View Full Version : Medication worsening my mental health?

08-21-2014, 06:29 PM
Hey y'all.

So, as I've mentioned earlier, I've been prescribed with sleeping pills and also anti-anxiety ones, mainly consisting of benzodiazepines. I'm not supposed to take the anti-anxiety pills everyday due to the risk of addiction. I only take them when I feel "jumpy" or extra nervous or when I feel an anxiety attack creeping up on me in a situation where I can't solve it in any other way than chemically.

The "normal" anxiety I live with is basically me feeling on the edge all the time; I'm overly sensitive, I'm agitated, very self-concious, and also have physical symptoms such as slight nausea, slight headache and slight feeling of faint. These symptoms and this anxiety is persistent; I just have to learn how to live with it, but sometimes it's too overwhelming and then I pop a benzo.

But I've noticed that the evenings (because it's specially at night I get extra anxious and panicky) when I take these pills, the bad feeling doesn't go away; yes, I don't feel as agitated or nervous or jumpy, but instead depressed - I can cry for hours at a time for no actual reason, I feel extremely depressed, sometimes suicidal, paranoid and like I'm on the edge of a cliff. I'm obviously going to bring this up to discussion at my next appointment with my psychiatrist, but my question is: Has any of you ever experienced this? That you take pills for anxiety, and the anxiety is then replaced by extreme (and I do mean EXTREME) sadness and feelings of emptiness and worthlessness?

08-21-2014, 07:08 PM
You should talk to doc, maybe it is not enough or good enough for you. Anna try the meditation, or some herbal teas, make a routine at night. I have my anxiety acting on evening too. In the morning i can control it ok but night is other story :)
Talk to your doctor, honestly; tell him/her everything:)

08-21-2014, 08:27 PM
^^^^ Dahila is right^^^^

She always is. She's kinda a genius, from the land of Poland. They're really smart

It's pretty typical that anxiety and depression flare up more at night

Your mind isn't very occupied with work, school, porn, etc.... During the night

Daytime. Life is fast and you are busy busy busy

Night time. Not so much so you have the time to focus on your fears

I just hate that you think about suicide. That is no bueno

That is something you need to take seriously and speak to someone about

We dig that you are here and wouldn't really like it if you checked out

Make sure you don't do something that is extreme over something that you will completely overcome but you just can't see it yet

You will be completely anxiety free sooner than you believe

Stay focused on the prize.

You can own this.