site for a few days but it sure seams like nobody but myself has had problems getting put on it. I've spent more than my fair share of time talking to psycs with absolutely no help. No wonder people doctor-shop. It seams my doctor should be happy that I already did all of the footwork of finding out what does and doesn't work. All he would need to do is look over all my old doctors notes. If I had a choice of one million Xanax pills or a lobotomy to get rid of my anxiety, I'd walk into the doctors office with my own knife and offer to help with the procedure. As of now I am mentally drained. :cry: