View Full Version : New One Here

12-03-2005, 08:29 PM
Hello everyone. I'm Vicky. I have never been diagnosed with anxiety, but I think I have it. I've said I have anxiety in the past, but today I was talking to my husband and he was saying how I really need to fight it because it is effecting my potential.

About me: I am almost 18 and have been married for two years and am 5 months pregnant. This is my first child.

I graduated highschool(homeschooled and quickly finished ...i did attend public school before though) a few weeks after I turned 16. For other reasons, I didn't enroll in college till a year later. When I did enroll, I found myself very stressed and anxious. I led my classes and had all As. A few weeks before finals, I quit. I then took one class the following semester. This coming semester I am not taking any because the anxiety is to much for me. I had my first panic attack in math class and immediately went to the doctor thinking I was having a heart attack. I couldn't barely drive home. I cried. I cried. My heart hurt (it still does when I get anxiety) and I had palpitations.

I get extreme stress, plus I 'm pregnant and worried about everything under the sun from my health, the babies, to finances.

I'm scared to do anything and fail. I am scared to talk to people on the phone (only the phone though). I hate the public transit. I hate being in the crowded mall. I'm originally from Houston and the area, but I never had these feelings about being in the city till I moved to Toronto. I guess its all the high rise apartment buildings. I feel like a rat in overcrowded cage or a chicken in a factory farm coup.

Anyway, I hope i haven't said too much. lol

I've also had depression all my life and am an emotional over eater (I'm obese too.) I live in another country from my family. The self-help I was doing to get over being sexual abused (not that bad really) and emotionally abused (again not as bad as others) worked really well..and I felt better. Also my husband is the best support. Thank God. I guess my problem in that area is I work at it and I think its gone so I stop journaling, stop writing, stop reading the inspiration, and then slowly the depression creeps back.

Okay...this is enough. I'm going to browse around. If anyone has some good books to recommend, please let me know. I also do not like medication, but natural things I'm ok with.

12-04-2005, 07:44 AM
Hello and Welcome LittlePeaches. I'm very glad you found this forum. It sounds like you have an awful lot on your plate right now. Wow. I'm sure you've found the right place. Everyone here is very caring and supportive. You never have to worry about saying how you are feeling or what you are thinking. I'm sure at one point or another someone else here has felt or thought it too. :)

If you look in the resources thread you might find some links and suggestions on where to go and what to read. Hope to see you around more in the future and I look forward to getting to know you.

Cath :)