View Full Version : Going crazy again

08-21-2014, 03:36 AM
So I started thinking thoughts like what if im crazy an no one is telling me?
What if today's date is not today's date?
What if people think I'm psycho when I converse with them?
I've never had crazy weird thoughts like this
I can go on with crazy what if thoughts
Has this happened to anyone
Is this more than anxiety/panic disorder

08-21-2014, 03:45 AM
Another thing the past two weeks I've been forgetting everything even something I did 2 minutes ago not all the time but in certain situations like I put my ring in a place I would never put it before went crazy looking for it an went even crazier when I found wondering why I put it there! I've had a head twitch/shake for 3 weeks took tests doctor says it's just stress..... But that physical symptom hasn't gone away I want my old brain back :( I'm going crazy over the craziest things!

08-21-2014, 07:14 AM
Another thing the past two weeks I've been forgetting everything even something I did 2 minutes ago not all the time but in certain situations like I put my ring in a place I would never put it before went crazy looking for it an went even crazier when I found wondering why I put it there! I've had a head twitch/shake for 3 weeks took tests doctor says it's just stress..... But that physical symptom hasn't gone away I want my old brain back :( I'm going crazy over the craziest things!

By the law of attraction like attracts like. Your dominant thoughts as plainly seen in the above 2 posts - attract strongly, thoughts corroborating with them. No wonder the crazier you think, the crazier you get, period. You create your reality. Now, no one may ever tell you this again, so you better listen if you want to snap out of it.

Thoughts are neutral, they come and go, you hold onto or give validity only to those that match your intent and ideas about reality (read that bolded statement 100 times or it may take 1000 to sink in). In truth, many thoughts beneficial to you, that show you as "sane" go unnoticed. You simply choose to ignore them in lieu of those matching "craziness"

For example, the doctors beneficial diagnosis of stress has been dismissed, it simply cannot be believed given your current thoughts, you must be crazy. Thus you misplace items on purpose and act in ways to reinforce your dominant thoughts. Such a pattern if left to continue will become your reality, and I behoove you to watch your footing.

I do hope you understand this, calm yourself down a bit. This information may never come again. I have crossed paths with your reality this morning to edify you, there are no 'chance meetings' in the universe. Now I head off, just as quickly.

08-21-2014, 08:12 AM
So I started thinking thoughts like what if im crazy an no one is telling me?
What if today's date is not today's date?
What if people think I'm psycho when I converse with them?
I've never had crazy weird thoughts like this
I can go on with crazy what if thoughts
Has this happened to anyone
Is this more than anxiety/panic disorder

Hi Stephanie,

It sounds exactly like my thought pattern sometimes. I actually got a compliment because of it, because my doctor told me that it could be a burden to be to smart. I also saw that many people with anxiety have a high level of intelligence, so that is something to think about on the side ;)

Anyway, these thoughts are quite normal. "What if" thinking is a problem for every anxiety sufferer. We like to have control over everything that happens in our lives, and when we cannot get it, it can cause frustration and anger. You can even start thinking that your crazy or mad. But let me tell you that your not. If I had a penny for every time I thought What if, I would probably be the richest person in this universe ;) These thoughts subside when you start working on your self-esteem and when you can let go of things that aren't really that important.

Hope this helps a little.

08-21-2014, 08:21 AM
Hi Stephanie,

These thoughts subside when you start working on your self-esteem and when you can let go of things that aren't really that important.

Hope this helps a little.

Another words, make a decision.

Anxiety persists because of indecisiveness, and that is something you need to recognize too. Life changes occur by firm unwavering decisions where there is no retreat. Such a decision would progress in the face of temporary defeat or multiple physical symptoms. You want to beat this? Decide.

Stephanie is showing you the results of indecisiveness. Fear does not precede it, it follows it.

Indecision>doubt>worry>fear and so forth, attracting thoughts that reinforce the mental landscape. "What if today is not today"

Physical symptoms will subside as you move forward in your determination, steadfast, and expectations will naturally turn beneficial and positive.

This is for you kixxi. Decide.

08-21-2014, 08:28 AM
Another words, make a decision.

Anxiety persists because of indecisiveness, and that is something you need to recognize too. Life changes occur by firm unwavering decisions where there is no retreat. Such a decision would progress in the face of temporary defeat or multiple physical symptoms. You want to beat this? Decide.

Stephanie is showing you the results of indecisiveness. Fear does not precede it, it follows it.

Indecision>doubt>worry>fear and so forth, attracting thoughts that reinforce the mental landscape. "What if today is not today"

Physical symptoms will subside as you move forward in your determination, and expectations will naturally turn beneficial and positive.

This is for you kixxi

(Not trying to hijack stephanie's post here - so keeping it short)

Being here is being decisive, because you find help with people going through the same thing. Also every person is different, so people need to find what works for them.

Continue... :D

08-21-2014, 08:37 AM
(Not trying to hijack stephanie's post here - so keeping it short)

Being here is being decisive, because you find help with people going through the same thing. Also every person is different, so people need to find what works for them.

Continue... :D

You, need to decide. Do you want to get on with life, anxiety free, or mentally masturbate in it for a while, using your current thinking. All the while having flare ups and angry at yourself.

You can't play trickery with me, period.

Your soft tone is a mask for anger, your angry at you, for allowing this to happen. For the changes it has made, for the life you are limited to. Feel that, and we shall start on the road to a true decision.

Don't fool me, or yourself.

Open your ears in whatever thread it comes, wherever it comes from, whenever it comes, for it only comes once.

I will not respond again, for I'm talking to your false beliefs. I will wait for the real you, eventually.

Stephanie can use the lesson here, that only those beliefs that match the current state of mind will be acted upon, if you believe you are crazy, you are. Should I step in to say you are not, or a doctor, it simply is not accepted. Just as our friend kixxi has displayed even if it could change her life.

I am talking to both of you and now the lesson, and post is finished. Believe it or not, all you need for healing is in this thread, period.

08-21-2014, 08:58 AM
You, need to decide. Do you want to get on with life, anxiety free, or mentally masturbate in it for a while, using your current thinking. All the while having flare ups and angry at yourself.

You can't play trickery with me, period.

Your soft tone is a mask for anger, your angry at you, for allowing this to happen. For the changes it has made, for the life you are limited to. Feel that, and we shall start on the road to a true decision.

Don't fool me, or yourself.

Open your ears in whatever thread it comes, wherever it comes from, whenever it comes, for it only comes once.

I will not respond again, for I'm talking to your false beliefs. I will wait for the real you, eventually.

Stephanie can use the lesson here, that only those beliefs that match the current state of mind will be acted upon, if you believe you are crazy, you are. Should I step in to say you are not, or a doctor, it simply is not accepted. Just as our friend kixxi has displayed even if it could change her life.

Well, I'm just going to say one more thing and then I stop this pointless argument that you've created. No matter what you believe or don't believe, you still need to be respectful to other people. Not have a go at them for having issues and problems. People come here to get understood, not to be yelled at or judged. You are venting anger towards me, maybe because you beat your anxiety already and you want me to do it your way, or you want me to think as you do. But you forget to place yourself in another persons situation. In the end, there is only one opinion that matters to me and that is my own. If you want to have a go at me, do it personally and don't hijack another persons thread to do it in. Let me have my opinion and share my experiences with others, instead of stomping all over them with your own beliefs and convincing the world that only your opinion is the right one. Done now.

Also an apology to stephanie for hijacking her thread. As I said before, and again saying to Im-suffering in a very not annoyed type of way, in the end it is your own opinion that matters. People can share their experiences with you and you may even find something in them that you recognize. You could find that Im Suffering is completely right and that it works for you. Or you could find someone else's reply more applicable to your situation. Either way, ignore the agro in the previous replies. It is so not worth it. Think about you and getting better :)

08-21-2014, 09:23 AM
Stephanie, when anxiety is not "managed", it can get pretty bad. I would feel like I was "going crazy" if I didn't take the medication. In fact, before I took medication, I did feel that way! I don't take a lot...just the least amount to take the anxiety down a notch. I take 5mg Lexapro per day and 10 mg of Buspar (which I divide up into 3 doses). I did go off those small amounts of medication earlier this year.. NOT GOOD!!! But I would be right where you are if I didn't take it.

08-21-2014, 09:40 AM
So I started thinking thoughts like what if im crazy an no one is telling me?
What if today's date is not today's date?
What if people think I'm psycho when I converse with them?
I've never had crazy weird thoughts like this
I can go on with crazy what if thoughts
Has this happened to anyone
Is this more than anxiety/panic disorder

This is nothing more than panic and anxiety

A classic case actually.

I knew this guy. Let's call him "Nixon" so not to embarrass anyone.

He did the "what if" thing like a champ. Once he over am one "what if" debacle that lasted for days or weeks, he would find another to replace it.

It isn't what the "what if" question is but the fact that your anxiety level is high enough that it starts taking control.

To relieve the worry, you need to focus on the big picture, which is an anxiety disorder.

In other words, you need to address your thought process and how you choose to react to those thoughts

A bunch of people I have come across here have great heart attack fears.

Once they go through all the tests and 5 visits to the ER, they finally get reassured enough to stop fearing a heart attack.

And that is great! But a week later they think they have cancer.

It isn't what they fear, anxiety will keep replacing it with something that you will fear. That is what it does.

You need to do as much else research as you can to understand what anxiety is and how it has people react.

Once you understand it, you can focus on changing that mind and body connection to those thoughts.

Believe it or not, you will be able to think about things that scare the hell out of you now with no reaction

If you become trained to think of fear during certain times, it can be just easy to train yourself not to be fearful

It's really simple yet I understand how hard it can be to get to that point.

But you will.

Then you will be good as new.